Wow. I can't believe it's been like . . . seven months? A lot of you probably don't even read my story anymore. If you still do, let me explain. Because not giving an explination would be unthinkable.
I had originally written seven chapters of this story ahead of time, because I wanted to make updates shorter, and it made things easier when I didn't have to worry about updates. But anyways, me and my sister got into a huuuuge fight over the summer, and she deleted everything I had on ALL of my files. And not just the SEVEN chapters I had prepared for this story. I mean everything. Song lyrics, the chapters I had written for all my other stories (Sweet Dreams, Summer Of Stars . . . ) , poems, short stories I was set on publishing, :'[
Needless to say, I cried, I didn't write anything for months, and I just didn't have any inspiration whatsoever. (I still think my sister should be punished for life, but she was only "grounded" for two weeks. Which doesnt even count, cause she went to friends houses, watched TV.... ughh! I'm still pissed.) I couldn't bring myself to write a word. I've been thinking about giving up on fanfiction, because it was just that much that I had lost. Since school started, I pretty much forgot all my stories.
Lately I've picked up reading fanfics again from other authors. And then I've been thinking about my own stories for a while now. But it was just today I read everything over again, and then I realized I wanted to give it another shot. I don't think it's fair that I would just abandon everyone. Because I thought about how sad I would feel if one of my favorite stories got discontinued, and it made me write this authors note.
So I'm about to start writing the chapters that I have to publish for all of my stories. But I promise, I'm updating this story first, because I haven't updated in a ridiculously long time.
That's all. I hope at least some of you didnt give up on this story. :)