It's been awhile since I've written somehting, so I hope you all enjoy this one! I've had the idea in my head for quite sometime!

DISCLIAMER: No, I do not own Twilight. If I did, the mutant spawn would not exsist, Bella would not have been such a whore-ish sex addict, Alice would have been the Alice we all know and love, Charlie would have never found out about vampires and werewolves, in fact, Breaking Dawn would've been good if I ownded it. No offense to all you BD lovers out there!

I sat cross-legged in my chair with my eyes closed and my face pressed up against the cold, smooth glass of the windowpane in my room. I was tired, more so than normal from my unusually painful visions, and I barely heard the soft snowflakes hitting the window. Normally, I would've been a little worried, but I was too tired to think now.

"Yes?" I asked as I heard someone knock on the door. "What do you want?"

"Hey Alice, you wanna go and have a snowball fight with Jasper, Rose and me? The snow is perfect!" Emmet exclaimed excitedly. I loved the snow, but not today.

"Sorry Emmet, but I'm not up to it today," I told him, opening one of my closed eyes to watch his expression, hoping he wasn't offended.

"You ok Alice? You seem a little off, you even smell kinda weird," he said as he looked at my exhausted features and tired eyes.

"I'm fine Emmet, go have fun," I shooed him away and drifted back into a strange dreamlike state.

In this "daydream" there was nothing. It was a terrifying, freeze-you-to-the-core, suffocating kind nothing. Suddenly it shifted, and I felt as though I was drowning, and a strange snow-white flower with blood-red tips on the petal, which looked like satin came into my mind. It was beautiful, the most beautiful flower I had ever seen, but as quickly as it showed, it disappeared and the nothing replaced it. It more terrible than before, with a maddening silence and the feeling of being watched...

I awoke sometime later with my family's concerned eyes gazing down on me. I tried to sit up, to ask them what was going on, but Jasper pushed me back down.

I opened my mouth in protest, but Jasper started before I could. "Alice, something, and we don't know what, is wrong with you. Carlisle thinks that you're body has begun to reject whatever change we go through to become what we are. Honey, you're turning into human."

The words shocked and scared me. A million things ran through my mind. Questions of what was wrong with me? and why me? came into my mind. But things also began to fit together, the painful visions, the overwhelming tiredness, the times I thought that I had almost fallen asleep, Emmet's comment about my smell. Something was wrong with me and by the looks on their faces, they didn't know how to fix it.

All I could think of was the flower, the beautiful snow-white and blood-red flower.

Please Review! Tell me what you think!