Since it was Christmas I decided that I should do a Christmas oneshot so here it is. It is a Zekepay. Merry Christmas to you all have a great Christmas.

It is Christmas Eve and Sharpay Evans was home from college for Christmas and was really excited because she was going to see her boyfriend Zeke Baylor. Sharpay was going to an acting college in New York while Zeke was going to UCLA.

The door bell rings.

"I'll get it." Sharpay yells and then runs to the door.

"Zeke." Sharpay yells when she opens the door.

"Huh." The person says.

"Hey Shar." Gabi says.

"Hey Gabi, Hey Troy." Sharpay says glumly and shuts the door. "Chad and Taylor are in the living room."

"Okay." Troy says.

"Let me see your ring." Sharpay hears Taylor say. Troy had recently asked Gabriella to marry him.

The door bell rings again. Sharpay whips around to answer the door and it's Brooke, Ryan's girlfriend.

"Ryan, Brooke's here." Sharpay yells up the stairs.

Sharpay walks back into the living room to her friends.

"Shar, Zeke called and said he's going to be a while he got held up at his house." Troy says.

"Ugh." Shar says.

The door bell rings yet again.

"Kelsi, Jason come on in." Sharpay says opening the door.

"Hey Shar." Kelsi says.

"Hi." Shar says.

"Everyone's in the living room." Shar says.

"Well I guess we might as well start gifts since Zeke isn't going to be here for a while." Sharpay says.

"Who said I wasn't going to be here for a while." Zeke says.

Sharpay whips around and runs over and hugs him and kisses him.

They have been opening presents for a while and then Zeke gets down on one knee in front of Sharpay and says, "Sharpay you are the love of my life, Will you do the honor of becoming my wife. Will you marry me?"

"Yes." Sharpay says with tears running down her face.

Zeke slips the ring on her finger and then kisses her.

"Merry Christmas Shar." Zeke says.

"Merry Christmas Zeke." Shar says.

"Awwww." All the girls say and then Taylor hits Chad.

"What was that for?" Chad asks.

"Figure it out." Taylor says and everyone laughs.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.