Twice in a lifetime

Chapter 5

"A happy ending"

The morning was starting and the snow was slowly coming down. It was cold. Susanna opened her eyes; she was alone in the room. She took her crutches and left the room…

Mrs. Marlowe arrived and saw that the bed was empty and she assumed that they had taken her daughter to do some tests. So she waited. She fell asleep waiting…

Terry, who has spent the night at the hospital with Candy in the waiting room, arrived in the room and found it also empty. Candy was behind him.

- Mrs. Marlowe? Where is Susanna?

- They took her for some tests

- I checked with the nurse, said Candy, no tests were schedule for Susanna until later this afternoon

- What? But where is she? Oh my God! My baby!

Clarence arrived with coffee for everybody.

- What's going on? He asked

- Susanna is missing…

- What? Said Clarence, oh no! She didn't!

- What?

- Let's go on the roof…

- The roof? Said Mrs. Marlowe, how would she get to the roof with one leg…?

- She got out of the room without any help, believe, she can climb the stairs, said Clarence, let's go…!

The doctors and the nurses were called and everybody was up on the roof… Terry approached Clarence…

- Do I want to ask you how did you know this?

- No, you don't…

- I thought so… tell me are we going to save her?

- It depends on what we're going to tell her…

The snow was still falling, but it wasn't very cold…

- Susanna, said Candy, Susanna please don't do this…

- Leave me alone! You've got the man I love…

- I love him too…

- Why won't you leave him to me then?

- Because he loves me, not you… Susanna, please think about your mother… she's going to be sad

- No, she won't she doesn't care about me… she thinks I'm worthless now that I lost my leg…

- Susanna, you're a very talented actress said Terry, please don't jump

- Why won't you love me…?

- You know that the heart is the only muscle our mind can't control… it's the same thin with love… I can't command my feelings… that's the truth… you don't want me to lie to you do you…

- I just want to die…

Gregory arrived on the roof too.

- Susanna, think about the children, they look up to you… some of them say they want to be actors if they survive their cancer… you were good with them, don't show them the cowardly way out, you have to fight…

- But Terry…

- I'm sorry Mr. Grandchester doesn't share your feeling, but if everybody killed themselves because of love that wasn't share, there won't be many people in this world… you're very beautiful and talented, any man would be honoured to date you

- Really who? You?

- As a matter of fact yes, I'd like to date you… if you don't kill yourself

- You're just saying that…

- No… I think you're fascinating, don't be discourage, life is full of surprises…

- My mother said I would never find a man to love me…

- You're mother is wrong… everybody deserves to be loved…Life can be beautiful… if you jump… the children are all going to give up fighting…

- The children…

- The theatre also needs you, Mr. Hathaway is ready to take you back as soon as you'll be able to be on stage…, Said Terry

Mrs. Marlowe was ashamed. She had discouraged her daughter, when others were encouraging her… she had pushed her to almost commit suicide…

Jones appeared to Clarence.

- How is it going?

- It's amazing everybody is talking to her; Candy and Terry are sticking together… that's awesome… I hope they manage to convince her…

- We have to go…

- What? Not yet…

- I'm sorry, I don't make the rules, your time is up…

- Wait! Said Clarence, Jones!

Clarence wanted to follow Jones and he found himself presents in his arms, coming into a house. Children greeting him.

- Daddy! Said the boy

- You've got presents for us? Said the girl

- Yes, but no peeking until Christmas! Said Terry who was still stunned

Candy arrived and hugged him and kissed him. She was so pretty and she looked tired.

- Honey, are you ok? You look tired…

- I'm good… don't worry, thanks to you! My better half!

- No, you're my better half! I'm going to go freshen up; you wait for me in the living room…

Terry went to the washroom and he looked at himself in the mirror.

Jones appeared next to his reflection in the glass

- Jones! What happened? Did we save Susanna?

- Yes, you did, she married Gregory and she's very happy…

- It's starting to come back to me…

- You saved Candy from leukemia…

- Yes, I remember that …I was so relieved to be a match for her…

- You're still acting, but you spend a lot of time with your children… You've got a brand new life…

- So that's it, I get to live this life; I don't go back up there with you?

- You saved yourself, Candy and Susanna… you get your second chance

- Thank you…

- You won't remember your first life, only this one… and you won't remember me either…

- Oh…thank you for everything. Thank you God. I'm going to miss you, said Terry moved…

- You won't remember…

- I'll still miss you…

- Bye Terry, I hope to see you up there in a lot of decades… Good luck

Jones disappeared and Terry forgot all about him. He went to the living room to be with his beloved and his children. The Christmas tree had a lot of presents under it…

They spent the holidays with their family and friends, since Candy had been sick, everybody made the trip to come and see her. Susanna came with Gregory and their children…

Life is about decision you make…that's your life…You can go on the wrong path and get lost or on the right path and be blessed. God has a wonderful plan for each and every one of us. We were all meant to be happy, not unhappy; we just have to find our way and what God had planned for us from the moment we were conceived in our mother's womb.

Terry, Candy and Susanna were given a second chance and they lived it to the fullest…

Jones went back up there to help other people with their live sentence.