Hello everyone! It's been a long while, but I hope you enjoy this latest chapter :D.

Sorry for the bunch of background, but I hope our little innocents in a not so innocent role make it all the more sweet ;).

Thank you all for your reviews. Especially those that came long after the previous chapter was published, you made this chapter possible.

MyTwiliLove does not own Inuyasha, you all know who does...

You readers, enjoy!

"Follow me you two, we must find somewhere private to discuss such things." As the two young ones followed the surprisingly fleet-footed Myoga, one's mind was in shambles.

'Rin…Rin…where have I heard that name before? I swear it's on the tip of my tongue.' Sango was having a hard time trying to recollect the familiar, yet distanced memories. Somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind, a light bulb was lit and all the horrible information came flooding back. Sango stopped, looked at the ceiling and screamed, in horror and anger.

Myoga grimly smiled, it seems that at least she wouldn't have to relive the memories of what he was about to tell them. Just as he was about to begin walking again, he felt a motion constricting hand rest on his shoulder.


"Yes, Sango?"

"Is she that one child? The one with Shippou…that Kohaku…"

"Unfortunately so my dear."

"Do you mind if I leave? There is much housework that needs to be done."

"Of course you can, my dear. It's not something you needed permission for."

"Thank you. Oh! And Myoga-san, just so you know, I will do it. I will not waver, he needs to be killed and I will deliver justice." At that, Myoga turned around, shocked. At his expression, Sango looked him straight in the eyes and nodded affirmatively, then briskly turned on her heel and stalked off.

Throughout this whole exchange, Miroku had become part of the wall paint and finally as Sango rushed off, he began to peel and chip until his mouth spoke. "Myoga-san, do you care to tell me what that was all about?"

"I was already planning to Miroku, come walk with me and I will tell you the story of Rin."

Rin came to be an early member of Sesshomaru's gang. A far too innocent member if anyone had cared to ask Myoga's opinion, which of course no one gave a flea's ass about. The girl was your average Japanese, dark brown eyes, straight black hair, making her perfect for undercover and covert missions. This mission was exactly the reason she ended up in Sesshomaru-sama's gang in the first place.

Her mission was to kill the nephew of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, the fiery haired, green eyed Shippou. Rin had two option, go as a bartender or go as a woman looking for a nightly companion. Of course, in order to prove herself as sophisticated and worldly, she was now dressed in a deep V-neck, backless maroon dress with forest green satin laced heels with a matching green bow choker. She was her own seductive present, one that almost immediately caught the eyes of two men as she glided her way through the bar. Yes! She had her prey right where she wanted him, now all she needed was to wait for the little fly to be stuck in the web.

"What can I get you ma'am?"

"I'll have a strawberry daiquiri please."

"Coming right up."

"Daiquiri, I see. A shame, I was hoping you'd like something a bit harder." Rin internally jumped for joy, this mission was proving way too easy. Rin swiveled around on her chair and charmingly smiled at the spiky red-head with mesmerizing green eyes. Hook.

"Hmm, how so?"

"Well it just seems that pink is not quite the color that suits you. You look much better with Red and Green." Line.

"Well I do enjoy a good glass of Green or Red Label once in a while, but tonight I'm only sure those colors look good on me, not in me."

"Really? Care to find out?" Sinker!

"I'm sorry Miss, is this man bothering you?" Dammit! Who the hell was getting in the way of her mission? Rin turned to the intruder and noticed that this dark haired, dark eyed man was smiling at her in an uncomfortable manner. If she was not on a mission, Rin might have run away in sheer disgust. Before she could kindly tell him to mind his own damn business, she was interrupted by her companion.

"What do you want, Kohaku?" Ooh, frigid.

"Shippou, what would I want with you? In fact, I distinctly remember that I was talking to the young lady, so mind your own business." The same could be said for you, thought Rin haughtily. Or perhaps, this could work to her advantage. As the music picked a catchy tune Rin made her move.

"Gentlemen, let's dance and forget this altercation even happened, shall we?" As she sauntered off, the men only shared one more heated glance before following her to the pulsing dance floor. In the span of the three grueling minutes, Rin found herself sandwiched between the two, tall and well muscled men. While the mission might not have been going to plan, at least she was having the time of her life. Or so she thought, until one shimmy too close with Kohaku and growl and clutching later she was face to face with an Emerald sneer.

"Oops, did I outsmart the fox? How quaint." Punctuated with a slow slide of her thigh against his waist and a shit-eating grin that she knew he wanted to wipe off. Instead a casual slide up the backside of her lifted limb seemed enough for him.


"Well, you'll just have to give me a chance to change your mind."

"How about something better?" A large hand splayed against ass hoisted her up and glued Rin to Shippou. His warm breath tickled her ear as he whispered.


"How would you rather not die for being sent by Naraku to kill me? Before you say anything or make any sudden movements, know that we know Kohaku was sent as your back up. In fact, his jealously tipped you off. A shame that such talents are squandered."

It didn't take Rin a heartbeat to ask, "How do we lose the tail?"

A smirk. "My bed..." A raised eyebrow. "...and the mind blowing sex will only be your proverbial cherry on top." Two seconds after a wink and a smoldering kiss later the couple was slithering their way out of the club and up the lift to the attached hotel. The next day, Rin was introduced to Sesshomaru-sama, to which she happily squealed and immediately latched onto him in a surprisingly bone-crushing hug. Silence prevailed in the small office.

"Hn." A head pat later, everyone smiled and life in the gang continued on with an addition of sunshine in her form. Shippou found a reason to smile and Sesshomaru found a reason to enjoy his sister's son's radiating happiness.

The missions continued and Rin's skill only grew in time, so much so that she was graced with the nickname of The Black Widow. A tribute to not only her skill in killing males but also to the man that led her into this life after the brutal mass murder of her family and friends. It seemed that her life had become picture perfect. A loving husband with a father figure she never had and a family she couldn't love more. However, gravity stops for no one and what goes up must come down. And the ball that started down the hill was going to be her best and last mission.

"I cannot believe he let you get away with that!"

"Aw, Shippou jealous that I was able to outfox not only you that night so many years back but also Sesshomaru-sama this time?"

"No, I cant believe he thinks this mission is safe enough for you and the kit."

"Oh hush, you can't even tell the kit is there yet! It's a quick job. I only have to plant false information into the informant's ear. I'm not even seducing anyone."

"What if that hound is there?"

"I'm taking the Band of Seven as well as the Assassin Twins with me, I'll be safe and you know it." Although his eyes spit fire, he knew he'd have to concede that point. So he only changed tactics.

"How are you going to pretend to be drunk enough to 'blab' the information when you can't drink?"

"The bartender is going to be Totosai-san."

"Exactly! That old coot can't even remember his own name." When that statement only succeeded in raising an incredulous eyebrow, Shippou sighed and conceded. With a wink and a smoldering kiss, Rin was off for the mission.

In the bar that a long time ago was the first meeting place of the couple sat a dark-haired and dark-eyed male who carried an ominous aura around him like a second cloak. His phone vibrated and as he answered, an even crueler voice hissed out, "Has she come out yet Kohaku?"

"No. But it's her first time back here Naraku-sama. And besides there is a chance she won't take the bait. Why risk everything this last time?"

"Kohaku, Kohaku, Kohaku. So naive and in love, the thrill of this business is the risk. It's what keeps the butterflies fluttering back. Why else would women join such a dastardly world? And the satisfaction of winning is unlike any other. I've waited many a year for this and now the once lost butterfly has to face the fate of your butterfly."

"You can't mean..." The only response was a click and the dial tone. Kohaku could only sit in disbelieving silence on the bar stool at the corner of the room that had a prime view of his target. Waiting for his cue. Like so long ago.

You see, in the years that followed Rin's side switching, Kohaku took the blame for the failed operation and was forced to prove his loyalty by trapping another butterfly. Only this time, he was to crush its wings as soon as its usefulness gave out. And trapped her he had. So much so that he had given her his heart in order to keep her there. Even now, he could still feel her silky tresses run through his fingers if he imagined hard enough. Still hear her high toned chuckle and see her mischief ridden eyes. Still smell the earthy scent that clung to her skin, taste her razor sharp threads of death as they nicked his skin in practice. Most of all, he could still remember her borderline evil smirk as she whispered his name.

When the time came to crush his butterfly, he was forced to watch the torture and rape and then his own hands as they slowly cut her piece by piece until her heart stopped. Even now he could read the hell wrought fury in those eyes as she whispered her last, damning words. That day, Kohaku lost his humanity as his soul died with its mate.

So Cerberus as he was known these days steeled his nerves, numbed his mind and cast out his heart as the prey walked in with her entourage. As he barked the signal, chaos ensued. Kohaku only walked into the crossfire murmuring, "Forgive me Yura, my angel, for I'm sending another to you."

Feedback would be lovely. There will be more chapters of background after this. Toodles.


rAnDoM qUoTe Of ThE dAy: Louder than sirens, Louder than bells, Sweeter than heaven, And hotter than hell.

P.S. This song was my inspiration for Rin and Shippou