Happy Endings Do Come True,
Just Like Disney Movies

I beckoned Bella over to the chair beside me with my left arm, which was difficult since I was born right-handed. Hopefully my werewolf skills would pay off. Being stuck in a bed was not fun at all.

"I was so worried, Jake. They told me what happened," Bella said, her face showing seriousness.

"I'm alright," I said, reassuring her with a smile. However, I hoped that she hadn't talked to any of my friends about it. They were notorious for construing important details.

"How are you feeling though?"

"Could be better. Dr. Cullen drugged me up so I should be pain-free for the next couple days."

Bella laughed a little. "He usually works on human patients."

"Yeah, well, I'm part human. Oh well. So long as I'm not in any pain, it's all good."

Silence lapsed between us, but I wanted to know how her stay with the leech and Seth went. Most of all, I wanted to know if she would love me as much as I loved her.

"How were the mountains?" I asked, nonchalantly. She sighed.

"Remember Victoria? Yeah, she found us in the mountains. She had built the army of newborns to kill me, but she hadn't planned on the wolves or the Cullens. This male vampire she had lured in, named Riley, thought that she loved him. Even though this had been waged in the name of James, Riley believed her. Seth decided to fight Riley, which actually was a fair fight. Seth, of course, won. Edward took on Victoria himself, destroying her as well. It was gross, but now I'm safe. No more Victoria."

I listened to her tale, which didn't comfort me too much. Though everyone was okay, including Bella, I still was convinced that Edward wanted her. A frown automatically appeared on my face.

"I'm glad you're okay, Bella," I replied, nodding. Feeling guilty, I knew I had walked away from Bella for the wrong reason. I missed a good fight and wound up hurting myself.

"What's wrong?" asked Bella, noticing my facial features.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I feel really guilty for leaving the tent. The tent pole really hurt and I couldn't stand Edward anymore," I replied, sighing. Such was a weak excuse.

"I know, I know. I love both of you and it's going to be hard to let go of one of you," she replied, with a sad smile.

"Well, I haven't rescinded my offer yet," I said.

"Yes, well, I hope you weren't mad at me for not deciding. When I saw Edward, some of the old feelings rushed back. Call me a bad person for it, but I never expected you to imprint on me. It's flattering, yes, but I have a decision to make."

"Have you decided?"



Bella didn't respond right away. Her eyes traveled to the floor briefly before they met mine. "I want you, Jacob. We've been through so much together and I would be stupid to not pick you. You've shown me the sun during the rain and my heart feels whole whenever I'm around you, Jake. I love you," she said, seemingly emptying her heart out. I was stunned; I couldn't believe that she had chosen me over the leech! My heart swelled with even more adoration for Bella. Well, secretly I thought she'd always choose me.

"I love you too, Bella," I replied, staring into her eyes. "Let me prove it," I added. She waited for me to elaborate, but I merely pointed to the bracelet on the table. Meaning to give it to her once I had revealed my imprinting, I wanted to show her that I truly did love her. The bracelet she had picked up and slipped around her wrist was the Quileute version of a promise ring. It was my promise to marry Bella when the time came.

"It's beautiful, Jacob," she said, admiring it from her wrist.

"Well, thanks. It's the Quileute version of a promise ring, you know," I replied, smiling.

Bella smiled back, letting it rest against her wrist. She pondered it for a while, but a content countenance soon crossed her features.

"Look, Jacob. I'm willing to wear it, but I don't want to be one of those girls who get pregnant and/or married right out of high school. This is great and all, but I want to take this slow. Is that okay?" she said, seriously.

"Of course, Bella. Anything for you," I said, just as serious.

I wanted nothing more than to make Bella happy. If she wanted to take our relationship slow, then so be it. My sisters raised me with manners (minus the swearing) and values. Yes, I wanted Bella to go to college even though she'd be far away. I wanted her to accomplish her goals without me hindering her. Whenever she was ready to settle down, I'd be ready too.

"Thanks, Jacob. It means a lot to me," she replied, smiling. I squeezed her hand, giving her assurance without words.

The next few days kept me confined to my bed, but thankfully I had made a full recovery thanks to Dr. Cullen. Bella and I made plans for a picnic in Forks on a rare sunny day, but we got an unexpected visitor: Edward Cullen.

"Edward," I said indifferently, with a curt nod.

"Jacob," he replied, with no trace of a frown or smirk.

Seeing Edward was less than enjoyable, but I hadn't thanked him for protecting Bella. Even as stubborn as I was, I couldn't go without saying it.

"I can't thank you enough for protecting Bella from Victoria," I said, honestly.

Edward nodded. "Thank you for protecting and caring for Bella. You gave her the life I wanted her to have."

Surprised, I couldn't even manage a word. Bella nudged my ribs to reanimate me. Before I knew it, I had stretched out my arm to offer him a handshake. At last, our difference had come to an end. Edward shook my hand and even Bella smiled. He turned his eyes toward her and offered her a smile.

"Bye Bella," he said, raking a hand through his bronze hair.

"Bye Edward," she replied, running toward Edward and giving him a hug.

Apparently, the Cullens were leaving Forks for the time being. The future would even escape Alice, and the pieces had to fall where they may. Edward gave us both a last look before disappearing into the trees.

"That was very mature of you, Jake," said Bella, clasping my hand. Her fingers slid between mine and we swayed our hands gently as we walked.

"Well, thanks Bella. I'm not as immature as you think," I replied, grinning.

"You're not as funny as you think," Bella said, laughing.

"Oh, really?"

I let go of Bella to start tickling her on her sides. She laughed and tried to shoo me away, but I ended up picking her up by her waist and twirling her in the air. Stopping gradually, we both smiled at each other and looked into each other's eyes. I knew that Bella was the one. Leaning toward each other, we shared a kiss that lasted an eternity -- well, maybe a solid five minutes.


It's been ten years. Not much is known about the Cullens, especially since they only come back to Forks ever five years. It's thought that they move around Alaska and Canada while they are away from the rainy town. Edward usually visits Bella for a day, catching up on life. I think it keeps them both on track. The other Cullens tend to stay at the house as the wildlife seems to significantly decrease without warning. No additions have been made to their family as of now, keeping the number steady at seven. I can't imagine Edward not finding another vampire of interest, but he has an eternity to look for her. Bella misses them, of course. Even with the long periods of them between smelling Bella's scent, the Cullens keep control. Our pack has more or less allied with them, ending all previous prejudices and tensions.

Sam and Emily still live in their house, although they are ten years older. He hasn't retired from pack leader, but the chances of engaging with vampires again are slim. Emily still bears the marks of Sam's anger, but she's one hell of a cook still. I visit from time to time when I get the chance. Quil and Claire are usually over, although the cute four year old I had met was now fourteen and very much a teenager. Luckily, she was much nicer than Leah at her age. They deserved each other; Quil was going to give her the choice and bracelet when she turned seventeen. A sad smile would always adorn my face; I would be thirteen years older than Quil, provided that Claire chose him. We'd always remain friends, even if he spent most of his days with Claire now.

Paul and Jared are happily married to Rachael and Kim, respectively. Both have consequently moved out of La Push, which seemed to upset some of the elders. Happy for them (even though Paul was now my brother-in-law) despite their departure to Seattle and Olympia, they managed to visit us every so often.

Leah and Embry have also found love; they fell in love with each other. They are merely dating, having numerous break-ups along the road. Whether or not they make it in the future, I do know that Leah is finally happy and over Sam. Embry is very much a part of our trio, even though he aged as well (catching up to Leah, of course). Quil and I have an ongoing bet; fifty bucks to Quil if they get married. Sorry Leah, but I still like you I swear.

Leah has also become much closer with Bella. They are very much friends and it's nice to finally see them getting along.

Rebecca has continued to live in Hawaii with her husband. The only time I saw her in the last ten years was last year. Her husband came with her to Bella and I's wedding -- much to my surprise. My father had sent her an invitation. I'll admit, I choked up. Rebecca teared up as well and reconciliation was in order. It felt so nice.

Brady and Collin are still looking for love. I told them to start expanding past La Push, since the world was vast outside the reservation. Taking my advice to heart, they traveled out of La Push. Last I heard, they both currently have girlfriends. Although they aren't imprinted upon, Brady and Collin seemed happy indeed. Hopefully it lasts.

Billy and Charlie are still single and not too concerned about finding another wife. Bella and I seem to like it that way, especially me. They still go fishing and watch the ballgames on the television at the Swan residence. Their friendship hasn't faltered and Charlie also hasn't threatened to shoot me lately. They both attended Bella and I's wedding along with Renée and Phil. Renée and Phil got married five years ago and have stayed in contact with Bella over the years. Even Charlie and Renée have finally reconciled. Phil still travels (can you believe it?) but he now umpires instead of playing. Interestingly enough Bella and I will probably never see a game where he umpires. Oh well.

The Forks crew left for sunny Arizona. Jessica and Mike became high school sweethearts along with Angela and Eric. Leaving behind memories from Forks, they lost contact with Bella after they left. Subsequently, we couldn't send them an invitation. Be as it may, I'd rather not have Mike vomiting at my wedding. Tyler and Lauren actually stayed in Forks and had their own families. Happy endings, see?

Of course, I got my happy ending. I had to fight hard for it, even as Edward left. Even before I had imprinted on Bella, I had loved her. She was smart, funny, and clumsy; my Bella. In ten years time we had grew even more together. Though we headed off to different colleges (Bella to Dartmouth and I to a local two year college until I decided to become a mechanic), I kept my promise to marry her. We found a little house in Forks to settle in that didn't cost much. I couldn't offer Bella unlimited wealth, but I could give her undying loyalty and love. As I mentioned before, we decided to get married and planned the marriage last year. It was one of the best moments of my life.

Quil and Embry were both the 'Best Man' because I couldn't choose between them obviously. Bella chose Leah to be her 'Maid of Honor', which was expected. Claire posed as one of the bridesmaids near Quil, playing with the bracelet around her wrist. Rebecca's daughter and my niece was the flower girl, who threw rose petals down the aisle. Everyone was here and I couldn't help but to beam with pride next to my best friends, which included Bella, my soon-to-be-wife.

Charlie walked down the aisle with Bella, looking as beautiful as ever. I could remember the moment vividly. Putting the ring on her finger and kissing her after the vows was simply perfect. It was etched into my mind forever. Another moment that stuck out was the one where I saw Leah's face as she caught the bouquet. The clapping that had ensued afterward was directed toward the fact that Leah had grabbed Embry by the collar and kissed him passionately on the lips.

Finally, to top off my happy ending, Bella gave birth to our first child. She had inherited Bella's eyes naturally. The little bundle of joy was my personal sunshine. I would always treasure the moment I first laid eyes on my daughter.

Since Bella's picked name was Briley Brilly Black, I had to end that. I told her that we weren't doing that combined name shit. With convincing, we decided to choose a name that was special to us. That meant it was cheesy but we loved the name.

Leah Rose Black was the daughter of Jacob and Bella Black.

And so my happy ending found me; the pieces of the puzzle fit together just right. I loved Bella and Leah Rose; my life couldn't get any better. Happiness was a cure to any pain.

I glanced down at the two loves of my life. Bella looked up and met my eyes.

"I love you, Bella," I murmured.

"I love you more, Jacob," she replied, smiling.
