A/N-Okay, so this is my second story to post on here, so I don't really give a flying damn about flames. This story is something SasoDeiFan and I have been putting together for sometime now. It goes along with the little AU that her and I live in. There's implied KisaIta in this chapter, but later on it'll evolve into PeinIta and onesided KisaIta. This is something that I've been trying to get down but I haven't been able to put it in the right timeline. I was contemplating on whether or not I should open with a flashback or not, but I decided against it. It'll all come together as the story progresses. But seeing as no one except SasoDeiFanX will read this, there's really no point in writing it! So on with the story!

Disclaimer- Seriously? I'm WAY too poor to own Naruto.

Heartache Every Moment

"Why do you insist on thinking that I'm cheating on you with PEIN?! How many different people have to tell you that I'm NOT?" Itachi and Kisame were standing in Itachi's room, and Kisame had just mad a VERY unnecessary comment about thinking Itachi was going behind his back.

"You've been told by EVERYONE that I'm only FRIENDS with him!" Itachi yelled, holding his arm out and looking up at Kisame, because the older was almost half a foot taller than him.

"Because it's obvious, Itachi. The way you two act around each other just SCREAMS flirting. I have the right to be suspicious!" Kisame countered, taking a step forward, his gold eyes burning with rage.

"Kisame… I really can't believe you'd think that I'd cheat on you with Pein. I really expected more from you… Guess that was a bad move, huh?" Itachi said, putting his weight on one leg, and running a hand through his silk-like ebony hair.

"Don't talk to me like that!" Kisame said, voice rising. Taking one more step forward, he grabbed Itachi's outstretched arm in a painfully tight grip. Once he did, Itachi immediately tried to pull back, failing as Kisame was stronger than him.

"Let go of me!" Itachi exclaimed, clawing at Kisame's hand in a vain attempt in getting him to let go. He could feel his arm start to tingle, and was expecting a bruise on his arm in the hours to come.

"Not until you apologize for talking to me like that!" Kisame said, eyes still full of rage.

"I'm not apologizing for anything! Now let go of me!" Itachi yelled back, frantically trying to claw Kisame's hand off of his arm. Seeing it was no use, he realized what he had to do to free himself.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh was heard through the room, as Itachi held his arm in place, while Kisame was looking slightly to the side. After a moment, Kisame realized what had just happened. Itachi had just slapped him.

Stepping back, as Kisame had let go of his arm after h e had been slapped, Itachi stood looking at Kisame, rubbing his arm where the other had just had his hand latched too.

"You have no idea how bad of an idea that was." Kisame said, taking a step forward, causing Itachi to take a step back. This action kept repeating until Itachi was backed against a wall. Once Kisame was close enough, He slammed his hand to the wall, next to Itachi's head, and took another step forward, and lent down so he was face to face with Itachi.

"Get away from me." Itachi said, voice low, eyes showing no emotion other than hatred. Trying to slip out the side where Kisame hadn't blocked, he was pushed back into place by Kisame pushing his side, glaring at the elder Uchiha.

"You're not going anywhere, Itachi." Kisame said, his voice dangerously low. Seeing it as being his only way to get away, Itachi shoved his knee into Kisame's stomach, causing Kisame to let his guard down, giving Itachi the change to get away.

Running out the door, Itachi slid down the stair railing and into the kitchen. Running through the room, he headed toward the garage, grabbing his car keys off the counter, and running out to his car.

The garage door was normally kept open, so Sasuke could come and go as he pleased, so as soon as Itachi got his keys in the ignition, he was out of the drive way in a matter of seconds.

Making the familiar drive to Pein's house, he felt he would be safe there, and Kisame wouldn't be able to hurt him again. Looking in his rearview mirror, he saw that Kisame's car was steadily catching up to his. Speeding up, Itachi made the last few turns till he got to Pein's house.

Getting out, not even checking to see how far Kisame was, Itachi basically flew to the front door, pounding on it as hard as he could. Waiting for Pein, Itachi looked back, and saw Kisame getting out of his car, parked behind Itachi's.

"Itachi! Don't you dare!" Kisame yelled, stalking toward the ebony haired teen. Seeing Kisame getting closer only made Itachi knock harder and faster, fearing for his well-being. "Pein! Open the damn door!!" He yelled, hoping Pein would open the door in time.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! God, Itachi! What's wrong?" Pein said, opening the door. As soon as the door opened, Itachi launched himself in, arms around Pein's neck. By this time, Kisame was less than 4 feet from where Itachi was standing.

"Itachi… What's… going on?" Pein said, looking down at the Uchiha and snaking an arm around his shoulders in a protective manner. Kisame, seeing how Itachi had launched himself at Pein, and Pein putting his arm around hisItachi, was immediately enraged.

"Get your damn hands off him…!" Kisame yelled, stepping towards the two. Pein glared at first, and tightened his grip on Itachi.

"Itachi, get behind me. And stay there." Pein said, pushing the younger one behind him in a protective fashion. Hesitating at first, Itachi nodded, and did as he was told, and stood behind Pein. Worry clearly show on his face. Not for himself, but for Pein.

"You seriously follow Itachi down to my house, while he's clearly trying to get away from you, and then dare to tell me not to touch him? What the hell is wrong with you?" Pein said, his voice dangerously low. Itachi could feel what was coming next in the pit of his stomach, and he wish he hadn't.

"Itachi, you're not staying here a minute longer. Let's go." Kisame said, looking past Pein, to Itachi. After not getting a response from Itachi, Kisame looked again, and saw said Uchiha looking away, avoiding his eye contact with Kisame.

"Itachi, NOW." Kisame said, taking a step towards Itachi and Pein. Itachi, seemingly frozen in place, looked up at Kisame, eyes hard and emotionless. He had had enough.

"No. I'm done with this. I'm not risking my ass just to stay with you. I have one mark on me, and that's WAY more than there should be. Get out of here. Stay away from me. Don't come back. Do not call, text, email, or IM me every again. It's over." And with that, Pein pushed Kisame back, and with a smirk, Itachi shut the door in his face.

A/N- Yeah. End it with a cliffhanger. Kinda. Yeah Kisame's an ass in this. That's pretty much how I see him in the anime and manga, too. So yeah. Review. Flame if you want. They'll be used to make cookies for the nice reviewers! Happy Holidays, everyone!! 3
