Okay so before I start someone said about telling you who play her brothers and sisters, so I will do that lol.

Athena - Rachel Bilson

Lucas - Kevin Jonas

Johnny and Timmy - Taylor Lautner

Kevin - Joe Jonas

Matt - Nick Jonas

Gabriella - Vanessa Hudgens

Nicole - Aj (Amanda) Michalka

Tyler - Cole Sprouse (When he was younger, in the first season of the suite life of zack and Cody)

I woke up the next morning, finding Myself still in my clothes from the party the night before and with a banging headache. My earphones were still in my ears, and the song's 'Because of You' and 'The Reason' were still playing on repeat, I got up and looked in my mirror, to find my mascara had run down my cheeks, from where I had been crying and my eyes were all puffy and red. I sighed and started to get ready.

I settled on a white tee, light blue jeans, Cream UGG boots, a black hoodie which had Montez on the back and a black beanie hat on my head, with my hair in two loose braids on either side. I decided to just put some foundation on today, I couldn't be bothered to go all out, I was tired, upset and my head felt like it was spinning.

I walked into the kitchen to find Lucas, Johnny, Nicole and Matt stood around eating, with mom at the stove and dad reading the newspaper at the table. They all looked up at me as I walked in, Mom smiled slightly, Nicole rolled her eyes, me and Nicole really didn't get along to well, Dad, Lucas and Johnny saw me and went back to what they were doing, they were obviously still angry at me and Matt looked at me and smiled sympathetically. At least I had my mom and matt on my side.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice, pouring myself a glass and then got a breakfast bar from the cupboard. I was just about to leave when Lucas said something.

"I think we need to talk about what happened last night." He said and looked at me sternly.

"Can't you guys just understand that I have a life, and you can't be part of it all the time? You cant always try and protect me." I said slowly and quietly, but everyone could still hear.

"But if we don't protect you, then you'll end up getting hurt again." Johnny said.

"That was one time, it was a year ago, I was 15 then, I think I'm old enough to look after myself now! I'm not a little girl anymore, I don't need protection." I replied, as they all looked at me. I didn't think anyone was going to say anything but then Kevin walked in with Timmy.

"YES YOU DO NEED PROTECTION!!!" Kevin yelled at me, as I turned around and looked at him standing in the doorway with Timmy.

I thought, why do they always get to be the ones who win these fights, I can stand up for myself and I'm gonna for once. "NO I DON'T KEVIN, I'M NOT SOME STUPID LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE!!!!" I yelled back at him.

Kevin stood there and thought for a little bit, he knew that I was right, he just needed to let go. Let go of me, let me live my life on my own, but he couldn't do that.

He didn't reply, so I just walked out of the kitchen, pushing past him and out the front door, to see Sharpay's car had just pulled up outside.

"Heyy hun!" Sharpay said, way to happily for someone who got pissed the night before.

"Heyy Shar, how are you so happy?" I asked her, as we started to drive.

"Because I won the bet." She replied smiling brightly.

"Umm no I don't think you did." I said, as she looked at me confused.

"Uhh yeah I did, I didn't pass out and I drank wayyy more then you did." She replied, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I didn't pass out either, and I must have drank more than you because I don't remember hardly anything from last night." I said.

"Okay, I don't think we thought this through properly." She said and laughed. "But I can tell you what happened last night." She added and was grinning like a 3 year old.

God was it that bad? It must have been, if sharpay was grinning like an idiot. What the hell did I go and do? All I remember is coming home and My brothers and dad shouting at me, then I ran upstairs crying. What actually happened at the party? Oh crap, I promised Troy a dance, I don't even know if I did or not.

"What happened?" I asked kinda scared for the answer.

"Well we had a little to much to drink, I dared you to kiss a guy, troy saw that you were trying to push him off and came over and was gonna beat him up for you. Oh and earlier in the night you were dancing with a guy, don't ask me who it was because I have no clue." She replied.

"Troy was gonna beat him up?" I asked her shocked.

"Yeah." She replied, as she pulled into the school parking lot. "And then he dragged you home. Y'know, I think he likes you Gabi." She added.

I smiled slightly, wow I hope troy liked me, but then again my brothers would get in the way. As usual. I seriously cannot have any kind of relationship with a guy, without them all getting in the way of it.

Sharpay pulled up in her parking space, as we both got out and walked into school. We were about 5 lockers away from our lockers when we saw Troy, Kevin and some of their other friends. I stopped in my tracks, and my breath hitched in my throat. He was stood right there, standing there with my brother and his friends, but he looked so frickin hot! He had a pair of light washed blue jeans on, red and black Vans and a white T-Shirt, which showed off his muscles perfectly. His hair was swooped to the side, looking very sexy.

"Gabi.." Sharpay said waving her hand infront of my face.

"What?!" I said quickly, as I snapped out of my trance quickly and looked at my best friend.

"You were staring at him." Sharpay said to me, as I turned to her and blushed.

"No I wasn't." I replied, as we started to walk to our lockers, which meant walking past Troy.

"Yes you were Gabi, I saw you staring at him, with my own eyes!" Sharpay said, just as we walked past Troy and Kevin.

"Who was staring?" Kevin asked us, as I made a mental note to myself to kill Sharpay later.

"No-one." I said quickly.

"Yeah No-one." Sharpay said, and looked at Troy smirking.

"Why are you looking at me like that Sharpay?" Troy asked Sharpay.

"Like what?" She asked playing dumb.

"C'mon Shar lets go!" I said and pulled her towards our lockers quickly.

"Sorry about that dude, I think Gabi has a little crush on you and we haven't been getting on very well for the past few days." Kevin said To Troy as he laughed.

"Don't worry about it." Troy replied, pretending not to care, but on the inside he was relived that gabriella might like him because, now he might have a chance with Gabriella, even though her brothers would never let that happen.

I watched as Troy walked down the corridor with my stupid brother, god why were they even here? All they do is eat, sleep and annoy me, can't they like live somewhere else, they're no use to anyone here anyway, well accept for a girl, who just wants a quick fuck in the closet, but other than that they were useless. Oh my god, I cannot believe I just said my brothers were only useful for a quick fuck in the cupboard! Obviously not for me, but I'm talking about other girls, the sluts and whores of the school.


I walked out of the cafeteria, I had just eaten my lunch and couldn't bare it anymore, Kevin kept staring at me, like he was watching me to make sure I didn't slip out with a random guy for a quick fuck. Didn't he have any trust in me? No, it wouldn't be them if they did, have even a tiny bit of trust in me. They seriously need to learn that I'm not a child anymore, that I can look after myself!

I walked into one of the science labs, knowing exactly where I was going, I pulled a door open, and walked up the steps onto the roof top garden. As I got to the top I could smell the fresh Albercerque air, even though it was winter, the air felt good against my skin.

I opened my eyes and saw the one and Only Troy Bolton sat on the bench staring at me, while smiling. I blushed a little and smiled at him. Neither of us said a word, we were like 6 meters apart, and just looking at each other. He did look so hot today, wait did I already mention that? I think I may have, but he seriously does!

"Hey." He said, and looked up at me, squinting his eyes together, because of the sun in his eyes. Weird. The sun is never out in the winter.

I smiled down at him. "Heyy." I said, not knowing what to say or do next. You know that feeling you get when you fall in love? Well it felt like that, nothing else around me was heard, not even the cars on the road out the back or the screams of Freshman down on the field.

I saw him move along the bench and he pointed to it. "Wanna sit?" He asked me as I slowly nodded and walked over to the bench sitting down next to him.

"So I was talking to your brother earlier.." He started, but I cut him off.

"Look, whatever he ahs said about me, he's probably just lying. I don't tell him anything." I cut him off, I saw the look on his face slump down sadly. What was he gonna say? What had Kevin said to him? Nothing stupid and embarrassing I hope. But the thing I found weird was how his facial expression turned sad, when I told him its probably not true. He probably wanted it to be true.

"Oh Okay.." He said and looked down. What the hell was this? What the hell did Kevin tell him? Whatever it was, I sure was gonna kill him!

There was a silence and it was an awkward silence I hated this type of silence. Just talk stupid! Say something anything! It's to quiet! My mind was shouting at me, telling me to talk, I didn't know what to say to him. "I'm sorry!" I got out, as he looked at me confused.

"About what?" He asked confused.

I thought for a few seconds, what could I be sorry about? Oh about not saving him a dance at the party. "About not dancing with you at the party, like I said I would." I replied, and smiled slightly. Damn that was a fuckin stupid one, couldn't you have thought of something better Gabriella? My mind was talking to me again Urghh I hated that!

"No, we danced.. We dance before you got totally drunk." He replied, as I looked at him confused.

"Really?" I asked not believing it, he just nodded. "Oh well in that case, I'm not sorry." I replied and laughed, as he chuckled at me.

"Has anyone ever said you have an amazing laugh?" He asked me as I blushed and shook my head.

"No." I said and looked down at my hands. "Thanks though." I added and looked up at him smiling.

"No seriously you do, and you have beautiful eyes." He said and lifted my chin up with his finger. I felt sparks shoot through the whole of my body at that simple touch. I blushed, as he stared into my eyes. I didn't know what to say or do, so I settled on saying nothing and staring back into his gorgeous blue orbs of absolute heaven. Seriously they were like little pools of heaven.

"Thanks.." I said about 2 minutes after he had said it. He just stared into my eyes as he leaned in slowly, I slowly leaned in also, we were about 3 inches away from each others lips. This was it, we were gonna kiss, I could just imagine it, his lips would be soft, yet the kiss would be rough, but passionate. Wait what the hell am I going on about? I have known him for what? 2 days, and I am already falling for him, I dunno what it was, but he just had a magnet and I connected to it.

We were just about to kiss when the bell rang for the end of lunch, we both pulled away quickly, opening our eyes and looked at each other, neither knowing what to say.

"We better get going." He said, as he grabbed my hand and let me go down the stairs first. Aaww what a gentleman. I sighed as we carried on our walk to the corridor's.

We reached the door to the corridor outside one of the science labs, and he let go of my hand, good if Kevin or Matt saw they wouldn't be too happy about it. I looked at him, and he smiled slightly at me as I pushed the door open and walked out into the busy corridor, crowded full of students.

I walked to the library for free period, I had it just after lunch today, so this was give me a chance to think over everything that had happened. I, Gabriella Anne Montez, Had almost Kissed Troy Bolton, One of My brothers best Friends, He is a Junior, only a year older not to bad. What would Sharpay say when I told her? What would my brother's say when they found out? Obviously they would end up finding out, this wasn't gonna go very well I knew it, and I also knew this wasn't gonna be the end of me and troy Bolton. Drama was gonna come I could see it, half probably forming because of my stupid brothers.

I walked into the library and sat down in one of the back corners, where the Art & Design books were kept. I loved sitting there, it was so peaceful, not many people at school came and sat there, usually just me. I loved art though, and I think I am actually pretty good at it too. My best subject I think.

I took out the book I was currently reading 'Twilight' and also my ipod, so I could block out all of the sound from around me. I did that quite often, block out everything around me and just concentrate on what I wanted to do.

I had been reading for like 10 minutes when I heard a very high pitched scream coming from the front of the library, I heard it through my ear phones, it must've been loud and only one person in the school could scream that loud, Sharpay Evans, AKA my best Friend. I took my earphones out, putting my book down and peered around the corner to see Sharpay talking with a girl I knew as 'Jamie'. Sharpay was talking intently with her, and then let out another high pitched scream, as the librarian told her to be quiet.

Sharpay turned around, and then she saw me she smiled and walked over to me, as I sat down back on the chair I was sitting on before.

"Just the person I was looking for." She said to me and sat down on the chair across from me.

"Umm Heyy Shar, what did you want?" I asked her, not being rude or anything.

"I heard you were with Troy at Lunch." She said and grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes, trust sharpay to know everything first. But how the hell did she find out anyway? "How the hell did you know I was with Troy?" I asked her confused.

"Jamie told me." She said and shrugged slightly, as she pulled out her nail file.

"How did Jamie know?" I asked confused as to how Jamie knew.

"She was in the science lab, when you came down the stairs from the roof top." She replied. "Oh yeah and you were holding hands, care to explain?!" She exclaimed, putting her nail file down and looking at me.

"Yeah, well it just happened. Nothing much to it Shar." I shrugged.

"Well, are you like together now?" She asked me.

"I don't think so."

"You don't think so?" She asked raising her eyebrows at me.

"Well.. Okay so you know that guy I danced with?" I asked, and she nodded. "Well that guy was Troy, and then we were talking and he said I had an amazing laugh and beautiful eyes!" I squealed happily as sharpay grinned.

"Anything else happen? Like a kiss Maybe?" She asked me, and smirked.

"Well we were gonna kiss but then the stupid bell rang!" I said and sighed. That kiss would have been amazing.

"Aaww you two are gonna be together In no time Gab's." She said to me as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah if my brothers let us be together, if we did Date and my brothers knew about it, we wouldn't be dating after that." I said and groaned falling back in my seat.

"Well Gabi, you know, you can't let your brothers rule your life, if you do ever date Troy or anyone while your living in a house with them, just don't tell them. Take a risk for once Gab's." She said to me. Wow that was pretty good advice for Sharpay. She usually just says to suck it up and get over it, well unless it's a fashion emergency.

I thought about it for awhile and she was right, I shouldn't let my brothers rule my life for the next like 2 and a half years of my life. I wouldn't be able to handle that, I mean when a boy even talks to me, they scare him off. I need to be able to live my life on my own, and keep them out of it. I need to Take A risk.

Okay so I know I haven't got 34 reviews yet, but Me and Amanda (Goerdie123) made a deal, that she'll put 'Prove it!' up, if I put this one up. Anyway so can I get 13 reviews? So I have 44 reviews please! I would love that! And could you please give me some ideas for 'Outside Looking in' someone gave me ideas for it about a month ago, but I forgot them and need some lol. Review, because it always means more when you got reviews, instead of just faves and alerts.

