I'm fully willing to admit that the inspiration for this story came from reading DrakeGirl-San's Snowballs. I had considered Kai and Oki as a possible couple while playing Okami, but reading her story made me want to write a story about them and Lika's cuteness. This is post Okami, by the way. Enjoy, and I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me if you think they're out of character.

Kai's PoV

It was warmer in Wep'keer since the sun goddess Okami-Amaterasu had defeated Yami last year. Well, warmer to us Oina, anyway. The rare traveler who found their way up to our homeland still complained of the bitter cold. To us, it was a nice change from the constant blizzards, and I personally took advantage of the sunny days here in the north. I often ran around in my wolf form with my little sister Lika, honing my speed after my loss to Amaterasu and playing with Lika in the snow. We were resting near the entrance to our house one morning after making a snowman when Lika asked me a question I really didn't want to answer.

"Kai, how come we don't go near Oki's house?" She innocently looked up at me, her mask slightly pushed upward to make her breathing easier. It still covered most of her face, however. Oina did not fully remove their masks unless they were in the privacy of their homes, and only then in the company of very close friends or family.

"That is because there's no need to go there, Lika. Oki comes here more often than he used to, but he still constantly trains to make sure he can help Samickle protect the village. It would be rude to disturb him." I gave Lika the most logical answer I could, while skirting the real issue. I was nervous around Oki. I wasn't afraid of him; we had known each other since we were quite young. He was the hero who had opened the path to the Ark of Yamoto for the Sun Goddess, which made him special. Plus, he always had something about him that screamed 'stay away from me!' since he took up swordsmanship. Maybe that was just my imagination.

"But he must be lonely. I would be, all alone out there without you to be with me." Lika tilted her head in confusion. Kai imagined an adorable look of confusion on her sister's face. Her little brows would be furrowed, and the dark mahogany eyes they both possessed would be squinted in thought.

Kai chuckled out loud, and stood up. "That's why he comes to town. Now, let's go inside and have some warm tea." Lika nodded enthusiastically and jumped up, running inside to the warmth of a fire and Kai's thick home-spun blankets. Kai followed her inside, and stoked the fire while setting a kettle up over the top of the small fire. Lika, bundled up in a big green blanket already, waddled her way in the cumbersome blanket to a small cupboard containing their teacups.

"Kai, if Oki does come to town so he doesn't get lonely, how come he never visits us? Does he not like us?" Lika set the teacups down by the fire as she asked this, looking up at me expectantly. I sighed internally, starting to get frustrated. What's with all of these questions about Oki?

"Lika, why are you so curious about Oki all of the sudden? Did you talk to him recently or something?" I looked down at her, dodging her question. That and I really wanted to know her fascination with this subject.

"No," Lika drew out the word slowly, "It's just, he walks by here every time he goes to talk to the Elder or Samickle, and every time he'll stop, and look at the house. Then after a couple of seconds he'll shake his head and keep walking." She stared at the fire as she said this, avoiding eye contact with me. I tugged off my mask, then slowly reached out and removed hers, wanting to see her expression. She had a sad look on her face, her lips pulled down into a frown, and her bottom lip quivering. I sat down beside her and pulled into my lap, the long pieces of hair on either side of my head reaching down and falling onto her shoulders.

"Lika, why are you sad?" I said softly, putting our masks down on the cushion beside us.

"Well, it looks like Oki wants to come in, but he never does. Doesn't that mean he doesn't like us if he doesn't come in? But then why would he stop outside?" Lika's eyes filled with tears. She was thought that Oki didn't like her, and to her eight-year old mind, that was devastating. I rocked her back and forth, wiping her tears away with my fingers.

"That's not true, Lika. I'm sure Oki loves you just as much as everyone does. Not as much as I do, but I don't think anyone loves you as much as I do." I comfortingly murmured this to her. She looked up at me with a hopeful expression on her face.

"Really? More than anyone?" Her big eyes were filled with hope and a longing to be comforted.

"Of course," I quickly reassured her. I hugged her closer, and she hugged me back. Just then the kettle whistled, signaling the water was ready for tea. I pulled Lika off of my lap, and stood up to pout the water into our cups and put in the tea leaves. I also added a little mint, since it was Lika's favorite. We slowly sipped at our tea, savoring the heat as it traveled down our throats.

"Thank you for putting mint in Kai." Lika said happily as she settled back down on her own cushion, her prior sad mood forgotten. I nodded, smiling gently at her, as a knock came from outside.

"Lika, go see who that is while I get a few more cups for tea." Lika jumped up, shedding her blanket as she raced to the door. It was only as I was opening the cupboard that I realized both of our masks still lay by the fire. I spun around quickly.

"Lika, wait, don't open the door-" It was too late. Lika already opened it to reveal Oki and Samickle. She realized what I meant to say as she looked up at the two men, since she put her hands over her face quickly.

"Hello Lika. It's okay, the world won't end if we see your face once. They're not as necessary indoors anyway." Samickle nodded at Lika, his voice warm. Lika slowly lowered her hands at Samickle's words, and then grinned at him in a sudden spurt of childish joy. She looked behind him at Oki.

"Hi Oki! I haven't seen you in ages." She backed up to let Samickle and Oki enter our house. Oki closed the door behind him, making sure it was firmly shut to prevent any cold drafts.

"Hello Lika. It has been a while. Is Kai at home with you?" His voice was quiet and emotionless as always. I turned from my place by the fire.

"I'm over here. Please excuse my lack of a mask too, we weren't expecting company. Would you like some tea?" My nervousness of being without a mask was making me speak a little too fast. Samickle and Oki just nodded. Samickle moved forward a little form the door.

"We came to ask you something, Kai. Would you mind if we took our masks off too? I would you count us as friends after all these years." Samickle stood before the fire to warm his hands, while Oki moved up to stand beside him quietly. He seemed to be looking at me, but I wasn't sure.

"Of course. I think it would slightly difficult for you to drink your tea otherwise." I smiled warmly at them. In the back of my mind I wondered what they wanted to talk with me about. Ever since Lika helped erupt the volcanoes last year, we had nothing really to do with village matters. Lika still studied under the priestess Tuskle, but all of the children did that. What could they need, besides maybe blankets?

Samickle chuckled, breaking me from my thoughts. "Only slightly difficult." He pulled off his mask to reveal his sharp angular features. His indigo eyes matched his light lilac hair, and he smiled at Lika and me. He had really become a lot more light-hearted now that peace reined Nippon. We all had, I think. Well, except for Oki. He reluctantly pulled off his mask.

"It feels odd to take this off in company." Was his only remark as he set his mask on the floor. His bushy red and black hair fell forward, and fringes of the red fell onto his forehead. He had a long, defined nose, and sharp crimson eyes. They weren't evil looking, though. Instead, they just held a certain strength that I can't really describe. His defined jaw was angled downward, since he was still in the act of straightening.

"Why? Do feel uncomfortable with us Oki?" Lika's comment made me freeze for a moment. Oki stiffened too, while Samickle just looked at Oki curiously.

"Lika, that's not a polite question to ask someone," I gently scolded after recovering. Oki looked at me with an inscrutable expression on his face. Samickle acted like the whole incident hadn't occurred after a second.

"Kai, I need to ask you a favor, if you wouldn't mind." He sat down on a cushion. Oki quickly followed suit, and Lika sat down next to Samickle as I poured tea.

"Of course I wouldn't mind. I'm not sure what I can do for you, though. Unless you need me to weave something, that is." I slowly sat down next to Oki, picking up my now lukewarm tea and sipping it as Samickle answered.

"Well, Oki needs to go to the Ponc'tan village to talk to Issun. I guess Issun needs to ask a favor of Oki, but is too busy to come out here to the village. Oki doesn't know his way around the forest very well; however you know that confusing place like the back of your hand after racing Amaterasu there so many times. So I would like to ask you to guide Oki there. Oki was too shy to come here himself to ask." Samickle then had to duck a swipe from Oki.

"Am not. I just wasn't sure how to broach the subject." Oki growled, then turned to face me. "So can you guide me to the Poncles? I've already put it off for three days now." I nodded, and Lika suddenly added to the conversation.

"So that's why you kept stopping outside our house! You wanted to ask Kai for a favor! You didn't have to ask Samickle to ask for you Oki. Kai wouldn't turn you down." Lika smiled sweetly at Oki. I could feel myself blush. What surprised me was that I thought I saw a pink tinge spread across Oki's cheeks also.

"Lika! What did I just say about being polite!" I turned away from Samickle and Oki to hide my blushing face. Lika just looked at me confusedly.

"But Kai, you only said to not ask not polite questions. And you wouldn't have turned Oki away, since you have known him for a really long time." Lika pouted, and I just shook my head.

"I'm sorry. When did you want to leave, Oki?" I turned back to face the two men. Samickle was hiding a smile behind his hand, apparently amused by Lika's last comment. Oki had his usual blank expression, but I thought I could see something like mirth sparkling in his red eyes.

"We can go tomorrow morning, it is already too late today to make it back in time before dark." Oki stood up, grabbing his mask. Samickle rose fluidly beside him. I stood up too, walking towards the door with them.

"Alright. I'll see you bright and early at the entrance to Yoshpet then. Samickle, could you watch Lika for me while I'm gone, or ask Tuskle?" Samickle nodded, and the men walked out after putting their masks back on.

I turned around after shutting the door, and sighed. Lika heard me, and looked up at me.

"Why did you sigh Kai?" I smiled faintly at her. I didn't look forward to spending the day with Oki in the forest. When we were young we had been close friends with Samickle, but now I barely knew Oki anymore and conversing with him sans a middle person was bound to be awkward.

"Nothing. Tomorrow is just going to be interesting, that's all." This was an understatement all the way.