Disclaimer: I do not own Inheritance Cycle or any of its characters. Its CP's.

This story is set just after Brisingr. About Arya and Eragon. Please Read and Review. Thanks!

Feb 2012 Author's Note: This is my second Fanfic (my first one ever was called 'Superhuman' but I deleted it because it was absolutely horrendous *shudders at the countless grammar mistakes*). This fic is also fairly mediocre for my standards, but I hope to edit the story sometime after I finish 'Fate Will Find A Way'.

Please note that originally this story had up to 21 chapters. But I decided to edit Chapter 8, and delete chapter 9 and onwards because I was quite unhappy with the way the story had gone, and I had temporarily lost my muse. So I edited Chapter 8, and the subsequent chapters that followed are now upto date and more suited to my liking. I started this story about 2 years ago, so I also hope to edit chapters 1-7 sometime (so please at the meanwhile, bear with the lack of descriptions and awkward sentences) as I am unhappy with my writing within these chapters. But anyway, please do read ahead and leave a review... if you want. (; Oh yes, and my total reviews are also the combination from the 21 chapters I previously had. I thought the reviews would be deleted along with the chapters I deleted, but apparently not. Anyway, I just wanted to point that out... in case you were curious or anything. ^_^

Chapter 1: His Temporary Paradise.

I will be returning soon. Farewell for now. Saphira flew upward, becoming no more than a dot as she disappeared, gone in the vast blue sky.

Don't get into trouble. Eragon warned sternly.

In response Saphira chuckled, do not be too worried Eragon. I will be fine. Youshouldn't get into trouble!

Saphira knew that her rider had a habit of getting tangled into mischief. If she had her way, she would keep her Rider with her at all times. But, at times like these, she needed to hunt and concentrate on her prey instead of worrying about him. She hoped that this time, he could handle himself. They had both mourned for their mentors, but the raw and profound grief still paralyzed them. They were alone.

Saphira shook her head as she spotted a deer. Switching to hunt mode, she descended.


Eragon decided to take a stroll down a shady path, quite far from the Varden tents. He had told Blodhgarm where he was going and that he wanted to be alone. He complied and Eragon headed his own way. One of the main reasons he wanted to be alone was that he needed to be away from the stench of rotten air and blood. It reminded him too much of the recent death of his mentors.

Hurriedly he kept on walking. Several minutes had passed, and Eragon suddenly halted, his breath caught. A glorious waterfall laid before him. At that moment, his worries were soon forgotten. The gushing waters that cascaded raucously eradicated the anxiety he held.

It was sunset but the water looked crystal clear with a tinge of orange-ish red on the surface. The place looked like a paradise. Steam rose from the lake; the fragrance of natural, fresh air filling Eragon's senses. The water was so serene, so gentle, he was unable to resist and he began to remove his clothing. He carefully placed Brisingr aside, but kept it close in case of any sudden or unexpected attack.

Carefully he dipped in his toes- checking if the temperature was to his own liking. The water was more than warm; it felt like there were some added mixture of relaxation and serenity. Eagerness got the better of him and he quickly jumped in the water. It consumed him instantly, the warm and placidness of the water taking over. Beginning to relax, Eragon swam underneath the waterfall, letting the battering waterfalls massage his tension-filled back and broad shoulders. Momentarily he closed his eyes and sighed. He absorbed the peaceful atmosphere.

The tranquillity almost vanished when Eragon thought about what had happened a few days ago. The loss of his mentors caused him unbearable grief. It was an unfathomable sorrow that struck right to his very core. It threatened to crush his defences. If not for Saphira, Arya and Nasuada's support, he would be lost in the ocean of anguish. Glaedr had died physically, but Oromis hadn't been so fortunate. No more would he be able to ask his master for advice. But Glaedr had survived mentally as he gave his Eldunari to Eragon and Saphira when they had last visited Ellesmera. His master Oromis, had died bravely and proudly; he fought valiantly and courageously. It was suppose to be a fair match but surprisingly Galbatorix took over Murtagh's body and fought Oromis there and then. Then after he had mocked and taunted the elven rider, Galbatorix slayed him; slicing his back and wounding him severely.

Why did that have to happen? I feel more alone than ever. I am the only Dragon rider left to make a stand against Galbatorix and the Empire. Murtagh is being controlled and has no choice, but he still a threat to the Varden and Alagaesia, Eragon contemplated, his thoughts swimming in and out of the forefront of his mind.

The legendary dragon riders were nearly extinct. There is one last egg and one female dragon left- Saphira. Shruikan and Thorn are both males but owned by the wrong riders. Thorn was a choice but there was no hope for Shruikan and Saphira mating. The last egg of course is still another hope. I hope it's a male and will hatch for someone I can trust. Someone in the Varden possibly. Eragon let his mind stir as he half floated in the water.

But all too soon, Eragon's thoughts returned to Oromis and Glaedr. They had been close to him and Saphira. Watching them die through his Master's eyes and hearing their agonized cries echo through their minds made the whole experience excruciating. He felt a stab of anguish and grief for the lost rider and dragon. Although Glaedr's eldunari was safely hidden away, Eragon felt pitiful for the golden dragon; having to still live without your rider must be an unbearable feeling.

Eragon couldn't imagine his life without Saphira. He'd be mentally troubled and he probably would not be able to sleep or converse with anyone; with a few exceptions like Nasuada, Roran and especially Arya. As soon as Eragon thought of Arya he could not easily let go the thought of her. It had been a while since their time completely alone together. When they were at Eastcroft, Eragon enjoyed being with her and learnt more about her such as her relationship with Faolin and when she had told him that he was her mate, Eragon could not help resist a slight sense of jealousy.

And bravely Eragon had also asked if she loved him or not. Unfortunately she could not answer the question directly, but she did tell him how much he meant to her. During that time, Eragon saw a different, softer side of Arya. Usually she was impassive, blank and expressionless, but at that time, Eragon almost saw her true personality... her soul.

Arya had tears in her eyes explaining the ambush and her grief for her Elven companions whom she travelled with for seventy years in the Varden whilst carrying Saphira. To lose a loved one was an indescribable feeling. Sorrow and anguish would consume and torment every essence of your soul, making you paralyzed of all senses. Rage fired within Eragon as he remembered the scars Arya was burdened with when he first laid eyes on her; the affliction and the insufferable pain the Durza must have put her through was enough to make Eragon summon the wretched Shade just to kill him again.

Sensing his thoughts had become murderous and dark, Eragon sank deeper, indulging himself in the water, hoping to drown his sinister thoughts as well. He swam to the other side of the lake, lifting both of his arms up to rest against a small crevice. Eragon was oblivious of the time, but then his eyes shot open when he heard soft footsteps. Quickly he swam behind the waterfall; intending to hide.

The cascading waterfalls were thick, Eragon had trouble looking through but he could make out that the figure was tall and slender; it was definitely a female. Her head and shoulders were obscured by the trees, but Eragon could see she wore no armour.

As she came into the clearing, Eragon observed her face and thanks to his Elven senses, he could see more closely. She had delicate pointy ears... slanted emerald green eyes... Arya! Eragon's mind raced. Panic overcame his senses.

Trying to calm down, he carefully examined her. Her reaction to the place was the same as Eragon's. She was absolutely captivated by her surroundings. Her eyes took in every detail. Eragon blinked in surprise when Arya actually smiled, her face was relaxed and calm. I guess this place can affect people in more ways possible. Eragon thought.

"Barzul!" He swore as he saw Arya turn towards his direction. Eragon kept his mouth shut but immediately gawped open again, and his eyes widened when Arya removed her clothes. All of it. The green elven dress neatly laid at her feet, she tossed her hair band away, and she carefully put her bow, arrows and sword aside.

Like a Goddess, Arya gracefully entered the lake, taking a few more steps until she disappeared deeper into the water. A few seconds later bubbles came out of the surface, followed by her head, her ears now fully visible, her wet midnight black hair tumbled down to her shoulders and strands of it were tucked behind her delicate pointed ears.

Eragon on the other side was too enthralled. He was frozen to the spot, whenever he was around Arya, his heartbeat increased instantaneously, but this time, she was closer than ever and she was naked.

This made Eragon's heart leap, his heart hammered as if it was trying to batter its way out of his fragile chest. He didn't know what to do, or what to say. Knowing Arya, Eragon thought that the best method was to escape quietly. If she ever found out he had been observing her, she would probably direct a lightning bolt at him. But all rational excuses eluded him as he watched her. She was so beautiful. Hypnotised by her presence, he forgot everything. Unaware of his actions, Eragon walked over to her, past the flowing waterfalls. Just a touch. A touch wouldn't hurt...

Arya was turned away from him, her hands hovering the surface of the water, softly making small waves with her fingers. The surface was orange-ish red but the water was as clear as daylight. Eragon's eyes flickered downwards, and he felt his ears turn bright red and his cheeks burned hotter.

He lifted his hand as if to tap Arya on the shoulder but reality came crashing down. What am I doing? I would be caught dead if Arya saw me here! With her! Naked! In the lake! Arya's ears perked up suddenly aware of someone's presence behind her. Swiftly she turned around to find no one there. She stood still, and she scanned her surroundings.

Meanwhile underneath the water Eragon was trying to hold his breath until Arya looked away, if he swam, it he would reveal himself. Fortunately for Eragon, the water was darker and not as clear where Arya was, so she can't see him if she looked down.

Eragon looked up, his visions blurred but he could see Arya was wandering around the water. Slowly Eragon moved out of the way trying not to float to the surface. Forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine... Eragon's lungs were about to burst. He would've tried intoning a spell, but that would mean going upto the surface, and that was the last place he would want to be at the moment.

Arya advanced another step; Eragon couldn't take it any longer. He felt his ribcage squeezing his lungs; two more seconds and he would surely run out of air.

Moments passed and suddenly Eragon rose to the surface, his mouth open sucking in all the air his lungs could manage. Then his visions cleared and nervously he pushed his hair to the side. He found himself face to face with a very surprised... then an angry Arya.