Okay warnings, well let's start here. Bad grammar, bad spelling, bad plot, bad planning, bad timing bad typing, bad spelling and bad… wait I already said spelling. 'O' did I tell you I have LD? Well I do. For those of you who don't know LD means Learning Disability. I have trouble spelling words, but wait it doesn't stop there. I also have trouble in math. Of courseit helps now that I'm the only person in my math class. (I think the other one was abducted by a UFO. Why didn't they take me instead?)

I do NOT own Eyeshild 21 or Hiruma and Sena. Some Japanese guy dose and If is name was short (or not Japanese) I could remember it.

I however own plot of this fic, and it's so bad that it's really not worth owning. But hay we got to start some where.

I just learnd today's Sena's birth day! Happy birth day Sena!

"o" and before a forget to tell you, later on in the story there may be possible boyxboy(the past lovey dovey kind). Yaoi

Sean's feet sank into the deep snow as he slowly dragged his unconscious team captain down the face of the mountain. He had just rescued Hiruma from an avalanche.

Now Sena knew that in these types of circumstances you should stay put so people can find you, and he would have if he didn't look up and notice how the snow on the peak of the mountain looked so unstable. It looked as if it would topple down on them and cause another avalanche if he made even the smallest of sounds or movement. This encouraged him to move himself and Hiruma as far from the peak as possible. Hiruma was getting cold he could feel him shivering on his back. Sena had to find shelter. 'Think Sena think.' He thought to himself.

'We saw a cabin on the way up the lift. But we could have drifted down pasted it in the avalanche.' Sena thought depressingly, there was no way to tell.

Luckily Sena was only half right. The avalanche had pushed them down the mountain a little way so the cabin turned out to be closer then he thought.

Sena felt relief when he saw the cabin he had seen earlier just a few yards away, hidden between some trees and a slope.

He started to pick up his pace and was soon at the door of the cabin which to his dismay and luck was unlocked.

Inside the cabin there was only one room. The room wasn't much, there was a small table, two chairs and a queen sized bed that was next to a night table that had an old oil lamp on it. There was also a fire place on the far back wall.

Putting Hiurma leaning next to the bed, Sena and took the quilt off the bed and placed it down in front of the fire place. Next he found the oil lamp which was able to light with a match he found in a cabinet. Luckily there was already wood in the fire place waiting to be lit so he didn't have to worry about going outside and getting any. He was strangely able to get the fire lit with the first match.

Done with that Sena moved Hiruma to the quilt and started taking off both there wet clothes and hung them on the fire place so they could dry. Sena then rapped Hiruma up in the quilt and dressed himself with a night shirt he found in the closet. Satisfied with his work Sena crawled into the make-shift bed next to Hiruma.

The room was still cold and drafty Sena knew he would have to use his own body heat to keep Hiruma warm in till the heat from the fire warmed up the room. He didn't want the blond to get Hypothermia.

He centered Hiruma between himself and the fire and rapped them both tightly in the old quilt. Sena pushed down his fear as there body's touched. 'It's just in till the room warms up.' He told himself as he snuggled closer to the blond, wincing a little when he felt how cold the other was.

As worried as he was about Hiruma, Sena was getting tiered, carrying the blond around in the snow had taken a lot out of him so he soon fell asleep after his head touched the floor.


The first time Sena woke he was comfortably in the arms of his team captain. 'Wait what?' Yep. Yoichi Hiruma, Deimonhigh's notaries' quarterback had a vice like grip around Sena's waist.

Sena paled, clearly this couldn't end well. There was no telling what Hiruma would do to him if he... 'Wait! Hiruma-san feels a lot warmer then he did earlier.' Sena noticed and was relived that Hiruma was alright.

His relief Sena also came to realization about what predicament he was in. Hiruma's arms. Hiruma was holding him. Embracing him in his sleep. The blond was sleeping wasn't he?

Sena looked back over his shoulder and tried to suppress the sigh of relieve he felt knowing the other was still asleep. But that didn't stop the fear, this was Hiruma he was laying with, and they were both boys.

There was no way Sena could predict what Hirumareaction would be if he awoke this very moment to find Sena invading his personal space.

Pushing his fear aside Sena slowly tried to move out of Hiruma's reach, but only caused the blond demon's grip to tighten and pull him closer. 'Damn!' Sena cursed inwardly at his luck. He then froze as Hiruma started pulling Sena closer to him. Sena blushed as he felt his back come in contact with Hiruma's warm muscular chest. He suddenly felt rather faint.

He didn't dare move now for fear that he might wake the other. His mother always told him 'let sleeping cats lye', Sena wondered if that applied to demons too. He came to a conclusion when Hiruma shifted in his sleep and rested his face on Sena's neck. 'Yes it defiantly applies to demons!'

Sena was shaken out of his thoughts aging when Hiruma smirked and made a ke kee ke noise into his ear. Sena couldn't hold in the shiver as the warm breath of his demonic captain tickled his ear. He was on the verge of hyperventilating before he realized that Hiruma was only talking in his sleep.

'Why me?' Sena thought as he finely gave up struggling and tried to fall asleep aging, hoping Hirumawouldbein a decent mood when he woke up.

_-_-_More sleep_-_-_

The next mooring when Hiruma came to realizing he was embracing something warm and soft. "What the hell?" The blond stated groggily.

It was needless to say that he was vaguely surprised to find himself sleeping on the floor firmly embracing his ace. Not that he minded.

Hiruma gave an irritated growl as he tried in vain to remember if he'd gotten drunk and lured Sena into bed with him the night before. What had transpired in the last 24 hours?

And then it all came rushing back to him, the trip the loge, going skiing and the avalanche. 'The avalanche! I almost died.' Hiruma thought as he remembered being buried alive under the snow.

Hirumacould remember little after that except hearing a voice calling out to him, being buried under god knows how much snow he couldn't call out for help so instead he started to fire his gun had what he hoped was up. Hopefully he didn't hit (or frightened off) anyone who was trying to help. 'Looks like it worked.' He thought looking around for his gun he realized he wasn't at the loge.

Sena must have found him and brought him here. Which in fact led him to another important question; "WHERE THE HELL IS HERE?!"

OMG that took so firkin long to edit. But thankfully I was able to get a dictionary the last day of the book fair. I didn't even have to pay for it. It pays to be on the librarians good side, and it helps to be in book club too. Of course she could have felt sorry for me when I said the only dictionary we had was falling apart and had water stains and book worms eating it(true).

'O' and I won't put up the next chapter in till I get reviews. I need feed back people! So if you fav me or somthing please review(Pupy eyes).

'O' and if you don't like my spelling you can be my beta reader. XD