A/N: Hey everyone! This fic. is my first romantic story! It's also my first in the FFVII universe, so I ask only this simple thing of you. Please be constructive in your reviews. I would love feedback from you, the readers be it good or bad or suggestions for improvement. I welcome ALL reviews.

The inspiration for this fic just popped into my head. It's purely romance with no action in it....but don't let that stop you guys from reading!!!

Chapter 1

Tifa Lockheart hummed merrily to herself as she flipped the pancake over on the pan. The smell of butter and vanilla filled the pantry during the early hours of the morning, as Tifa prepared breakfast for her ravenous 'family. Leaving the pancake simmering in the pan she walked up to the small stairway that led to their rooms and yelled.

"Marlene! You better hurry up Daddy will be here soon and you know he doesn't like being held up"

A squeal of delight followed these words, and Tifa couldn't help but smile to herself before continuing.

"You too Denzel, Marlene is not the only one going on this trip!"

"Be….down….in….a ….sec!"

Tifa smiled to herself, before quickly returning to the pancakes.

It had been over fortnight since Kadaj and his brothers had terrorized Edge in their search for Jenova's head, and ever since the terrifying attacks by Bahumut Sin the town had returned to normal after some massive construction efforts by the WRO. The same however could not be said about Seventh Heaven and it's occupants.

Nope thought Tifa to herself Things are better than ever before.

Ever since Cloud's victory over Sephiroth his attitude and behaviour had changed over the past fortnight. He was smiling more often and paying attention to what he had now instead of what he had lost. The changes had been gradual, but Tifa did not miss a single detail. It had started when he began answering his phone whenever he was on his deliveries (something he had neglected to do when he had his Geostigma), and then he began to get more involved in the day-to-day house activities of their household, be it helping the children with their homework or helping her out in the bar when there was a full night, he had definitely made himself more available around their home. Then one day, he had surprised Tifa when he called her and said that he was taking a day off to spend time with the family.
The kids responded to Cloud's changed attitude with zest and they couldn't make themselves more vocal when he entered through the garage door after a long day of deliveries. The home that Tifa had struggled to build was now coming alive with the domestic chivalry that she had longed for ever since she set up house with Cloud and Marlene.

She heard heavy footsteps on the stairway and smiled for she immediately knew who was coming.

"Morning Tifa" came the familiar voice of Cloud Strife, he had made it a habit to greet her like this every morning, a habit she was glad he acquired.

"Morning Cloud" she said brightly, she tossed the pancake on to a nearby plate before grabbing the batter.

A pause followed their casual greetings, as Tifa concentrated on pouring out some batter onto the frying pan. When she looked up Cloud was staring at her with his bright blue eyes, he was wearing a dark purple sleeveless shirt with dark pants to match, Tifa noticed that he was wearing his shoulder guard and smiled teasingly.

"Are you going on a delivery?" she asked "Or monster hunting?"

Cloud smiled and rubbed the back of his head, as his cheeks turned red.

"Well you never know" he said "You can always meet monsters on the road..."

"I was just teasing Cloud" said Tifa with a small laugh.

Silence fell between the two friends, but it wasn't the awkward tension that once hung unpleasantly in the air like a stale stench, on the contrary it was a rather pleasant silence which Tifa enjoyed immensel. She noticed Cloud's eyes wander onto the huge pile of pancakes that sat on a plate and he smirked.

"Tifa, Marlene and Denzel are children" he said "Not a pair of wolves"

Tifa laughed, fully appreciating Cloud's joke, the swordsmen himself gave a small smile, pleased at seeing his friend laugh.

"Well, I have you to feed now don't I?" she said "And Barret"

Cloud murmured in agreement as he grabbed a plate from the counter and piled a few pancakes on it.

"When's he coming?" he asked as he shoved half a pancake into his mouth.

"At nine" she said, watching Cloud eat "You really shouldn't do that you know?"

"Do what?" he asked, and a smirk crept back onto his face "This?"

And he shoved the entire pancake into his mouth.

"Cloud!" said Tifa laughing.

"What?" came the muffled reply.

"You're an idiot"


"But in a good way"

Cloud shrugged "I'll guess I'll have to take that…is Barret really taking the kids to Golden Saucer?"


"All by himself?"

"Nope, Elmyra is going with him "

"At least he'll have company in his week of torture" murmured Cloud, as he grabbed another pancake and began eating it.

Tifa reached over the counter and lightly cuffed Cloud on the head, though she was smiling "Hey!"

"The kids aren't that bad" she said.

"They will be when they get to Golden Saucer" said Cloud.

Tifa couldn't help but agree with him though she didn't say anything. Just then she heard the scuffle of two pairs of feet, and she mentally braced herself for what was about to happen.

"TIFA!!!! CLOUD!!!" came the loud, high-pitched cry "Is daddy here yet?"

"Not yet Marlene" said Tifa, as the kids ran in, fully dressed for the day and hopped onto the chairs at the counter. "He'll be here soon enough though" she added glancing at the clock on the wall.

"I've never been to Golden Saucer before" said Denzel, as he looked up at Cloud "Is it fun Cloud? Is it exciting?"

"It's nice Denzel" said Cloud, whose quiet voice contrasted heavily with the children's loud, excited tones "I think you'll have a great time"

Denzel beamed at his reply.

"Daddy told me all about it Denzel!" piped up Marlene "It's so cool! They have this place called…"

The kids continued to talk in loud and excited voices over their trip, neither Tifa nor Cloud had the heart to tell them to clam down because they both knew how important this trip was to them. Denzel until two weeks ago was plagued with Geostigma, and even though he was cured, he would still wake up in the middle of the night sweating and panting in fear as he remembered all too vividly the pain and suffering associated with the incurable sickness. Both Tifa and Cloud knew only a trip to a place as exciting and vibrant as Golden Saucer would cure the children of their fears.

"Well I'm off" said Cloud abruptly, as he got up after finishing his fifth pancake "I'll see you later Tifa" he said, smiling quietly.

Tifa smiled back though she couldn't help but notice that his smile was different, there was a quite intensity in his eyes as if he was trying to tell her something. Tifa also noticed a look of yearning on his face, and she grew concerned.

"Cloud?" she asked uncertainly.

"Nothing" said Cloud , the look in his eyes vanished and his casual, indifferent look returned "I'll be back around…nine?"

Tifa nodded, still watching Cloud with concern.

"Are you leaving Cloud?" asked Marlene, looking up.

"Yeah I'll see you guys later" he said, smiling down at both of them "Have a great time you two"

"We will!" they cried in unison as Cloud made his way to the garage door. He turned back to wave at them all; Tifa along with the children returned the wave with enthusiasm.

Tifa could barely hear Cloud start Fenrir and drive out of the garage amidst the din the children were making. Indeed she couldn't hear her own PHS beeping, and would have surely missed the message that came if she didn't keep the phone in her pocket. It vibrated to life and she took it out puzzled as to who it could be.

Hey babe

Tifa smiled knowing who it was. She quickly glanced at the children who were still babbling about Golden Saucer, before quietly walking out of the kitchen and onto the stairway.

Where were you last night? She typed back.

She waited for the reply, for what seemed like about five minutes she listened to the children in the kitchen. Then her phone beeped to life.


She frowned. That was an awfully short reply for someone who took a long time to type it. She typed her reply

Doing what?

Another five minutes…

Work. I wanna see you tonight

She smiled and typed

No, Cloud will be coming home and I haven't told him about us

So? Tell him tonight while I'm there

A light frown creased her features as she replied.

He has no clue. I want to tell him alone

Come on babe, I haven't seen you in ages!!

She couldn't help smile at these words, the man she was texting did have a point, the reconstruction of Edge had eaten into the time they could have spent together, moreover Tifa had yet to tell Cloud about her secret relationship, which meant her man had to avoid the bar whenever Cloud was around.

Then why didn't you come over last night? Cloud was in Wutai. You should have been here.

I told you I was busy. There's something important I need to ask of you. Please!!!! I'll leave before Cloud comes back.

Tifa contemplated the situation. She did want to see her boyfriend, it had been two weeks since she last did, plus she was curious about what he wanted to ask her.


See you tonight baby, and I promise you won't regret it.

Tifa smiled at those words. She certainly hoped that was the case.

See you tonight. Bye Reno.

A/N: Well what do you think? I hope it wasn't too fast paced. Please review and let me know what you think. Thanks!