Epilouge up! It's short but... Anyway thanks to Aslan'sWhiteWitch(x2), cherrysaki-chan(x2), animegurl1298, itachimeri1989(x2), zenbon zakura (x2), anissa(x2), midnightblue123, Natsumi Niikyo, Ski Uzumaki, bubbledreamer, NIKI, and RedWolf210 for reviewing the last two chaps. (x2) means thanking you twice. I'm kinda sad that my first fanfic is over but I'm glad people enjoyed it and that I'm out there as an author now so here it is the final chapter of Warrior of the Cherry Blossom!

Chapter 13 Epilouge

Sakura opened her eyes to immediaetly see three pairs of onyx clashing with them.

"You're awake," Sasuke said with a small smile.

She felt the tears well up inside her and she threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I tried to stay awake but my chakra was just... It doesn't matter, I'm just," she sniffed, "I am so sorry!"

He laughed lightly and held her closer, "What for?"

"For not telling you!"

"Oh... About Itachi and Coral?"

"Hai... I didn't know I was pregnant. I should've..."

"Shh... It's okay," Sasuke lulled her.

"What are you going to do?" she finally asked.

"Take you back to the Leaf."

"Are you... coming back?"

"I'm already back. When I heard you were married, I had to come. Then the attack started and Tsunade sent me. The others are staying at the Leak village.

Sasuke took Itachi and Coral into his arms and looked at them softly, "So I'm a dad."

Sakura nodded and Sasuke kissed her forehead saying, "Thank you..."

"You said that once before and once again I don't know why you're thanking me."

Sasuke smirked, "You're going to have to figure that out yourself... if it's not obvious..."

"Wha?" She was confused, "Sasuke. Sasuke tell me!"


"No! Don't go back to mute! Tell me!"

"Let's go home..."

"Sasuke!" she whined.


"Teme! Sakura! You're back!" Naruto ran over to them.

"Hn, Loser."

"Grr... Teme!"

Itachi slapped Naruto across the cheek and Sasuke smirked at him.

Naruto pointed accusingly at the boy, "Little Teme!"

"Baka! Don't call my son a teme!"

"Ow! Sorry Sakura..."

"Welcome back."

"Thank you, Hinata."


Eleven years later...

"I am Hokage, Hokage, Hokage, Hokage..."

"Naruto, you're children are back!"

"Did you pass?"

Naruto's smaller version grinned at him, "Of coarse! Itachi-teme didn't think I'd be able to do it but I did!"

Naruto laughed, "You'll show Little Teme up!"

Hinata smiled at the scene of her husband and her son happily eating ramen and looked at her daughter with her headband in the same position that Hinata had hers.


"Dad! Grandpa Guy-sensei! I passed!"

"Ha! Told you Neji!"

"Yuki and Yuri passed too!" Tenten smiled.


"Mia! Door!"

"Okay dad I'll get it."

"Oh, hi Choji."


"Hey, Shikamaru. Rito and Rina passed."

"So did Cloud, the graduation exam's a drag anyway..."


"Hi Julie."

"Hi Kuranai, I passed the exam."

"That's great! Riku you haven't told us if you passed yet."


"Did you pass?"

"Pass what?"

"The exam."

"There was an exam today?"

"Please tell me you took it!"


"Wait, Riku... you're weaing a headband."

"Oh yeah... Mom I passed the final exam today."

'We have one weird kid...'


"Ewwww... Mom and dad are kissing again."

Coral poked her head through the door.

"Shhh... Itachi! It's sweet."

"Looks like we have an audience," Sakura giggled.

"Aa... Itachi, Coral, did you pass?"

"It was simple."

'He is too much like Sasuke'

Me: Thought I would end it with that little thing
Naruto: You mean its over!
Me: Yeah
Naruto: Awww... I wanted to see more of mini me
Me: I've started another one where the kids are in it more but I haven't settled on a title yet. It might be called Thy One Thousand Words. I felt I should finish this story. The other isn't a sequel but I will be using the same kids names

Should I give you guys a preview?
