Madelineex3—I love that you loved it. I'm sorry that the story is over, but there will be a sequel, which I'm starting to get enough information to start writing it. I'm glad that the storm passed over. Yeah, Colorado has got to be a huge change!! It's humid down there, and it's pathetically not here. The altitude has got to have gotten to them too. Wow.

Kris—I'm glad that you like it. I'm really proud of the ending too! Of course the sequel shall come.

Johanna—I have to admit, you always make me laugh. =D Woohoo! I can't believe that it was really that good. Thank you so much!!!! (exclamation points excite me ;)

Sabre-- *bows* Thank you. Thank you. You've pretty much followed this story since the beginning, and I'm glad that you're satisfied with the result. I will write a sequel, don't worry. I'm gonna miss hearing your reviews, and I think that that is one of my favorite compliments that I've gotten.

Fairy Skull—Yeah I know =( I'm glad that you liked it. Well, don't hold your breath; I like your reviews ;)

SurferGirl711—Well, they might get together. I'm not gonna say ;) But there will be a sequel.

Hannah—There will be a sequel. I can't just end the entire story like that! Are you crazy? I'm glad that you loved it, and I will always keep up writing, so keep on reading.

Undermyumbrella—I'm so glad that you loved it. There will definitely be a sequel.

Kmcracerx—Yeah, even I am sad to see it end. I'm glad that I ended it well, and well, you'll just have to read the sequel to find out what happens to them. It'll probably be more than one-shots, but I can't guarantee a third one, but maybe one-shots after the sequel.

Mandya1313—Thank you.

Okay, well, I lied. I decided to do one more chapter, but I have to make credits so that everyone knows what every character looks like. These are all actual people, FYI. =D Enjoy.

Alex Gordon……………….....Evangeline Lilly

Jim Gordon……………….......Gary Oldman

Batman/Bruce Wayne…….Christian Bale

Martin Fitzgerald…………....Dylan Bruno

Harry………………………........Sean Bean

Wilson…………………….........Eddie Cahill

Johnson……………………......Danny Pino

Harvey Dent……………….....Aaron Eckhart

Alfred Pennyworth……......Michael Caine

Rachel Dawes……………..Maggie Gyllenhaal

Ramirez……………………Monique Gabriela Curnen

Stevens…………………….Keith Szarabajka

Barbara Gordon……………Melinda McGraw

Jimmy Gordon……………..Nathan Gamble

The Joker…………………..Heath Ledger

Mayor Garcia………………Nestor Carbonell

Lau………………………….Chin Han

Commissioner Loeb......……Colin McFarlane

Ra's Al Ghul………………..Liam Neeson

Jenny Gordon……………….Lauren Holly

I know that there are a lot more characters, but there really wasn't anyone else that you should really know about. Tell me what you think.

*****I need titles for the sequel!!!! Please give suggestions*******

No clicky of the button needed, unless you have title suggestions, wanna give me your email so we can chat, or have any issues with the cast. =) Talk to you in the sequel.