




Dear Diary,

Sesshomaru and I have been in the 'courting' process for a little over six months now. We're planning to travel to the States! Finally my step-father, with Sesshomaru's father, have reached an agreement with Japan's government to allow youkai the freedom to remove the suppression bonds from them. That's just a step to complete freedom. We're so excited, Sesshomaru's bonds are getting removed today! He will finally be able to use his abilities at will. He says it'll be like finally stretching long cramped muscles.

Well, Sesshomaru's father says that he'll travel to the States with us as well. He said he's been communicating with a pen-pal from there, sais her name's Izayoi. My family, specially my mother, have been insisting in moving back to the States as soon as possible ever since she found out she was pregnant! Yes, diary, I will soon be a sister to a little boy!

It's time for me to go, Sesshomaru's appointment for the bonds removal is in a few, and he's waiting for me. I hope we can both finally start our new life together in the States, where I know we'd be happy.

