The brunnette licks her ruby red lips and flips her hair back in one swift movement. The smell of lavender wafts through the air. She blinks, she shivers. She is petrified. Always afraid, always shaking. Her breathing is coming out from her insides in pants. Can't let go of the memories, can't move on. Why is she here? Why is he here? They warned her not to do this. Stay away from the demon little girl. But she can't. And she is so sure she will regret it. She can feel the itching digging inside her. She thinks she wants this. Whatever this is. If this is going to happen. So confused. So scared. They hate her. All of them. Not him. Not the blonde. Needs her. He told her that once. Promised her that he would never leave her. The itching is growing now, seering through her body, Yeah she wants this.
"Pet?" Spike's blue eyes look her direction and he smiles. Damn she is beautiful. "Are you alright?" The blonde asks, he is trying to be sublte, and he is failing.
Dawn takes a deep breath, this is going to hurt. But it always does. She has to take action. Some kind of action. Anything. Maybe this is wrong. "I'm not sure." She attempt to fake a smile. I'm so sick of this shit. She can't let it out. Has to hold it in. She'll cry herself to sleep later. That is nothing new. Why can't she just say it, speak the words she wants to. Let them flee from her lips no matter where they fall.
"Liar." Spike accuses with a hint of a crooked smile on those perfect lips. He can always read her. No matter what. It is simple to read his girl. Because he adores every inch of her, inside and out. Wants to make her his, if she would only ask him. But she wont. No, never. Not this angel. Too good for any kind of demon. "Tell Spike what is wrong." The blonde cant help but smile when he looks at her.
Dawn tries to inhale, oxygen never came easily. "They hate me Spike." Her eyes go dull. Always so dull lately. Not filled with that glow he adored. That magic in her smile was gone, she was vacant. He hated that.
"No baby.." Spike frowns, showing lines in his near flawless face. "They love you." He lies. They hate her. Even her sister. He can't tell why. Something about her isn't right. Something is wrong. Like him. Made for him. He knows shes not right, knows it but can not tell her. Not ever. Knows that his little bit has something inside her ready to blow, a fuse ready to explode somewhere. And he wants to be there when it does. Wants to watch the fire works ignite. They are all afraid of her, scared that she really can be so wrong, yet so pure. Scares them, intruges him. Entices him.
"No..." Dawn shakes her head. Hates it when he lies to her. But it's just to protect her. "What's wrong with me Spike." The pretty girls eyes fill with water that she tries to contain.
"Nothing pet." Spike tries to comfort her. "Your just a little more like me then they can handle that's all baby." This time it isn't a lie, just not the whole truth.
Why is he being so nice. She shivers. Shes always so cold. It's inside her bones and she can't find a way to shake it out. Dawn doesn't have any sense anymore. No sense for right or wrong. Her world is falling apart. They did it to her. Too much time with the scoobies and beasties. So unloves, abandoned, untouched. She can't seem to find a place to call home. Doesn't Understand, anything. "Spike?" Dawn tries not to look at him. Can't look into those eyes. The ones that held her soul so many times she couldn't bare to keep it. Could not bear it. Wanted to tear it out from the place it had wrought itself into. Wretched things souls are, wanted to tear it out until she couldn't feel it anymore. It just hurt to much. But only on the inside. She was dead on the outside. No one wanted her.
"Yeah Nibblet?" He answers. Always for her, just for her. He believes in her. In everything she will someday become. Whether she was put here to destroy the earth or not, whether she does or not. He believes in her, and he will cherish and follow the ground she walks on.
"I'm so scared." One tear falls from her blue eyes and down her porcelain white cheek. Fear. Corrupts your mind and entrapts your soul. It hadn't taken her completely yet. She needed to be caught. She was still falling.
"Don't be..." Spike pleads, it is so sincere it frightens her, hell it frightens him. "It's going to be alright." He reaches out to touch her soft cheek gently with his hand. It covers most of her face and she moves into the warm feeling. Wants so badly to feel that warmth, all of it. Remembers why she came.
"Spike?" Dawn shivers once more, another tear betraying its home and falling down her face. "Can you do me a favor?" She asks. The strangest way she could think to ask this, but the only way. Could never seduce him. It would never work. He would push her away and ask her what she was thinking. These tears, which were real, were the only way. Asking as a favor was the only way.
"Anything in the world, love." Spike smiles gently still touching her cheek. He means it, for now. He honestly would do anything for his girl. Loves her. Through and through. Would promise her the world if she wouldn't be afraid anymore. Wanted to take away those tears that fell. Loves to make her smile. Hates the tears.
"Make the pain go away..." Dawn hopes he knows exactly what she means. Doesn't want to explain. Hates explaining. But usually she doesn't have to explain to Spike. Because he can read her. Knows her. Is part of her. "Just for tonight." She begs.
"Dawn..." Spike can't reply. He can only say her name. Can she really be asking what he thinks. No. Not his girl. His sweet, innocent little girl. But then again he knew what she was capable of. Maybe this was the fuse he had been waiting for. Was he really hesitating something he wanted so badly. "This can't be something you really want. Think this through." He pleads.
"This isn't about thinking things through Spike." Dawn leans closer. "It's about making the mistakes I want to make, about easing my pain, not theirs." Her eyes almost fill with tears again, because she doesn't think she can convince him. More rejection. More pain. Might as well pile it on.
"Pet.." He sees the pain. "I want to do this too." And then Spike sees that glow. The one he misses. And that is enough to make him go through with this wicked deed. To see more of that perfect glow. Though he knows his girl, and he knows this glow will only last so long. Especially because of what she is asking from him. Hes seen it kill a girls glow before.
Dawn moves closer to him. She has never been this forward before, but she wants this. No she needs this. Can feel the aching inside her, she wants him to make it go away. Knows he can, maybe not permanantly but for a little while. And that's long enough. This pain is so unbearable that any second of relief is a Godsend. Dawn wraps his lips around his attacking Spike without hesitation. She can find so many reasons why she shouldn't do this, but she can't stop herself. Doesn't-Want-To. This is what she came for. Knew it from the first step out of the Summers home. Dawn realzes she is now straddling Spike, tangling her hands in his hair. He isn't stopping her. Not pushing her away. After a few minutes he picks her up and carries her over to his bed. He places light kisses on her neck.
"Pet?" Spike looks at his one and only weekness. "Are you sure?" He asks, the last time he will ask this question. Dawn doesn't answer with words. She can't. Because she isn't sure. Not that this is the best decision. But she wants it. Needs it. -
For a while. Dawn was thankfull she agreed to come over Spikes. He made all her fears and doubts fade away, Like nothing else in the world mattered. Like there was only him, and her. Made her forget about the pain, forget about how much the scoobies hated her. Forget that she was a key. At some moments, she forgot she existed. Was only feeling, corporeal and that was all. Flesh and tingles, sweat and lips. She didn't want to let this go. Wished she could hold onto it forever. For now this moment was hers forever. Was her saving grace.
"Spike?" Dawn doesn't shiver this time. Spike is holding her so tight the tiny brunnette can't feel the cold.
"Yeah baby." He kisses her forehead gently. He really loves her. Adores her. Wants to keep her forever but knows that is not possible. Something so precious cant be contained. That's why men hunt isn't it? To keep something so stunning, there is no other way to capture it. Can't tame such a perfect, wild creature. So they kill it. Could he do that with his Dawnie? Spike gets a sudden sick feeling in the pit of his stomouch...guesse not.
"This can't last can it?" Her perfect lips turn into a frown. "There gonna tear me apart when they find out aren't they?" Dawn asks sincere about the question. Because she will believe him. Her Spike. He wont lie. Sadly, he can't.
"This can last pet." Spike promises. "But it wont." He ads. "Your far too good for me and you'll see that soon enough." His voice doesn't break, though it wants to. Remembers this was all for her. "And they will tear you apart, you wont be able to bear the pain, and theres only one way for me to shield you." Spike sighs. "You wouldn't want that." I'd slaughter the lot of 'em for you my darling.
"Why can't I be strong and smart like you?" Dawn asks weekly.
"Someday pet, you will be stronger." Spike smirks. "Emotionally that is." His face lights up as he holds her down. Dawn just smiles. Unafraid. Trusting him completely. And he loves it. "As for smarter, you already are, you just don't realize it yet, you will." He licks his lips. "Someday." He frowns at the thought.
"Spike." Dawn wihspers. He loves the way she says his name like that. So week, so needy, she needs him. And for that he is eternaly greatful.
"Dawn." Spike looks at the frail beauty laying before him. Shes pale. Shes small. Dark. Inside, shes wrong. Corrupted. Tainted. His wicked little angel. She's perfect.
"Can this be real?" The brunnette asks. She doesn't talk like normal people. Never did. "For tonight." Begging with those baby blues of hers, how could he say no.
"It is real sweet bit." Spike answers. "More real than anything those scoobies will throw in your face." The blonde vampire hissed.
"It doesn't hurt yet Spike." Dawn sighs. "I don't want them to make it hurt." The girl closes her eyes and drifts into a deep sleep. She is safe. For now. They haven't tainted it yet. Haven't harmed her yet. But they will tear her apart. Will destroy what they have. What she had found. Make her hurt for not hurting. Can't escape the pain. Because they can't let her. They create the pain they live in, and she has to suffer. Because they hate her. Because she is wrong. So wrong. The fuse was finally exploding. They would kill her saving grace. Steal her glory. Because they hated that she was so much like him. So tainted. So tarnished.