A/N: This is the sequel to Hello Again, Princess. If you don't read the first one than this one won't make much sense. Basically Courtney and Duncan have broken up and year's later fate throws them back together. She still plays by the rules, he still breaks them, are they still in love with each other? P.S. I know Total Drama Action hasn't aired yet but for the sake of this story I have to pretend it already happened.

Hello again, Criminal

Chapter 1: What Happened to Us?

She sighed deeply as she finished reading the file and set it aside. Funny how most of her life had evolved around playing by the rules and using them to her advantage was now her profession. Being a lawyer seemed like the best move for her after graduating high school and enrolling in law school. She knew how the system worked and she knew how to win against it.

All in all her life was in order, it was simple, it was easy, and it was boring.

After every victory she came home alone to nothing but the silence she was so tired of. She missed the days of excitement and unexpected surprises.

Being part of Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action had defiantly been the highlights of her teenage years. That and a certain someone.

"No don't think about him!" Courtney said shaking her head. It was bad enough to be reminded every day that you were alone, it was even worse when you are reminded of the reason why.

Courtney and Duncan had actually made it work. Even during season two when they had experienced some difficulties in their relationship they still stayed together in the end. Then one day it was over, just like that.

Courtney laid back into her big beige couch and glanced over at her bookshelf. It was full of texts, encyclopedias, law books, and one carved wooden skull. Courtney didn't know why she had still held on to that stupid thing after all these years. It was so out of place in her house and so meaningless now. But every time Courtney thought about throwing it away she felt a sharp jab in her heart, so she just let it be.

"I need to start dating again," said Courtney to herself getting up from the couch. She almost laughed at herself for that thought. What dating? She had never been on actual date besides with Duncan, if you can even call what they did dating, and even after all the years being apart from him she still hadn't attempted another relationship. Being with Duncan was all she knew so she was kind of lacking the dating know-how.

Courtney felt pathetic. Here she was in her late twenties and she was still stuck on her first teenage romance. Why was it so hard to move on from someone who broke your heart?

Courtney was snapped out of her thoughts when her business phone started ringing. She had a good reputation under her belt being a former reality TV star and having a stubborn take charge attitude. She was stubborn when it came to a fight and any opponent who had to take a case against her was sorry by the end of the day. Now a days the phone wouldn't stop ringing with people asking for her expertise.

Courtney picked up the receiver and got into her work mode. "Hello?" she asked in a friendly voice, important to make the client feel comfortable.

"Hi, is this Courtney?" asked the voice from the other end.

Courtney's brows knitted together. Why did the voice sound so familiar? "Yes who is this?" she asked suspiciously.

"Courtney it's me Logan," answered Duncan's older brother.

Courtney smiled remembering Logan very clearly. He had looked so much like Duncan and had been very sweet to her. Out of all of Duncan's relatives she liked Logan the most. "Oh…hi Logan. What's up?" asked Courtney confused as to why he would be calling her business number.

There was a deep sigh before he responded, "Courtney I need your help…it's about Duncan."

Courtney felt her heart sink. "What about Duncan? Is he OK?" she tried to control the shaking in her voice but failed miserably.

"He's going to be sent to jail," Logan said heavily. Courtney's heart dropped to the very pit of her stomach. Duncan had always been a trouble maker but underneath all his toughness she was allowed to see the soft and good hearted person he really was. She didn't expect him to be sent to jail or expect to help get him out.

"He got into a lot of trouble last night by causing a car accident," continued Logan. "He was apparently drunk and the other guy got banged up pretty bad."

Driving drunk? Duncan may have been reckless but he wasn't stupid. "Is he OK?" she asked with worry laced in every word.

"He's alright but he has a lot to answer for and right now he could use a good lawyer," Logan said letting the sentence hang in the air.

"So you were hoping I'd be his lawyer," Courtney said reading his mind with dread. She didn't want to see his face again let alone defend him.

"I think it'd be good if the person defending him knew him pretty well," said Logan innocently.

Courtney pinched the area between her eyes. She wanted to say no but how could she? "Logan…your brother and I haven't spoken in years. I just don't think I-"

"Please Courtney! He needs help; you're the only one he'll listen to."

Courtney wanted to laugh out loud. "But he won't listen to me! Not willingly," Courtney said getting frustrated.

"Then force him to listen," Logan practically ordered her. "His drinking has gotten worse and I don't want to get a call one day hearing that my brother is dead from alcohol."

Immediately Courtney was filled with guilt. She couldn't help but somehow felt this was somehow her fault. Maybe if she had just forgiven him and stayed with him she would've been able to look after him. As mush as Duncan had hurt her she still loved him and didn't want him to ever come under any harm.

Courtney sighed and gave her difficult answer. "I'll see what I can do."

"Oh thank you Courtney," said Logan in elation. "I promise to pay you once I save up enough money-"

"No, no. You don't have to pay me Logan, I'm doing this for you as a friend." Courtney just didn't feel comfortable taking money from him, especially when she wasn't even sure she could offer Duncan any help. He might not even want her help.

"Thanks Courtney you're an angel. I don't know why that bone head ever broke up with you."

Courtney gulped once before replying "OK well I'll head up to your place tomorrow and we'll go see what we can do about Duncan."

"See you later Courtney." With that said Logan hung up leaving Courtney paralyzed.

She didn't want to do this, she didn't want to see him, especially when he was drinking heavily and about to go to jail.

Courtney shook her head tiredly and made her way to her room. She decided to wear her nightgown instead of the skull t-shirt she always slept in. She also kept her eyes off he mirror to avoid a glimpse at the tattoo on her lower back.

As Courtney turned out the lights and sunk into her bed she thought about how before all those little things use to never bother her and how they actually meant something to her. She then thought about Duncan and what he used to mean to her.

Courtney buried her head in her pillow and mumbled, "What happened to us?"

A/N: So what do you think? Please review and ask any questions or make any suggestions you want. Till next time!