You guys reading this are reading the exact same story as my other one, but the main characters dont get turned into Humans.


I'll start changing it after chapter 8.

K, so this is my first fan-fic. I love Bolt so I decided to it on that. Plz review.

Disclaimer. I don't own bolt

Chapter 1

Bolt P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head towards the small alarm clock on my owner's night side table. 2:17 A.M. I turned back to rest my head back on Penny's warm arm and closed my eyes. I've been living with Penny again for the last two weeks now and I love being back with her. This time as a full pet. Penny has even adopted my two new best friends, Rhino and Mittens.

Rhino and Mittens have adapted quite nicely to Penny's home.

Rhino is a hamster he's always watching the "Magic Box" in the living room. Or as Mittens tells me it's called, the T.V. Rhino even sleeps on the couch in the living room so that he can watch the morning cartoons. He only leaves when he absolutely has to. He's an odd one.

Then there's Mittens, she follows me around a lot. I think it's because she's not used to being in a house after so many years of being an ally cat. I think she likes seeing me become a dog, too. I mean, of course I'm a dog, but I'm finally getting to learn what the privileges of being a real dog are rather than just sitting in a trailer all day waiting to save penny. Mittens is to thank for that.

Anyways, back to Mittens. It's really weird always having a cat around, especially since I used to think they were all evil, working for the green eyed man who always tried to get penny. I still don't really like cats. (Most dogs don't.) Mittens is the one and only exception. I almost enjoy having the small, black cat around.

I sighed and looked up at the alarm clock again. 2: 24 A.M. I'm never gonna get any sleep.

"Are you okay Bolt?" Someone said from behind me making me jump. I quickly snapped my head around and spotted just the cat I was thinking of, her green eyes staring at me from the other side of a sleeping penny. She also looked pretty tired.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I just can't sleep." This wasn't the first time I couldn't sleep in the last couple days. I felt empty for some reason

"Really? Me either." Mittens said looking down. Something was wrong.

"You okay Mittens?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

Mittens stayed quiet for a couple minutes. I could tell she didn't want to talk about it, whatever 'it' is. "Never mind, it's okay." I got stood and crouched before jumping over penny to land beside Mittens.

"Bolt?" Mitten's eyes grew wider.

"Mhm?" I lay down beside the small black cat and draped my front paw over her shoulders pulling her towards me. I'm a bit bigger then her so she fit nicely into my chest as I rested my chin on top of her small head. She was really soft.

"W-what are you doing Bolt!?" Mittens tried to push away from me but soon realized that it was useless and calmed down a bit.

I cut her off. "Don't think anything of it. I just want to see you sleep soundly." I moved her closer to me. Her warm fur felt nice against the pads of my paws.

She nuzzled her head into the fur on my neck tickling me with her whiskers and put her small hands on my chest. "Why…"

I pulled her closer to me and replied. "Because you were having trouble sleeping and I care about you Mittens. I care about you? What am I saying?

"W-what?" Mittens pulled her head back. From my neck which instantly felt empty.

But I didn't have time to respond before I drifted off into sleep. Mittens moved her small head back under my chin and I could have sworn I heard Mittens say. "Good night Bolt. And thank you."


Sorry it's short, they'll get longer. Plz review