Authors Note

K this is like the first fanfiction that I have wrote that was acutely a fanfiction instead of a movie script. See usually I write everything in manga script format, and well not to many people can read them. So I try to make it so they are readable, but this time I just wrote it as you see it Let me know how I did. I also would like to ask help on the title it kind of sucks. Oh and you'll understand who's telling the story soon enough.


If you think I own Yu Yu Hakusho you need to look at the authors name on the cover.

Another boring day in school listening to lectures that I had already studied. It seemed that none of my instructors could challenge me enough. I was in 5th hour biology, the only class I was acutely paying attention to. I of course already knew everything Keyoshi-sensi was saying, but it didn't matter to me. Biology has always been my favorite subject. It could have been my 50th time going over it, and I would still be interested in hearing about it. As it turns out it was getting close to that.

As Keyoshi-sensi was going over the Nucleus of a cell the Secretary walked through the door, and was going to wait until he finished, but Keyoshi-sensi never did like having anyone other then his students staring at him. He turned almost immediately, smiling slightly at the Secretary, who he obviously found attractive. "May I help you" Keyoshi-sensi asked, trying to sound professional. She didn't say anything, jut handed him the note and waited for her to reply. Keyoshi-sensi studied the not thoroughly, before looking up, and telling her "Alright. Bring her in." Attempting to be professional again, but you would have to be deaf to miss the adoring tone his spoke to her in. The Secretary left the room, but Keyoshi-sensi didn't continue the lesion like he usually did.

A beautiful girl with long flowing hair stepped into the classroom, with a sad look on her face. She was Waring our school uniform, and her hair was in two loos ponytails. (A/N: pic in profile) Keyoshi-sensi stood beside her as he addressed the class. "We have a new student joining us today. Why don't you Introduce yourself to the class?"

She nodded towards him before speaking. "Hello my name is Akatski Hikaru. It' a pleasure to meet you all." What a lovely name. It employed that she was small, and bright, but at the same time memorable, and Beautiful. (N/A: Akatski means Dawn or Day Break, and Hikaru means firefly) She took a small bow and listened for instructions from Keyoshi-sensi.

"It seems the only seat available is next to Minamino-san" Keyoshi-sensi pointed out as he motioned towards the seat next to me "That will be your seat" She gave him a small bow, and walked to the her new seat in the back row. I had requested the first day that year that I sit her alone, because every time I have a lab partner they get in the way, hate me, or obsess over either my looks or brains. For some reason I thought this new girl was going to be different. She didn't seem to be taken by my looks when she bowed at me before taking her seat. I of coarse played the gentleman, and nodded back, even though I was in deep thought. I wanted to find out if she was going to be like the others so I decided to use today as a study. As the day hour passed I would act as I usually did and see if she was at all interested in how smart I was like the other girls.

Keyoshi-sensi continued his lecher as soon as she had sat down. "Eucaryotic nucleus contains two distinct types of structures, the chromosomes and the what?Dose anyone here know?" I raised my hand knowing the answer was the nucleoli. I waited for him to call on me, but instead he continued trying to get the others to answer "Dose anyone other the Minamino-san know" Then I noticed Akatski next to me raising her hand, and he called on her to answer. "Yes Akatski-san"

"The nucleoli." She said it like she didn't really care about answering it. Like she was board with the subject.

"Very good" To anyone else it would sound like he was congratulating or giving her praise, but I knew better. He was making fun of her, calling her stupid. I really didn't like this very much. She didn't deserve it. Of coarse he hated me, because he knew I was smarter then him, at least in this subject. He then continued his lesion. "With an electron microscope we can see both are embedded in of amorphous,granular-appearing nucleoplasm. The entire nucleus is bounded by a nuclear membrain. The chromosomes are elongate, thread-like bodies clearly visible only when is under going division. They are composed of what?" again I raised my hand knowing the answer. There were two, DNA and protein. He wasn't looking for my answer this time either, he never was, but this time he wanted someone in particular to answer. Akatski raised her hand falling into his trap. If she didn't give him both he was going to say it was wrong. "yes Akatski-san" he loured her in.

She smirked slightly as she spoke. "There's two. DNA, and protein" He wouldn't get her this time, but why did she look so amused? I'm sure it's nothing.

"Yes that's corrects" He wasn't calling her stupid this time. Keyoshi-sensi was more annoyed by his new rival. He was used to dealing with me, but now there was someone else who might be smarter then him. He continued. "The DNA is the substance of the basic units or heredity, called genes, while the protein provides spool-like supports, or cores on which genes transmit anelaberate message from generation to generation. They determine the characteristics of cells and act as the units of control in the day-to-day activities of living cells" The bell rung just as he had finished hes sentence which usually meant that he was approximately half way done with he lecher and would finish it tomorrow. I couldn't see if she was interested in my intelligence so I decided to find out if I had any other periods with her. If she did I could find out then, unless she knew as much about that subject as she did this one.

"Akatski-san?" I tried to sound like it was unimportant to me but I don't think it sounded that way.

Akatski-san looked up from gathering up the notebook she had wrote everything Keyoshi-sensi had said today. She didn't seem anymore happy then she had when she walked into the room. "Yeah"

"I was wondering what your other classes were, or if maybe you needed any directions." She said nothing, as she pulled a piece of paper out from the front pocket of he school bag. I scanned over it quickly, noticing that it matched mine exactly. "I have the same class as you next hour. Do you want to walk with me" I handed her the paper back, stuffing it in her bag, she nodded.

It was quiet as we walked down the hall neither of us would say anything. There was really nothing to say, but I still wanted to try to talk to her. "So where did you transfer from?" Her mood still hadn't changed. A whole hour and the only change was a short instance of amusement.

She kept walking, not making any eye contact with me. "I'd rather not talk about it" That was unusual most people loved talking about there hometown. I couldn't focus on that for long. My mind kept going back to the small second of amusement she had shown me earlier. How could she had known what he was doing. She seemed smart, but no one was able to judge character that quickly, and get it right. Maybe she was like Hiei, in a telepathic way. There were allot of people with heightened spiritual abilities, and what if she did have this ability. Did she know what it was, or was she confused. I really wasn't paying much attention to anything happening around me, so it took me by surprise when she spoke to me. "we are going to the gym, right?" Why would she have to ask I said it was the same class. Maybe she didn't trust me. I'd have to change that.

"Yeah of coarse" We were about half way there so I had to ask her soon if I wanted an answer. "Can I ask you a question?" I tried to sound as if I was confused about something, which wasn't too hard. I was already pondering the possibilities. Curiosity peeked into my voice even though I didn't want it to.

Still not making eye contact with me I got an answer. "You just did." Not what I was hoping for, but an answer none the less.

"A different question." She didn't say anything, just nodded her head obviously hiding something. "How did you know what Keyoshi-sensi was trying to do?" The question sounded so vague but I wasn't getting anywhere with specific questions.

She looked up at me for the first time since the conversation began, but it didn't last too long. As soon as she noticed what she had done she was looking ahead again. "He doesn't like it if his students are smarter then him. People like that need to prove that they have the higher intellect. It's an obvious thing if you pay attention" That was more like it three sentences, and she was just a really good judge in character, unless she had repeated that story Meany times over, and could now use it unfazed.

I wanted to find out for myself. If she was a good judge in character she'd be able to tell me everything I let people see and nothing more. "So you must be really good at telling what a person is like." Silent again, she must have realized how much she had said before. There was no getting around what I was going to ask now. "So what do you think of me? What do you think I'm like?" Nope no way around talking now.

"Responsible, Intelligent, strong willed, hard working, athletic, and you seem to be hiding something." How could she know that last one I was always careful not to let anyone onto that.

"Well I just met you I'm not going to tell you everything, and I don't expect you to tell me everything about yourself" But I knew that's exactly what I was doing I was trying to get her to tell me everything. Why would I want to know anyway. I didn't understand it. And which one was she implying. About my need to know everything about everybody that didn't obsess over me, or about my other half?

she looked at me once again, eyes filled with self righteousness. "But that's exactly what you intend me to do." I was taken away by this she wasn't being quiet anymore, because she was done analyzing me. Akatski Hikaru Had me pegged down flat, but only half of me. Even though she knew she had got it right she must had felt the need to ask any way "Am I wrong" The words pierced through me like a streak of spirit energy. As if Yusuke had hit me with his spirit gun.

For some reason I couldn't bring myself to lie to her again. "No. Your right. That was my intention" It was so weird, telling the truth after lying all day. I'd have to watch her. If I'm not careful she could find out about Yoko. I wouldn't let that happen. We were now standing in front of the boys locker room. "The girls locker room is just a little was down the hall that way." I pointed in the direction I was talking about, hoping that all shock had vanished from my expression.

"Thank you! If you would like we can talk more after school" Bowing slightly as she spoke.

Authors Notes

OK so I put the first two chapters into one, and I'm only asking for 5 reviews per chapter so I have to make a new one. The reasoning for all this is bacouse my frined pointed it out to me that it kindof looked weired as two chapters. One more thing. If you didn't get who was telling the story or who Minamino-san was both are yoko kurama or Shuichi Minamino (same person different names)