Nasty Girls

Chapter 7

Worn and much abused the roof had seen better days. The only ones who took any glance upon its rusting panels in the past several years were the birds who rested a top or underneath. Its dirty, shabby panels vanished in the blink of an eye as a vast ball of energy crashed directly into the steal supports wrenching them outwards. Small bits of jagged metal tore through the air, rending even more of the covering asunder. Dirt and other miscellaneous debris rained down on those below, covering them red with oxidation.

Outside anybody within ear shot could hardly miss the ear splitting screech fallowed by a light as bright as the sun. They began to panic, screaming and running in all directions as massive bits of metal, some the size of a small automobile rained down. Inexpensive windows shattered, car alarms began to shrill for miles around. The remains of the condemned building in all its sundry forms would be found imbedded over a massive area.

Kim howled in frustration as her planed assault was all for not. Turning "Ron begin charging that thing!" A frantic Ron ran his fingers over the controls to once more start charging of the main power helix. A soft low whine began to fill the room as slowly it began to refresh

Painfully Shego struggled to her feet feeling very much abused. Possible had pounded on her more than once today and her dopey sidekick had ploughed her into the tarmac when she wasn't looking. On uneven feet she now stood, shaking her head attempting to clear her thoughts she needed to focus if she intended to defeat that Possible wench.

Before her the way was clear, the enemy's sidekick was working the controls and Possible was chasing Shego's blue associate about the building. Shego began stumbling forward with purpose; she only had a few minutes to destroy the device before it fired again, this time obliterating its intended objective.

She never made it, several meters before reaching the machine the subordinate turned and noticed her moving in his direction. "Thirty seconds before next shot…Kim!" he called out immediately getting her attention.

Shego watched in revulsion as her nemesis smashed her palm against the back of her other hand. The rear of the glove glowed indigo for an instant; the girl seemed to spring into the air with out any aid. The blades of her rocket skates had sprouted forth from the base of her shoes and with in seconds the small engine had fired propelling the red head straight in the direction of the girl with the dark mane. Grimly determined look was about the youths face as the distance closed.

Smoke began to fill the room as Shego watched the human missile close. Hurling herself forward with a primal scream her body mere inches off the ground her shoulder leading the attack. She could feel the other girl's knees strike harshly into her shoulder and back, there was a horrible crunching sound as the two bodies collided at a tremendous speed. Shego's forward movement stopped abruptly and she was helplessly propelled back several meters by the impact spinning her about violently, she never saw what happened to her antagonist.

Quickly rolling to her feet, left arm causing her intense pain, left hip a misery with every stumbled step, Shego rushed the contraption as best as her tattered body would allow. The helper moved to block her way, trying his best to look imposing but as per usual failing utterly. Spinning a severe kick she caught him in the side sending his pathetic body spiralling across the room to crash some distance away. With the last few feet clear Shego re-ignited her claws. A wave of pain rippled down the one arm that hung limply by her side, the other burned intensely. Green flame burned through the paltry plastic and metal covering sending a wave of unpleasantness into her nostrils. Sinking deep into the main body wires, circuitry, resistors and programming began to burn pooling upon the ground in an icky mess of colours. Her eyes and face were a vision of madness as she continued the destruction until the power core burst.

The wave of energy and debris few through the air sending the hapless girl flying in the direction of the wave her body rebounded several time before crumpling upon the ground. Hair twisted around her body and she leaned heavily against one good arm the other may or may not have been broken, ultimately it wasn't working properly. Through the blurry eyes she viewed a livid Possible stagger over to her lover grasping him by the collar. Wrenching him off the ground the girl snarled over in Shego's direction. There was a slight degree of satisfaction as the youth moved with a heavy limp her clothing slashed and torn. Hastily she moved out of the older girl's line of sight.

Every muscle, every joint ached something fierce but Shego ignored the pain, it plagued her every move but she had to get off the ground. Her legs wobbled under the weight of her body and she needed the help of an iron girder to remain vertical but she lingered in the upright position. Her cat suit was drenched with sweat and dust, multiple holes had rent the fabric asunder exposing her badly broken and bruised green skin. Numerous trails of blood trickled from the same damaged green flesh soaking into the suit. She could feel the trail of dark red liquid as it flowed from her brow over her eye and down the side of her face. Others blossomed from her nostrils and still more came from damaged lips. Through one eye her vision was slightly blurred, the swelling pushing the soft tissue over her one eye. Several minutes passed then suddenly from the gapping hole in ceiling a light blue flying car floated into view, the one occupant screeching "You think your all that but your not!" and then the craft quickly faded from sight.

From somewhere off stage right re-entered Dr Drakken slowly shuffling through the debris covered floor. Moving in beside Shego he carefully placed his arm around her battered body, his hand firmly gripping her good shoulder, hugging the assaulted woman in possibly more than friendship. "Well good work Shego we destroyed the machine and stopped Kim Possible from taking over the world." He nodded as he said the words thinking of a job well done and the hottie girl he had snuggled up beside him.

Shego smiled as she leaned against him, more to keep from falling over than any design of affection, it hurt to even breathe. Although it did feel oddly comforting to be positioned the way she was. Yes they had done it stopped…"Wait a minute what did you say?"

"I said we've stopped Kim Possible from ….wait something went wrong? What went wrong?" he seemed confused as if things weren't as they normally should be.

"I thing she stole your car too."


A youthful pair of teenagers stalked rapidly down the twisting sidewalk in a stew of aggravation. Both seemed very much the worse for wear sporting clothing that was filthy and damaged in many places. Their hair was tussled about in a haphazard manner and since there was no wind that could not be the cause. The girl leaned upon what look to be her mate or at least a very close friend and not so much out of personal affection but injury. She limped rather badly, favouring one knee over the other.

The flying car had been abandoned in a large grove of bushes at the edge of Middleton Park; hidden from the casual viewer. Now it was just a matter of a walk back to the layer. "Well Ron we must head home and prepare for tomorrow night"

"Oh and what are we doing tomorrow night?" He inquired, a hopeful sound to his voice while waiting for a response he placed a large mouthful of ice cream taken from a hefty plastic tub held close to his chest.

"Try to take over the world!" Kim proclaimed raising her fist skyward.

That came as sort of a let down for him, he had been hoping for other things. "You know I think we aught to spend a little more time planning out these little capers. Ron sated after a long pause.

"Why…what do you mean?" she took offence to that remark, they had come so close. "Are you trying to stall things?"

He was some what hesitant. "Well when we stole the thing we went straight to that warehouse. We should have had a stop over to disable the tracking device on the thing then moved it to a more secure location before firing." A little pink creature on his shoulder nodded in agreement.

Giving it some thought she finally stated. "Nice of you to come up with these ideas now!"

Ron shrugged "Hind sight being twenty, twenty and all that." Absent minded he scratching his chin with the spoon, deep within a thought. "You know, I think we ought to come up with a new layer as well."

Glaring at him "What's wrong with what we've got?" indignant that he should come up with such a suggestion.

"Frugal Lucre."

Her mouth opened, but seemed to freeze mid-sentence. "Point taken." She snarled.

"Ya know it could be huge…with really high ceilings" his arms began to wave about as his excitement grew "with a huge moat surrounding. And…and we'd have…


"No,no I prefer sharks better. Inside we could have motion activated lasers and spinning tops of doom." He smiled over at her hopping for her consent.

"And where are we supposed to get the money for this?"

Ron scratched his head with the end of his spoon. "I don't know, where do super villains normally get their money?"

Kim said nothing, she didn't quite know either. Her mind could come up with a few ideas but they would not net her enough fundage to take and hold onto dominance of the planet.

It became quiet for a while as the pair headed towards home and to once more begin planning to take over the world.

Finally "Where did you get the ice cream?" she asked

"It was in the back of the car, I took it because it was melting." He handed another spoonful to the little pink creature sitting upon his shoulder. "You want some? It's triple chocolate."

"Definitely." She smiled slightly. Chocolate was always good for when things went south. "By the way" she stated after a large dollop of confectionary had made its way into her mouth and down the hatch to warm her belly. "I think I need to have a little chat with your friend Dagmar."

"Who? Oh her." Ron needed a second to think of who Kim was talking about. "About what?"

"Something about stealing." Kim stated with an almost absent minded expression.

"But didn't we just…"

"That was different. We were trying to take over the world; she tried to steal my sidekick…"

"What about lover?"

"You are all that and more my beloved." She patted his cheek "But the point is it's not right to pilfer something that important to the on going enjoyment of my life."

"You aren't going to kill her are you?"

"Oh no! Not unless she forces the issue."

With that the pair sauntered slowly on home to Kim's parent's layer to begin planning yet another attempt at taking over the world. Ron just hoped he could stall long enough for those crystals to work there way out of her system. I had been a ruff couple of hours. Convincing Kim to steal one of Drakken's devices had been easy, he was always up to something, so taking his dooms day device had put a kink in his planes and since his stuff never really worked Kim's goal of world domination was foiled before it even began.

Just before he placed his one arms around his girl's waist he tapped the little PDA slightly deeper into one of his pockets, he had no idea on how Wade had gotten it to him but Rufus had retrieved the contraption from inside the hip pocket of his mission clothes. It had been child's play to ensure that Shego found it and even easier getting it way from her, although frisking the green skinned nasty girl to find where she had stashed it had been enjoyable to say the least; in her anguished state she hadn't even realized he'd accomplished his goal. With a sigh he figured tomorrow would be another long busy day, hopefully Kim would be a slight bit nicer when the sun came up he didn't want to get between an evil KP and that Dagmar girl.