Okay, here's the last part. It's really short, but just kinda sum it up to being an epilogue. I like it, and I hope you do too!

Disclaimer: The TMNT are not mine, nor is the song I alternated in this story


Later that night found the small family curled up in front of the television. Everything had gone smoothly during dinner, and it was nice to see all their friends. Leo and Usagi had a nice conversation, Gen and Raph had gotten into a small argument, and Mikey had bothered Silver Sentry all night. Don and April had exchanged "geek talk" as Raph had put it. Angel had shown up briefly, and the Ultimate Daimyo had even made an appearance with his son.

Leo and Raph's fish had even been named. They had shared their story with everyone during dinner, and Mikey had named them right then and there. Raph's was now called "Nemo," because it was appropriate, and after getting into another conversation during that one, Leo's was dubbed "Lil Wayne," much to his dismay. But he didn't have the heart to change it, and now it was stuck.

So now that chores were done, everyone was gone, and everything was cleaned up, the small family was enjoying some quality time together, like they did every year. Watching the 24-hour marathon of "A Christmas Story" like they did every year was just the perfect way to end a great Christmas. Add in hot chocolate, heavy blankets, a small fire, and Leo home again, and it was pure bliss.

Mikey was snuggled up to Master Splinter on the couch, his head in his father's lap, his cup of hot cocoa already gone and the empty mug sitting on the floor, blanket covering every part of him except his head. Master Splinter's paw caressed his son's head while the other one held a hot mug of soothing tea. Don was curled in a small ball in the chair next to them, glass already half gone, blanket over his bottom half. Raph and Leo were on the floor, shells against the couch. Raph had one arm over Leo's shoulders, and said turtle was leaning against Raph. Both had blankets over their backs and mugs in their hands. Even Leo was drinking hot cocoa instead of his normal herbal tea.

It was during the second time they were watching the movie that Master Splinter stood up, right during the part where Ralphie was getting pushed down the slide by Santa's boot.

"I'm going to bed," he said, waiting until four pairs of eyes turned to look at him. "Thank you for a wonderful day. Merry Christmas, my sons."

"Merry Christmas, Master Splinter," Four tired, yet very happy voices chimed.

Master Splinter walked to his room, pausing right before he entered, and turning to watch his boys one last time. This was definitely one of the best Christmases they had had in a long time. Leonardo was back, and they were all getting along. And seeing all their friends together and conversing with everyone just warmed the old rat's heart.

And he knew that in a few hours, all of his sons would be occupying the couch, curled up against each other, sleeping peacefully as the last showing of the movie indicated the end of yet another Christmas. And that thought made him smile.

His family was together again.

Master Splinter smiled and slid shut his door, enclosing him in darkness, while outside, the soft glow of the T.V. illuminated the room in a friendly light. Small snores began to emit from the pile on the couch, and, as the movie ended, so did the holiday.

We wish you a turtle Christmas,

We wish you a turtle Christmas,

We wish you a turtle Christmas

And a shell of a New Year!


Well? It's finally done! And I like it! And my muse is satisfied and quiet for now! Now for sleep...

While I'm sleeping... review? Please?

And I wish you all a Merry Christmas for those that celebrate it! Hope it's as great as the turtles!