I know I shouldn't be making another story, but I just wanted to do this, because a few people have done a story like this and I want to do one like it, but it will obviously be different storylines in the chapters. The only reason, I am making this story is because I deleted 'Fighting Over Him' i'm not getting much inspiration on it and I've been thinking on deleting it for awhile now, so please understand. I am still doing See You Again and Outside Looking In, because they are my most popular stories on here.

16 year old Gabriella Anne Montez, got out one of her families family cars, yes I said one of them. You see I have a very big family, unluckily for me there are only 4 girls including my mother, I has 2 sisters and like 6 brothers. I hates being in a big family, they are always so in your business especially the brothers. Try having 6 brothers, 5 older and 1 younger, all going on at you about how all the boys in this world, are bad for me and won't treat me right. I guess I should introduce to the family before we start right? Right.

Okay so first there is, Athena- Marie, 23, She has dark brown hair and eyes like Me and our mother. she dropped out of college in her senior year, to become a full time mom, yeah that's right, she has a child, Lana- Marie, she's 2 years old. Athena got pregnant, by her boyfriend and now fiancé, Mark Davidson, they have been together since High School and are set to marry in July 2009.

And second there is, Lucas, he's 20 and a junior in college at the minute, he attends U Of A, so he can live at home, to keep an eye on Me and the other two girls. He has brown hair and eyes, like our parents. He has a girlfriend, Tania, at the minute, but that will change by next week, he's quite a ladies man, although he is always warning Me about them.

Then there is Johnny and Timmy, both 19, identical twins, although Timmy is 2 minutes younger and has a small scar above his right eyebrow, from when Johnny and him were fighting when they were younger. They both have brown hair and eyes, like our parents, although, Johnny dyes his hair light brown. They both have girlfriends at the minute, Timmy will probably stick with his, where as Johnny is more like, Lucas, a player.

Next there is Kevin, 17, fifth eldest, and the most annoying of them all, he's a Junior at East High and tries to keep Me away from any moving Male Mammal. He has brown hair and eyes like everyone has in our family, and actually likes his appearance. Plays on the basketball team and is a jock. Hates to be ignored and if you don't listen to him or disobey him, he gets kinda angry. Okay really angry, he has a few anger problems.

Then there is Me, Gabriella and Matt, we're both 16 and twins, although he is 1 minute and 33 seconds older, and has to remind me of it constantly, he's always trying to protect me form all boys at school, and finds it easy as we're in nearly all the same classes, much to my dismay. I have long curly, very dark brown hair, its almost black, while he has dark brown hair, almost black too and we both have dark brown eyes, although mine are darker, they're the darkest out of all of us.

And then there is, Nicole, she's 15, a Freshman at East High, she tries to be to much of a stuck up bitch if you ask me. She's on the freshman Cheerleading squad, and gets around with most of the guys, in Her grade and the grade above. She has naturally Dark brown hair like the rest of us, but she dyes it bleach blonde, mom doesn't approve, neither do any of our brothers, but she gets away with it, unlike me. She's more girly than me, although I can be a girl when I wanna be.

Now Last but probably not least, there is Tyler, he's 12, its weird he's the only one in the family with blonde hair, Dad jokes about it, saying its because mom had a fling, and got pregnant with him, but we all know he's joking. Tyler has brown eyes, and is in Middle School, he's very shy and is like Timmy very much.

Yeah you see, that my huge family, I hate having a big family, I never get my own space, well I do, but only when Nena, isn't staying here, because Nicole, has to stay in my room, and Nena is here a lot, but Dad is building an extension on the side of the house, he's in the middle of it actually, and that means no more having Nicole sleeping in my room, I'll have it all to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but they are always just too in my face all the time. I wish I could just be invisible.

"Gabi, come help me will you?" My mother, Anna Montez, asked me as she struggled, with a box, getting it out from the trunk.

I sighed, as I walked over to my mother, and helped her with the box, as I got it from her I turned around and gave it straight to Lucas. I smiled at him, as he took it and then walked into the house.

We had just been out, on one of our famous family outings, to the Park in Albercerque town, Sure they were fun, but I was getting kinda to old for them now, even though Lucas, Johnny, Timmy, Kevin and Matt still enjoy them. Which I find weird, as they also run up and down the park field, screaming 'Oh my gosh, Nooo don't eat me Tyler!!!' Well maybe they are just doing, it for Tyler now, but they sure act like it's for their own enjoyment.

I then decided, to get started on my Homework for that night, it was Sunday night and I wasn't at school at all last week, because I was ill with the flu, but I was actually okay on Friday, but Dad didn't want to chance anything. I swear he thinks I'm a baby sometimes. I was then pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I asked into my Samsung G600 (A/N: I have that Phone its amazing lol in pink!).

"Hey Girl, you coming to school tomorrow?" My Best friend, Sharpay Evans replied.

"Hey Shar, and yep, I'm actually catching up on some homework at the minute." I replied to her.

"Gab's I don't see why you do that shit, it's not worth it, they don't mark it or anything." The blonde replied down the phone to me as I rolled my eyes and walked onto my balcony, which over looked my back garden, I also had a big window at the other end of my room, which over looked the front garden, I had the biggest room in the house, but its also on the top floor. We have 3 floors, a ground floor with kitchen, living room, dining room, A Study, Computer room, a bathroom and my dad's office. Second floor, Lucas' room, Johnny's room, Timmy's room, Tyler's room, my parents room and another two bathrooms. Then on the third floor, which is the top floor, is my room, Nicole's room, Matt's room, Kevin's room and one more bathroom, I have an en-suite so I don't have to share with the others. My parents also have en-suite. We do have other random rooms, like closets and a few small rooms, which couldn't be classed as rooms aswell.

As I looked over at the garden, next door too Are's, I didn't expect to see anybody out there at this time, it was 6:33pm to be exact, and an elderly couple live there, they're about 64ish, and to my surprise, I saw a boy, he looked to be about 17ish. "Her Shar, do you know that a boy about Kevin's age, is playing basketball next door?" I asked her.

"Yeah that's Troy Bolton. He just moved in with his grandparents." Sharpay replied, as I heard her moving something, probably looking out of her window. She lived two doors up from me, so she lived next Door to Troy Bolton's Grandparents. I didn't know the guy, I had never even seen him before, but he looked hot.

"You know him?" I asked her, as I kept my eyes locked on the moving figure below, as he made a shot in the basket and it sank in the net. He looked so graceful, on that court, looked better than Kevin or matt did when they would play anyway.

"Yeah, he's in Your brothers class." She replied, as I was confused Which Brother? She took the words right out of my mouth. "Kevin's class, he's a junior and he's fucking HOT!" She said. Me and Matt were Sophomore's.

"Kevin introduced you to him? Why would he do that?" I asked her confused, Kevin never even speaks to Sharpay and my friends, if I'm not there.

"I kinda begged him too." Sharpay replied, and giggled a little. "But Gab's I can tell you're gonna like him, just to warn you that Kevin already said to him, to keep away from you." She added as I sighed annoyed.

Why the hell does he have to ruin it? He might have been good for me. Even though I've never even spoken to the guy, I can just sense there is something good about him. I don't know what it is yet, but I will find out.

"Well Gab's I better go now, Daddy wants me." Sharpay said, as I rolled my eyes at how much of a daddy's girl she was.

"Okay Shar. I'll see you tomorrow, pick me up okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah okay, at 8:15, yeah?" She asked.

"Yeah that's right, well See ya." I replied to her.

"Yeah, Bye, Love You." Sharpay said and hung up before I could reply. I smiled to myself as I put my phone, on the side of the balcony and watched the boy as I know as Troy Bolton play basketball. I Loved the way he moved with the ball, I hadn't even spoke to the guy and I already liked him. Gosh what was wrong with me? I got interrupted by thoughts as One of my brothers snuck up behind me making me jump I screamed, and knocked my phone off the side of the balcony. I turned around and saw matt grinning at me, I scowled at him.

"MATTHEW JOHNATHON I DEMMAND YOU TO GO AND GET MY PHONE THIS INSTANT!!!!" I screamed at him, it was probably a bit too loud, as I heard Tyler shout to shut up.

"Well I'm ever so sorry Gabriella Anne but Kevin wants to talk to you." Matt replied emphasising my middle name like I did to him.

"I will speak to him, when you get my phone!!" I exclaimed, my voice still quite loud.

"Hey it wasn't my fault you screamed and knocked your phone off the side." He defended himself, as I just rolled my eyes and we walked out of my room and down the 2 sets of stairs in silence, Matt thinking he had won, but hell he hadn't.

As we reached the bottom floor, I looked at him and grabbed his hat, I run into the kitchen and over to the sink. "You get my phone or the Hat gets a little fairy liquid treatment, oh and also some grease from the kitchen pans!" I threatened, this was Matt's favorite hat, he would have to get my phone. I would get it myself but I'm in a tank top and boxer knickers, which I sleep in and I didn't want Troy Bolton to see me.

"Why don't you go and get it yourself?" Matt asked me, as I rolled my eyes and pointed down at my outfit. "Oh I see you'll get embarrassed because Troy Bolton will see you." He said and grinned, just as Kevin walked in with Lucas and Johnny.

"What about Troy Bolton?" Kevin asked as he looked at the two.

"Gabi is embarrassed to get her phone from outside, because Troy will see her." Matt replied as Gabriella groaned.

"Why would you be embarrassed to go out there?" Lucas asked, yeah he may be the eldest but not the most intelligent of them all.

"Because she has a crush on him and Shes wearing underwear and a tank top, which I may say is way to revealing." Matt replied, as they looked at her shocked.

"Okay, I do NOT have a crush on Troy Bolton, I've never even talked to him in my life and this top is just for sleeping in." I replied and rolled my eyes, gosh who invented brothers?

"Then why were you staring at him when I walked in?" Matt asked me, as I blushed slightly, but quickly covered it up as I turned around and made myself a drink.

"Look, if none of you will get my phone for me, then I guess I'll have to let Troy Bolton see a little too much of me." I said as I turned around smirking at them.

"Matt go get the damn phone for her!!!" Johnny exclaimed and pushed Matt out the French doors, in the kitchen. I grinned, I had gotten what I wanted.

Matt came in a few minutes later, without my phone though. "Matt where's my phone?!" I asked him annoyed.

"I think you lost it." He replied, as I rolled my eyes, didn't he meant he lost it.

"Don't you mean that you lost it. You were the one who made me knock it off the side dumb ass!" I exclaimed.

"Actually it was Kevin's fault." Matt said.

"How the hell is it my fault?!" Kevin asked confused.

"You wanted Gabriella, so you told me to go up and get her, which made her knock her phone off." Matt replied matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes, I left the kitchen and walked into the hall leaving them to argue over who's fault it was. I was about to walk up the stairs, when there was a knock on the door. I turned around and walked over to the big door and opened it, to reveal a teenage boy, he had these gorgeous blue eyes, that was the first thing I noticed about him, then it was his muscles on his arms. He was wearing a white vest, which showed off his muscles. One word. Fitty. I suddenly came back to reality. "Umm hi?" I said, not even knowing who he was.

"Hi I'm Troy.. Troy Bolton." He said and stuck his hand out for me to shake, but instead I almost fainted, he was even more hot then she expected, I held onto the door frame to balance myself and came back to reality once again.

"Hi, I'm Gabriella Montez." I said, smiling and shook his hand. His hand was so soft and fit mine perfectly, my heart started racing, as he looked at me. "So what can I do for you?" I asked him, smiling widely.

"Is Kevin there? Or Matt?" He asked me, as I smiled at him even wider, as I played with a strand of my hair, twirling it around my finger.

"Yeah I'm right here man." Kevin said as he came over to Me and Troy. "Sorry about My Younger sister, she's just being herself a dork." He joked, as I gasped.

"Nah it's okay man, we had a nice chat." Troy replied and winked at me. I melted and had to hold onto Kevin's arm to keep me up.

Kevin then looked at me and his eyes grew wide. "GABRIELLA!!!" He exclaimed, as I snapped out of my trance of staring at Troy and looked at my older brother.

"Yes Kevin?" I asked him annoyed that I couldn't look at Troy.

"Go upstairs and put some clothes on." He said to me as I rolled my eyes and started my walk for the stairs.

"Bye Gabriella." He said as I looked back, causing me to trip up the stairs. I blushed and quickly ran up the stairs and to my bedroom, gosh was Sharpay going to be in for a shock.


"Sorry about that man." Kevin said as he let Troy into the house further.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind the attention." Troy replied and smirked.

Kevin just laughed. "Yeah I know what you mean dude. So what's up?" He asked as they walked into the living room.

"Nothin just wondering if you wanna hang out?" Troy asked, as they sat down.

"Yeah, we can watch the game." Kevin said as he turned the T.V. on and Matt walked in with Popcorn.

"So you remember, what I said on Wednesday right Troy?" Kevin asked him, half way through the game.

"Umm about not getting involved with your sister?" Troy asked and looked up at his new friend.

"Yeah, I just don't like her dating, we're all very protective of her." Kevin said seriously."Yeah don't worry man, you can trust me not to pull anything with her." Troy said and smiled.

"Thanks man, I think we're gonna be great friends." Kevin said as him and Troy did the guy handshake.

Troy smiled slightly at Kevin, and went back to watching the game. He couldn't help but feel something for Gabriella, he had only just met her and they had only had a 3 minute conversation, how could they feel anything for her? Especially seeing as though he just promised his probably going to become best friend, that he wouldn't get with her. But he couldn't help the way he felt about this girl. There was just something about her, which he liked. Even though she was acting like a teenage girl, who was crushing on the cutest guy in school. But he liked it. There was something about Gabriella Montez, something different and he liked it.

So did you like it? I hope you did, I'll only carry on if you liked it and I'm going to try and add lots of description in it. (:

Lets say 7 reviews? Please

