Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own xxxHolic.

Watanuki grudgingly tread the path towards Doumeki's shrine, the said boy following him silently. They just finished another errand for Yuuko which somehow once again lead to the seer being saved by his rival.

"I…argghhhh" Watanuki whirled around to face Doumeki, eyes burning with rage.

"Why do you have to always, always, put your life in danger?!! Damn it! You could have died Doumeki! Die! Doesn't that have any meaning to you? Are you so willing to let your soul be eaten or your body mutilated by spirits which you could do without!? Watanuki shouted punctuated by much flailing of arms.

Doumeki just stared at the boy, eyes trying to convey more than words can. Somehow, he thinks that if he tried hard enough, Watanuki will understand it on his own. He's not trying to get himself killed by saving the seer, although he would be much willing to give up his life for him.

The silence stretched for sometime, Watanuki breathing harder than usual and Doumeki as calm as always.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore." The seer finally said quietly before breaking eye contact, that if not for Doumeki's excellent hearing he wouldn't have heard it.

"I won't die."

"How can you be so sure?" the seer's voice skeptical.


"Do you know what will happen if you did die?"

Doumeki was shocked by the tone of the other boy's voice. It was laced with anger, frustration, helplessness and some other kind of emotions he couldn't categorize.

Not knowing what to answer, Doumeki just kept his mouth shut.

"Well, I'll tell you what'll happen."

Watanuki stared at Doumeki's eyes, startling blue clashing with placid gold. Doumeki can feel the intensity in those deep orbs and it somehow frightened him; the answer to the seer's question.

"I'll die with you. That's what will happen."

The seer closed the distance between him and the archer. Doumeki was still frozen in his spot, his mind trying to understand the meaning of Watanuki's words. He was pull out of his stupor when he felt long limbs wrapped around him and Watanuki's words clear on his ears.

"If you're going down, I'm going down with you. Remember that, Shizuka."


short? I know. just tell me what you think. flames are welcome.