Chapter One - Wedding Bells

"So…have you started planning the wedding?" Narcissa's was only just managing to stay in her seat, such was her excitement - she looked like a child on Christmas morning. Draco let out a breath he'd been holding since he and Hermione had announced their engagement to his parents.

"Well, we were thinking…" the bushy-haired young woman turned to her fiancé and he gave her a small nod. She continued with more confidence. "We were thinking of having just a small ceremony … immediate family and very close friends, perhaps in the Manor garden? My mother still has her wedding dress and Molly's offered to bake the cake, so we needn't really spend much money…"


"Well, um, the important thing is the meaning behind it, isn't it? And it'll be the happiest day of our lives anyway…"

"NO! No, no, no! You don't know what you're saying. Yes it'll be happy," (Mrs Malfoy said the word in the same tone of voice which Mrs Weasley used for 'Slytherin'), "but it won't be perfectly happy. What about canapés? Elf-made tiaras? Ice sculptures? Wood nymphs?" The older woman was an intimidating (and slightly psychotic) mixture of horrified and incredulous.

Draco, used to his mother's materialistic tendencies, just rolled his eyes and smirked,

"Because happiness isn't happiness without a violin-playing goat."

Luckily Narcissa was too busy reeling off different companies which dealt exclusively in silk ribbon to hear her son's comment.

A/N: The quote was the whole phrase in italics, and is from 'Notting Hill'.

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