This story is totally random.
What happens when a hundred year old vampire plays The Game of Life? What happens if that vampire is Emmett? Pre Breaking Dawn. Read and find out. R&R. _____________________________________________________________________________________
It was a normal day at the Cullen house. Alice was trying to give Bella a make over, with Rosalie's help. Edward was playing with his piano. Jasper was sitting in the corner in fetal position because there was just too many different emotions going on. Esme was deciding on what to do next to the house. And Carlisle was in his office. What about Emmett you may ask. Well, Emmett was being Emmett.
"Where's Emmett?" Esme asked.
"Probably off somewhere doing something stupid." Edward asked without even looking up from his piano.
Then Emmett broke through the door with a Toys-R-Us bag in hand.
"Guess what I bought?" He exclaimed. "Well come on, not everyone at once."
"Edward and Alice if you tell I swear on Carlisle's homemade cross hanging up stairs that I will hurt you so bad…" the threat was cut short by Esme's of how REAL gentleman don't swear like a sailor.
"Whatever," Emmett murmured, forgetting the super vampire hearing. Luckily Esme ignored it.
By now, everyone was down stairs and Jasper was out of his fetal position.
"What is it Em?" Jasper asked.
"Thank-you for asking Jasper. In my hand be hold the most wonderful thing since cheese in a can." and with that Emmett ripped of the bag, held a box above his head and was making that "Ahhhhhh" noise like you hear in those cheesy movies when you see something sacred.
After about 10 whole minutes of this (vampire=no breathing) Edward finally asked, "Just what is it for all things holly!!!"
Emmett stopped and just stared at Edward for a minute then the yelled, "Moooomm! Aren't you gonna yell at Edward for 'swearing like a sailor'?"
"He didn't technically swear, but just continue." Esme said all mother-ish.
"Fine then, what I am holding in my hands is…drum roll please Jasper…The Game of Life!!!!" Emmett finished dramatically.
Everyone sat there staring at him. Then Bella broke the silence, "You can count me out, I hate that game…"
"Huuu (sharp intake of breath). How dare you Bella diss the awesomeness of the game. I here by banish you from the island. I am sorry Bella, the tribe has spoke. Good bye." Emmett was being all dramatic again. So, Bella just sat there.
Edward leaned over and whispered to her, "You better go. You are human and the last time Jasper dissed "the awesomeness of the game" he couldn't find his arm for a week."
So silently, Bella rose a tried to walk dignified to the door. She tripped half way there, so she didn't succeed.
"Good the party pooper is gone!" Emmett yelled when she was gone. "Now let's play life!"
Loved it? Hate it? Tell me. The fate of the story is in your hands. What another chapter then tell me!!! Suggestions for the next chapters tell me!!! R&R