Well I decided to do this at the end of every chapter fic why.... Why the hell not, I write the fic, spent hours on it making it perfect for you to read so I wanna end it in style.
This is basically to say thank you to everyone who reviewed this for me and who generally made me feel great and that I rocked. Hee Hee. You guys rule. You gave me the will to carry on and finish though at time I just wanted to quit but I didn't and now it's finished and what a feeling that is.
I like to say a special thanks to Jenihenpen, Jenny to me, thanks for all the help with this fic and the constant help and criticisms. Couldn't of done it without you.
I hope it's what you all expected and met your standards, I tried the best I could to keep them in character and I just hope I did it right. I enjoyed writing this and putting them in these situation and imagining them in them, it brings a smile to my face, I'm almost tempting to write another father/son fic... Other than my Quality time.... What do you think???
Anyway thanks.... and even if you skimmed this and thought.... Fucking loser than that's fine too... i'm not important the fic is so I hope you like it and goodbye till the next time I finish a chapter story