Flirting with the enemy

Chapter one:

Lunch break

A/N: I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing….xP

I'm just going with the flow!

I'm still not completely sure how I got here…trapped in the deep abyss of Akatsuki (some kind of mob group…I'm not sure) hell that is…tied to three people…whom I'm sure would love to slit my throat right now. It's all kind of a blur now...but I'll try to explain myself even though I'm sure it won't help me a bit.

It all started when I left my job to go on my lunch break…

(Earlier that day…)

"Would this make my butt look big? Be honest now!" A woman of about thirty asked as I handed her a pair of…skinny jeans (please don't ask). I hated it when people asked me about their appearances even though they clearly knew the answer.

I am required to tell them the truth even though I desperately wanted to lie at the particular moment. I nodded. "Uh, yes? It would…but in a good way."

Her eyes widened. Oh, God…I had done it now!

"Give me three pairs!"

I sighed and nodded. Whew! Taking the skinny jeans from her, I went to the rack where I had got them and got three more. She was smiling at me as I was ringing them up. "Happy Holidays!"

She left…thank goodness.

I looked at my watch. When was TenTen going to get back? Her lunch break was over…and I was starving. I sighed. Of course she was going to clock in late…she always did. I don't think being a sales associate really suited her…maybe she could get a job at Ino's shop? Watering the flowers…yeah she could do that.

As I was musing, I heard TenTen bust in the door shop. "Am I late, Hinata?!" She asked frantically. Her hair was wet from the snow that had melted on her head, and it looked like her scarf was choking her.

She was one minute from being late. "Hurry up and clock in so I can leave!" I called to her as she rushed to the back of the store to clock in. "And please clock me out, I'm leaving!"

"Gotcha!" TenTen called.

Grabbing my jacket, gloves, and hat I zipped out the door. Fresh air at last!

"Where should I eat?" I asked myself quietly, while being well blended into the crowd. Today was especially busy and it was almost five o clock. This is because it is Christmas Eve! And it also means another two things: People will be running to the shop because the exclusive last minute sale starts at five, and TenTen will be swamped with drama, pissed women who just got out of work, and clothes. Hah, you'd think I'd enjoy this.

While walking, and giggling to myself, a very succulent aroma greeted my nose and made my mouth water. What could this be?! I stopped, and people paid no attention, and looked around. My stomach started to yell, "Feed me! Feed me!" Yeah, I didn't get breakfast.

And then I saw it! It was ramen?? Ichiraku's Ramen Shop…since when did modern Japan, on the side of a busy sidewalk, get one of these old-fashioned shops? Not only did I not like ramen (Hanabi swore she would murder me in my sleep if I said how revolting it was one more time), but the fact that at the moment I was craving it.

My stomach. "Feed me…or else!"

Me. "Alright already!"

Forcefully marching through the crowd, I stumbled upon it. There was nobody in front of the shop though…and no one to take my order. I hated this, but I sat down anyway (after moving away that white cloth). I looked around. My stomach started whining again.

Where was everybody?! Hah, maybe they were on their lunch break to. Well no matter, I was going to find them! Getting up, I jumped the counter and headed into the back. Moving that annoying cloth out my face, I proceeded to walk straight only to trip on a lump in the floor or something. It took me a few minutes to understand I had fallen…into something wet and sticky. Gross!

What was going on in the room? This was sick!

The room was pitch black…and if I didn't know any better I would've thought there was somebody else in the room. Whatever. I tried to get up…but I started to notice that that lump I had fallen over was quite large…and the sticky stuff I had fallen into was warm…

No way. My heart started to beat faster, and I started to get that shaky feeling you get when you think you're in big trouble. Scrambling off the floor I groped at the wall, trying to find a light switch. I did. I flicked it on…and I wished I hadn't.

Not only was there somebody else in the room, but there right before me was to mangled and bloody bodies, one of which had I fallen on. My eyes widened and my legs started to fail me in balance…not only because they were dead but the figure in black didn't exactly look friendly…and he was looking right at me.

He was tall, and strong looking and he looked like he could beat me sprinting any day. This is bad…very bad. I couldn't see his face…not because it was covered but because I had closed my eyes (which are a very stupid thing to do).

I opened them. Oh, God help me…he had taken a step! To scared to scream, and dumb enough to move, I slowly inched for the door way. He didn't make any sudden movement…so I ran.

As fast as this little, puny body could take me, I ran. I practically ran straight into the counter, but that didn't stop me. I jumped it and ran…and ran until I saw the first car in view.

The windows were tinted, so I couldn't see inside all the way, but there were people in side. Looking like a crazy maniac with bloody clothes, I jacked the door open, and hopped inside.

I was greeted by very alarmed eyes. Bright green ones, abyssal black ones, and charming blue ones. I locked my door, and started taking deep breaths…and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him.

This time I did scream. "Go!!"

Hahaha, I like this story. It takes a different mood then ITEOHD.

On Christmas Eve to…poor Hinata. Not a very festive way to spend it…

Anyway, I'm not sure if I should turn this into a full-blown story or just keep it a few chapters…what do you wonderful readers think?

Don't forget to say! And Merry Christmas Eve!! (This is my gift to you SXH fans)