alright, so you all want to kill me because i am the worst person in the world! and i am so so so sorry for that, but i hope that this makes up for it a bit!!!!!! enjoy! happy v day!

DISCLAIMER: yeah yeah yeah

I sobbed as my sisters held me close, soothing me and asking me what was wrong. I wanted to believe every "it's gonna be alright, Alice," but after the gruesome vision, I couldn't. It was over, we had lost. I was going to die. It would only be a matter of hours now. I just hoped that I wouldn't be hooked to all of those machines when it happened. The picture came into my mind once more as Edward, closely followed by Aro and Carlisle, rushed into the room.

"Alice, what did you see? What was that?" Edward demanded as he grabbed my wrists, shaking me. It hurt, he held to tight, so I let out a squeak of pain as I shook my head, telling him no in my head. I couldn't tell him, it was too hard.

"Show me, please Alice!" He begged, again, I shook my head no, I said again. I couldn't bear to see the horrid images again.

"What is it Edward, what do you want from her?" Carlilse asked.

"She saw something, but she won't let me see it!" he was frustrated, but he was Edward, and being Edward made him never seem to be calm.

"Let me try," Aro strode aver and took my hand as I ripped it away, whimpering. "There, there Alice. You won't see a thing."

He was right, as I put my hand back onto his, I say nothing, only blackness as he raced through my vision. "Oh my," I heard him say, "it's worse than we thought. Little Alice has less than twenty-four hours left, unless we can find her flower, crush it, and mix it with what appeared to be blood and venom."

Bella gasped and looked at me while Rosalie pulled me close and hugged me. Edward fell into a chair and although Carlisle was shocked, he and Aro were already planing how they could save me.

"Hey baby," Jasper said as he looked into my room, "what's going on here?" He asked this more forecefully as Esme and Emmet came around the corner.

"Something new as come up.." Carlisle proceeded to tell them the newest details. Jasper jumped to his feet, wondering why they were standing there doing nothing when they should be getting the flower and saving me.

"That brings us a new problem. We don't know where this flower is," Esme said kindly. Of all the things to happen to Esme, a mark of death on one of her children had to be the worst.

"Well, it looks like we just might find out," Edward said as Jane breezed into the room.

"I believe that my dear brother and I have found what you have been looking for," the small, child-like vampire said with a slight smile. Who knew that helping me would bring a smile to her face, though it was probably the thought of impressing her master which made more eager to look.

"Yes, I believe dear Jane has," Alec said, sliding in behind her with a thick volume under his arm. he opened it to a marked page and passed to Aro. He read it over carefully, much slower than any vampire would need to, but faster than a human.

"I believe you have, dear friends," he said as Jane beamed. I rolled my eyes, that girl was so weird. "Alice, this is it, no?"

"Yes, that's it," I breathed as a million things popped into my head. I might survive, I could live again. I might not die. I got up and hugged Jane, who, even though she hated me, hugged me back. Maybe I was less of a threat now, I didn't really know. I don't think anyone really knew. But whether or not Jane hated me was not important now, we had business to attend too.

"Oh no, you aren't going anywhere. You will stay here with Rose and Bella while we go and look for this flower," Edward said, reading my ming. I scowled at him and sat down hard on my bed. Stupid, mind reading brother. He chuckled at my thoughts, so I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So, where is it at?" Carlsie asked Aro, ignoring our childish behavior.

"Deep in the Amazon, but it shouldn't be that hard. The unique rock formation Alice saw this by also has unique rocks, which are only located within a hundred mile radius. So, it shall be easy as pie, I think you Americans say," Aro said with a slight laugh. I smiled at him, he was old, yes, and he loved to collect things, but he was very kind and funny when he wanted to be.

"Yes, road trip!" Emmet shouted/sang out as he through his arms in the air. Rose got up from her spot next to me and smacked him on the back of the head. I laughed as he said "Damn Rose, I was just having fun," and, for the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt hope.