Author's Notes: Happy Holidays everyone! This is my first Ben 10 fanfiction though I've written other fanfiction before. Hopefully, this wasn't too bad. I'm still getting the hang of writing with the characters. On to business, I've decided to take the 100 Theme Challenge. I'll post a list of the 100 Themes on my profile if you want to go check it out and try to update periodically. And what better way to start than a holiday-themed one. I hope you enjoy this. Expect a lot of Gwevin as well as Kevin angst from me in this and future chapters.
Disclaimer: I don't own Ben 10, never will. I also don't own the quote at the beginning.
"Can I get a picture of you so that I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?"
66. Traps
Ben sighed. He was so tired of Gwen and Kevin's constant flirting. They did it all the time even when he was there. Times like that were when he wanted to scream at them, tell them to just get together and save everyone the trouble. Yes, it could be sweet at times, but most of the time it just made him sick. They obviously liked each other, so why didn't they just get together? But no, things didn't work that way. The two continued their game, not making any moves to advance into an actual relationship.
Gwen had tried once, Ben recalled. And Kevin had moved away, not wishing to be pushed to ask Gwen out. Why Kevin had done it? Ben didn't know. Maybe it was because Kevin wanted to be the one to ask; maybe he had some other stupid reason. Frankly, it didn't matter much. But he did know one thing. If the two of them didn't get together before Christmas, tomorrow in other words, Ben would explode.
Which was why he had devised the most perfect of all plans. Ben grinned like a small child that had discovered a stash of candy. Oh yes, this would work. No doubt about it. Ben finished setting up his scheme and stepped back to view his handiwork. In one hand, he clutched a thin string. Once pulled, the plan would commence. He had to admit that it was brilliant, probably one of his best plots ever. And it would work, of that Ben was sure. If it didn't… Ben didn't want to think about it.
Hearing the sounds of Kevin's Camaro pulling up to the driveway of Gwen's house, Ben quickly rushed to hide, the grin still on his face. Oh, this would be excellent and the best Christmas either of them could've wished for.
Let the game begin…
Kevin sat in his green Camaro, fingers tapping the steering wheel nervously. He had been to Gwen's house before, but never for an extended amount of time (except for the incident with Verdona) and never, ever for a holiday. It wasn't too late to back out and drive back to his lonely apartment, but the thought of Gwen being disappointed that he hadn't come crushed that plan.
Finally, Kevin walked out of his car and up the path towards Gwen's house. Each crunching step was agonizingly long, but he was at the door way too soon. He couldn't stand around for too long as it was too cold and the increasing speed of the wind didn't appeal to him. Best to get things over with and hope Gwen answered the door. Not giving himself any time to pause, Kevin knocked once on the door.
He only had to wait a little bit before the door was open and Gwen was in front of him. A smile of relief that Gwen had answered the door instead of her one of her parents spread across his face. Instead of the awkward silence he would've faced with either of them, he got a chance to talk to Gwen, hopefully with no interruptions from her relatives.
"Kevin!" Gwen exclaimed, happiness lighting her face up.
"Hey Gwen," Kevin said casually as he wiped his shoes on the doormat to get rid of the remaining snow.
"I'm glad you made it." Gwen smiled at him, causing a surge of delight to flow through Kevin. He was definitely glad that he had come.
"Yeah, what would life be without me?" Kevin replied with a small smirk. Now that he was here, he might as well have his fun, joking around and being his regular self until her parents got here.
"A lot simpler," Gwen retorted. And yet, life without Kevin would be a lot worse, her mind echoed.
"And you'd be bored out of your mind." Kevin shot back, smirking and stepping back to avoid Gwen's hand as she reached to give the ex-criminal a shove.
"You could say that." How could she deny it? Life wouldn't be as interesting without Kevin to make her furious without breaking a sweat, to spend time with him was always so pleasant.
Before Kevin could reply, Gwen let out a small gasp. "Kevin…" Her voice was choked with slight embarrassment and a blush was spreading like wild fire over her cheeks.
"What's wrong?" Kevin asked, concern flickering over his face before being replaced with a light blush as he looked up to where Gwen's gaze was fixed.
For above their heads was a sprig of mistletoe. The plant looked harmless enough, some green leaves and white berries, but of course, it had its important traditions at the time of Christmas, making it dangerous to some folk. And a blessing to others. What was it to the two teenagers?
The blush went as quickly as it had appeared for Kevin and a self-satisfied smirk covered his face. "Well, we can't break traditions, can we?" Kevin asked in his regular voice though his eyes betrayed his nervousness, fear, and excitement.
"No…" Gwen murmured. Her eyes were still fastened on the mistletoe. "I guess we can't…" Her voice trembled slightly as her gaze left the hanging trap and fastened itself on Kevin's face. She had wanted to do this for so long, but as the moment encroached, she felt herself go inert.
Kevin's dark brown, almost black eyes, were smoldering and she felt herself caught in their depths. So fascinating… So alluring, was that the right word? She didn't know, didn't care. Were those orbs getting closer?
Kevin had taken a few steps towards Gwen. His face was so close to hers and he could smell her intoxicating breath as she watched his movements in a quiet daze. One of his hands lifted to cradle her chin. Gwen snapped out of the daze she had been caught in and moved her face closer to Kevin's, quickly closing the gap that existed between their lips.
The kiss was passionate as the two of them finally managed to get out their emotions for each other. Kevin's arms had snaked around Gwen's waist to pull her warm body closer to his. Gwen's arms were around his neck, holding tightly. Tongues met, greeted, danced. The icy wind blowing from the outside world into Kevin's back didn't even matter anymore. He wasn't aware of the outside world. Finally, when the need for air outweighed their passionate wants, the two pulled away from each other.
Both were panting slightly, foreheads pressing against each other. As breath was restored to their lungs and the rosy tinge on their faces started to recede, they leaned in to kiss again. But that kiss never connected as a voice broke the silence that had hung over the air.
"Finally! It took you long enough. You can say thanks to me." The voice was boasting. Kevin pulled away from Gwen, scowling at the source of the voice. Ben, just like him to ruin the moment.
Ben, noticing the glower on Kevin's face and the small frown on Gwen's, quieted down. He glanced between the two faces with a nervous smile. "Hey, without me, you two would never have kissed. You can't hurt me for that." Ben smiled, trying to get away from the fact he had interrupted another kiss.
Kevin's scowl smoothed out a bit as he glanced upwards at the mistletoe. A thin string was tied around it and now that Kevin looked closer he could see the string extended all the way to Ben's fist. "So you placed it there, so we would kiss?" Ben nodded, still wearing that proud grin. "And then you decide to interrupt us?" The grin fell a bit.
"Kevin… Let it go." Gwen's voice broke the mood of a brewing fight. Kevin sighed, but didn't say anything else.
Ben stuck his tongue out at Kevin. Things had gone pretty well. He had managed to get the two of them together; he wasn't being hurt for having interrupted the two of them. Ben Tennyson was definitely proud of how his scheme had played out. Now all that this day needed was a smoothie and then some Christmas pudding and all would be fine.
Gwen, having caught sight of Ben, added, "Don't think that means you're off the hook for interrupting us." She smiled devilishly, Kevin smiling with her.
Ben's face fell and he ran a nervous hand through his brown hair. "Hey, come on… Don't be like that. Come on. I got you together, be grateful… You can always go make-out somewhere else. Somewhere that might be a little more private because the rest of us really would rather not watch." Ben found himself taking careful steps backwards as Gwen and Kevin approached him. He really didn't like the looks on their faces.
A/N: Poor Ben, doing a good deed and getting in trouble. Well, I guess he's learned his lesson not to interrupt his cousin and Kevin when they're kissing. I don't know how often I'll be writing, but I'll try to write soon. Please review. I'll gladly take any advice anyone can offer me and it's always nice to read what you thought of the piece.
Twilight Phantom Dragon