YY100: Gasp! We're back!
Kalberry: Sorry we've been away!
YY100: Stupid writers block….*mumbles*
Kal: 0.0 Errrr…..yeah so here we go!
YY100: The next chapter of Crimson Kiss!
Both: Begin!
Crimson Kiss on a Moonless Night
Chapter 4
"Wholly…." I said in a freaked out tone of voice. My body seemed frozen in place, not able to get up, move, or run. My heart seemed to be beating inside my chest at a million beats per second. My mouth was frozen shut but my mind repeated over and over again, /Who are you? Who are you?/ The guy chuckled at my repeating mind question and answered, "My name is Yami."
After a while reality came back to me and I was able to move again. I stood up and almost immediately fell down; this dude was like, 3 inches taller than me! Ignoring our height disarray, I asked him in a timid voice, "Why…why am I here?" Yami walked down to were I was and bent down, smiling and revealing his sharp vampire fangs. Not being able to resist, I took one hand and placed it near his fang and felt it. The fang was cool, as smooth and white as marble.
He didn't seem to mind me examining his fangs as my hand glided from the left one to the right one. Sadly I felt the tip and I pricked my finger, causing a single drop of blood to fall out of it. Yami's cool hand caught mine and he pulled me closer, my bleeding finger near his face. His tongue glided to the drop and he licked it clean. I heard him mumble, "What a waste." And he let go of me. I stumbled back in pure shock, well, I was just freaked out with the vampire thingy.
He laughed at me and said, "Calm down, I won't hurt you." I narrowed my eyes and asked, "How can I be sure of that? You're the one I was captured for in the first place. Why don't you just mark me? Huh?" I knew it wasn't such a good idea to taunt a vampire, but I just had to know. He sighed and rubbed his forehead confessing, "I never really agreed with the fact that human's are used like this. But my father sees nothing wrong with it, and as long as he's king there's nothing I can do."
I looked at him suspiciously and asked, "So…you aren't going to mark me?" He shrugged and stated, "Probably not since three, two, and one." He looked at the door and out popped…another him?! "There's two?!" I shouted and stared at the two vampires, both looked alike except the new one was much shorter. Yami laughed at my statement and the newest on shook his head quickly, stating, "Uh, no. My name's Yugi, I'm his younger brother." I saw that possible, so I nodded my agreement looking from Yugi back to Yami. "Okay, that's just freaky." Stated and stared at them both, looking from the shorter Yugi, to the much taller and confident Yami.
I snapped out of it when Yugi jumped up and down and waved his hand in my face saying, "Hello? Are you there?" I snapped out of it and stammered, "S-sorry! Space out too much! Hehe!" Yugi sweat dropped at me for a minute and stated to Yami, "Oh yeah! The Egyptian vampire coven is in the hall waiting for you!" He waved and jumped back out the door and I asked after a minute, "Is he always that….." "Jumpy?" Yami finished for me, I nodded and he sighed stating, "Most of the time yes. It's worse when he drinks his blood preference."
And here's were I got confused. "Blood preference?" I repeated, cocking my head to the side. I saw Yami tense up, for just a minute if not more, and explain, "Yes. Each vampire has a blood preference." He sat down and I just sat on the floor, which was always the most comfortable position for me. Yami stared at me, but continued, "Not even the elders can explain why we have blood preferences, but it may have to do with something when we transform from human to vampire. Whatever we lacked when we were humans we find excessively appetizing in blood, at least that's the theory. For example, Yugi likes the blood of hyperactive people, which after he feeds on gets him wound up too." A quick sigh from us both and he continued, "Bakura's blood preference is innocence, but he rarely is of course. Seto's is greed. Tea, you haven't met her yet but trust me you will, her preference is love." I took in all this information and he finished up, "And my preference is pride."
We stared at each other until Yugi burst in again and yelled, "Yami! Father's going to get really mad if you don't get down there and greet the Egyptian coven! Besides! He wants you to show off your human!" Yugi burst into laughter when I flushed a deep red and stood up, about to chase him myself. He zoomed out of the room with his vampire-ish speed and Yami came up to me and stated, "Come on, frankly he's right." I started stuttering, but he just won the argument and dragged me down the hall with him.
YY100: Okay! I done!
Kal: I liked it! Blood preferences are cool!
YY100: Why else do you think I put them in?
Yugi: Hyperactiveness!
Yugi: X___X
YY100: Anyway! *is polishing tranquilizer gun* Hope you all liked it!
Kal+YY100: Review please! ^__^