Kagome's Story

Summary: Kagome is an intelligent girl going through the struggles of being a teenager. Her sisters are Kikyou and Kagura. She loves them with all of her heart, but wishes things to be different.


Kagome awoke to the sound of her father shouting. Thinking it was only something Kagura had done, she mumbled incoherently and shoved her head under a pillow.

Then she realized something: No one was shouting back…

'It must be someone's mother,' she thought while smiling grimly. She knew her father loved all of his children, but he hadn't loved their mothers. Their parents had been just a little too careless, and ended up with the girls. The mothers didn't want them, and their father, of course, did; he wasn't heartless. The bad side was that he was constantly fighting with the women or their lawyers.

She shook her head at her poor father and got up, preparing for the school day ahead.

"Aww, shit! I'm gonna be late!" she yelled when she looked at her alarm clock. It had failed to go off, yet again. She frantically got dressed and ran her fingers through her hair. Rushing out of her room, books in hand, she smacked into Kagura.

"Watch where you're going little sister!" Kagura snapped, then helped Kagome gather her things. Absent-mindedly she wiped at tears that threatened to spill.

'Why is Kagura crying? She usually never does…What's going on?' Kagome stared at her older sister.

Kagura smiled brightly at her, not wanting to worry her. "You better be getting to school," she gently scolded. "You wouldn't want to miss a day already, would you?"

"What about you? Aren't you going to be late too?" Kagome retorted, folding her arms over her chest.

"No," The elder girl smiled smugly. "I'm a senior, today is mandatory tutor day, and I don't tutor." Her little sister gave her a defeated look before nodding and hurrying on her way.

Kagura's heart pained as she watched Kagome leave. 'I'm going to miss you, dear little sister…I do hope you can live without me…'

Kikyou and Kagura had always been Kagome's sources for comfort or advice, seeing as their mothers weren't around for those kind of things. Kagome and Kikyou were currently on ill terms, and Kagome had been turning more towards Kagura. She wanted nothing but the best for Kagome. She had spent fifteen years of her life with that girl, and her entire life with her older sister, Kikyou. Now she would have to leave them all behind for at least a year. And not a year she would enjoy.

'A year in a living hell…To only visit on holidays and special occasions…A year with my Mother…' Kagura sighed and walked back to her room.

Kagome arrived to school only to have the silver haired hanyou find her first thing.

"Morning beautiful!" he chirped happily, falling into step beside her.

She snorted and shook her head. "You really shouldn't joke so early in the morning, Inuyasha!" He opened his mouth to object, but two people walking towards them cut him off.

"Good morning, my dearest Kagome," the violet eyed pervert of a best friend greeted Kagome. He also took that opportunity to try to grope Sango.

"You need to learn manners, Houshi!!!" Sango growled and smacked his hand away.

Houshi was a long standing joke of a nickname for the boy ever since his two best friends had found out that the poor boy's grandfather had wanted him to continue in the family's traditions; monkshood. A pervy monk? Come on, yeah right!

That day, as Kagome walked with her friends, and her new friend, she tried to ignore all of the looks and whispers that seemed to be following her. She could have been paranoid, but she wasn't. She had her own conclusion as to what they were whispering about, but as everyone knows, when you assume, it's probably wrong. She didn't know the truth.

The truth: "Oh my god, did you see Higurashi with that hot new guy with the silver hair?" They were envious. She would never have guessed.

'They're probably saying something about the volcano of a zit on my forehead…Or how I'll never amount up to Kagura…Or even Kikyou!…If anyone still remembers her. Then again, how could they not? She was the perfect role model of what every girl wanted to be; beautiful, tall, intelligent, level headed, caring, understanding…And she never let boys get in her way. Not since…oh, what was his name?' She sat thinking and smiled at Sango and Miroku as they sat next to her at the lunch table. 'Then again, he was so long ago, I be even she doesn't remember.'

"Hey Kags, what're you doing after school?" Sango asked, smiling brightly.

"I'm not sure…I think my dad said something about Kikyou coming home for a while…" Kagome took a bite of her sandwich and tried to remember if that was true or not.

"You mean your incredibly hot older sister, right?" Miroku's eyes shone with hope.

"Stop being such a perv! She's my sister!" With that said, the hope in his eyes died. He sighed and slumped his shoulders.

"Keep that hand away from my ass if you want to keep it, Houshi." His eyes widened. He looked from his hand to the back of Sango's head.

"Psst! Kagome! Is Sango psychic?" Miroku's eyes were wide

"No, I don't think so…" Kagome scrunched her nose, "Why?"

"She didn't even turn around and knew I was about to grope her!" Kagome stifled a laugh and shook her head.

"I think she's just used to it."

"I don't do it that often!" He crossed his arms in a pouting manner. Kagome shot him a 'yeah-right' look.

"Guys! I'm RIGHT HERE!" Sango laughed, "You could have just asked me, and yes you do grope me that often." Miroku's face turned red and he mumbled before taking off.

"Sango, I think he likes you." Kagome stated with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah right, he likes ALL girls. It's probably just because of these stupid boobs. I mean, no offense, but he doesn't grope you as much as me…"

"And you're a cheerleader, drop dead gorgeous, aaanndd his best friend. I mean, what could be better? You're like THE perfect deal." Kagome raised her eyebrows, daring Sango to disagree.

Sango blushed "Shut up. You know it's the boobs."

Kagome laughed. "Whatever, see you later."

When Kagome got home, she noticed the house was eerily quiet. Usually Kagura was home before her and blasting her music or laughing and stomping around with her friends.

"Hello?" She walked around aimlessly until she came upon a note on the kitchen counter.


Went to pick up Kikyou from the airport.


'Oh!' She instantly felt relieved. 'Kagura's probably with him!' She smiled and hummed a tune to herself as she went upstairs to nap while finally home by herself.


Kagura set her bags down in her new room and glanced around. Everything was blank. The walls were white, the sheets were white, and the floor was a dull hardwood.

She wandered towards the closet and put her bags there, not wanting to unpack. She feared everything would be too real then. She looked in the mirror on her closet door and refused to smile.

"They may be forcing me to say here, but they can't force me to like it," she whispered to herself. She looked towards the doorway and almost jumped out of her skin.

'There's my creepy sister. Man, this should be her room. I saw her closet! Everything she owns is white! And she, like, never speaks! Aww…Man, I'm going to miss Kagome's ramblings!' She mentally stamped her foot.

"Kagura, Daddy says dinner's ready." The girl's voice was so…monotonous.


"What!" Kikyou set her things by the door and walked into the kitchen, her brow furrowing.

"No! She can't be gone!" Kagome started crying, "Why!? Why didn't you TELL me!?"

"Kagome, honey, please, you have to understand-" Her father tried to comfort her, but she slapped him away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she screamed, breathing heavily and glaring daggers at her father. "You can't just send my sister, my best friend, away without telling me! I…I didn't even g-get to say g-goodbye!" she wailed, running from the room.

Kikyou stood at the foot of the stairs, and knowingly held her arms open for the girl. Wrapping her arms around her sister's small form, she led her upstairs.

"Kikyou, how could he do this to me-to us?" Kagome asked, trying to wipe away the tears that just kept falling.

"Kagome, I'm sure there's a larger picture here, there always is…" Kikyou stroked her hair.

Kagome pulled away and stared incredulously at her, "Not you too! Why is everyone against me!?"

"I'm not against you!"

"Sure! Whatever! I wish everyone would stop lying and deceiving me! Just leave me the hell alone!"

"Kagome, would you just listen? You're acting like a brat!" Kagome flipped her off and buried herself in her cover.

Kikyou stormed out of the room. "When are you going to start thinking about others, instead of only yourself, Kagome? When are you going to grow up and realize not everything is about you?" She slammed the door and left Kagome to her selfish tears.


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