From Yesterday

Eric Draven walked the streets that night with a picture in his pocket. He showed it to everybody he passed in hopes that they could point him in the right direction. He didn't know why he was here, why had the crow brought him back yet again? But he knew, or at least he thought that it must have to do with this. It had to, he had taken care of everything else when he came back to avenge Shelly Webster three years ago.. He wanderd around for a while longer before throwing up his arms in frustration, "This is Hopeless!" he said quietly to himself and leaned against a wooden crate in the alley. He listened to the sirens in the background and thought to himself about Shelly and Sarah, and this whole situation and what he was going to do about it. However, his musings were cut short by a girl, a brunette. She was rather short and looked as though she could use a good night's sleep. He paid little attention to how she flipped the top to her lighter back and forth. This girl probably wasn't even sixteen and already she was walking the streets at night. Eric thought it was rather practical, teenagers these days, they were either strung out on drugs, or they were livin' it good. There seemed to be no gray area, you were wither this or you were that, and that was it. She continued to stare at him.

"What are you supposed to be? The Joker or something?"

He looked at her confused for a second but then realized that he still had the make-up on.. "Sure, you can say that.."

She nodded and her gaze shifted from his face to his hands, "What'cha got there?" Eric looked down and noticed that he was messing with the picture in his hand.

He smiled, "just a picture of someone I'm trying to find.." he trailed off.

She looked up at him for a moment, "Can I see? maybe I know em.."

Eric hesitated, he doubted anyone could help him.. but he figured what the hell.. couldn't hurt.. Eric handed her the picture and she slowly grabbed it.

Looking up after a moment, she handed him back the photo, "Yeah, I know her. That's Sarah."

Eric smiled, he couldn't believe it, he might have just gotten this whole thing right. "Do you um, know where I can find her? It's kinda important.."

The girl shook her head, "You havent seen her in a while have you?" Eric shook his head, confused. She continued, "She's dead."

Eric could've sworn his heart stopped that moment. He couldn't belive this, how could she be dead? she was so young and full of life. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Last year. ruled out as an 'accidental death' but we know it wasn't.." Eric couldn't move, this was too much, he was supposed to take care of her, how did he let this happen?

"Sorry.." she said quietly, "Hey, if u need someone, here's my number.." she handed him a piece of paper and walked off slowly into the night.


Eric would never know what happened, or why it happened. But as he sat at her grave, he remembered how she had always been able to light up a room the second she walked into it.. He wouldn't always remember her as that sweet little girl, but now as a young woman, who got in over her head.. He now knew why the crow had brought him back, he now knew what he had to do. He was here to avenge the girl he knew...From Yesterday..

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