A/N: Assuming you guys read my author's note in the last chapter, which is down by now, you know a lot has gone on in the last few months causing my absence. This story never left my mind during that time, but since it's been up for over a year now, I'm very devoted to this story. I have to send out a huge thank you to my readers that stuck with this story till the end, I know it's been a long time but the weight is over!! :] Normal shout-out goes to Charley, of course. If you want a shout-out in the beginning of a chapter, leave a kickass review. lol

Disclaimer- Seriously, I'm too poor to own any of this except the plot.

So, without further delay, on with the chapter!! :D

Heartache Every Moment Ch.6

Little did Itachi know, his happiness would soon be interrupted by a certain asshole. Kisame was walking down the street, with a sadistic smile on his face that would make Hidan shudder. You could tell just by the expression on Kisame's face that he was planning something cruel. Every corner he passed, his face would be temporarily illuminated by the street lights overhead. He walked slowly, taking his time on his stroll to the Uchiha manner. He was so deep in thought, he almost walked past his destination. Taking a sharp turn, he walked down the drive way, and stopped himself at the front door, contemplating whether to ring the door bell or knock.

On the other side of the door, Hidan was the first and apparently only person to hear the sharp rapping on the door. Inwardly growling as he pushed himself off the floor, the violet eyed man walked towards the door, not expecting to see who he saw. Before Kisame had a chance to say one word or move to walk inside, Hidan quickly slipped out the door without being noticed. He didn't want Itachi to know Kisame was right outside the door, or anyone, for that matter.

"What the fuck are you doing here, asshole? I can't believe you have the fucking guts to come within a fucking mile of Itachi." Hidan snarled through clenched teeth, trying to keep his voice low so the others in the house couldn't hear him. His violet eyes were bright with anger. He already knew that if Kisame tried anything funny, he'd have the right to beat the living shit out of him. And he liked the thought of punching Kisame repeatedly in the face.

"Oh, I was just out on a little stroll around the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by and see how my Itachi was doing. Is he home?" Kisame said sweetly, trying to act innocent. Hidan, of course, wasn't buying it worth a damn. Did he really just say 'HIS Itachi'? Really? He must be brain dead or something. Heh... I'm going to enjoy this, Hidan thought, a sadistic smile on his face.

The grin on his face grew. If this was gonna happen anyway, why not have a little fun with it? (1)

"Your Itachi? Well, I'm afraid that ended, didn't it? You never owned him to begin with, anyway. Why say you do now?" Hidan's voice was clearly mocking Kisame, and the smirk on his face was just adding insult to injury. The older male took offense to the tone of Hidan's voice, and it was easily seen on his face. The younger man's plan was to keep poking and poking until Kisame finally snapped, so he could finally get the fight he wanted.

"Yes, my Itachi. And no, it didn't end. We're just having some difficulties, that's all." Kisame said nervously, trying to hide the fact that even he himself knew he was lying.

"If he's your Itachi, why is he in there with Pein?" Hidan said, matter-of-factly. But, realizing what he said, instantly regretted saying it when Kisame's face tinted red and he pushed Hidan out of the way and opened the front door in one swift motion. Running in and jumping in front of Kisame, Hidan leaned back, trying to force Kisame back outside. Pein, hearing the noise from the front door, looked up and his eyes instantly got wide.

Pushing Itachi off the arm of the chair gently, Pein got up and said, "Itachi, get up stairs, now." Looking in the direction as everyone else, Itachi's eyes got just as wide as Pein's. "What the hell... Are you doing in my damn house?" Itachi's voice was low and cold, his eyes blood red, as well as his little brother's. Itachi stepped forward, much to Pein's protest, and stood right in front of Hidan and Kisame. The eldest of the three pushed Hidan out of the way and took another step towards Itachi.

"How many times do I have to say it's fucking over between us? Do I have to say it in another language?" Itachi said, his blood red eyes locked with Kisame's gold eyes. Kisame's face darkened with rage due to being talked down to. "It's not over until I say it is, Itachi." Kisame stated, low and dark. Chuckling, Itachi looked down momentarily, smirking to himself, and looked up, courage clear on his face. "Fuck. You." Kisame snapped. All that was heard after that was the crack of flesh hitting flesh, and Itachi falling back. And before anyone knew it, Sasuke, Naruto, Sasori, Deidara, and Hidan pounced and took Kisame down to the floor. Pein was instantly kneeling next to Itachi, helping him to sit up, and quietly planning how to kill Kisame in the most painful way possible.

A/N: Aha, I couldn't help it. It had to be a cliffy. I swear, my absence will not be as long this time. I'm going back to updating once a month, like normal.

(1) That is just how I see Hidan acting in real life.

So, as usual, flames will be used to bake cookies for the nice reviewers. :]
