Here is Chapter 21. I am thinking this will be the last chapter, unless you guys tell me other wise. If you have any ideas on continuing the story, I am open for suggestions.

Currently I am writing two new stories I've Just Seen a Face, and Surprise Visit to Forks. So check them out!

Chapter 21

Bella POV

Edward and I froze in the yard. The scream didn't sound like fear. But I didn't know what to do. I looked at Edward, and we sprinted forward. I ran into the house to find Sophia holding Renee and Geoffrey holding Gerard. Everything looked normal. It looked the same as everyday.

"What's wrong? Edward, Hazel, and I heard a scream."

I looked at everyone else in the room. No one was talking. I turned to Renesmee. "Renesmee, do you know what happened?"

Geoffrey spoke up instead of Nessie like I anticipated. "I think Renee has an extra power."

"Really, she did that?" Of course Edward would know what she did before the rest of us, since he used his mind reading skill.

Geoffrey nodded in answer to Edward's question. I turned to Edward, "What did she do? Not all of us can read minds; we need a bit more information here."

"Renesmee was holding Renee and I guess Renee wanted me. So she went to me." Sophia filled me in on more details, even though they were vague details.

"I don't see how that is a power. All babies want their moms, and with how the twins are progressing it doesn't surprise me that she can walk to you."

"She didn't walk to Sophia. Here I will show you, mom."

Renesmee walked up to me and placed her hand on my arm. She showed me that she was holding Renee. Then Renee vanished from her arms and appeared in Sophia's.

Then the memory faded, and I was back to reality.

"She moved herself? That is extraordinary."

We were all sitting there stunned. Sophia was feeding Renee some blood from a bottle. I was looking at it remembering when Renesmee was that little, having to feed her blood from a bottle too. Then all of a sudden the bottle vanished. I looked around for it, and saw that Gerard was now holding the bottle. "It looks like the twins can move things with their minds." Jake spoke at last.

Carlisle and Esme entered the room along with Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett. I didn't notice that they weren't here when we arrived.

"Carlisle the twins have found their extra abilities." Edward explained what the twins just did.

"That is unusual. I have never heard of that ability before."

We all sat around talking about what the twins did. Every time I look at them, I am reminded of Renesmee. My beautiful Renesmee. I sat there thinking about all of the things we had been through the past two months. I felt hard arms wrap around me. I looked up to find my husband standing behind the couch. I smiled and kissed him. I let my shield down and silently told him how much I loved him. He smiled, picked me up and took me into his new bedroom. Not that we would use the bed room for sleeping. We only had eight hours before a new day at school. I only had eight hours to be with Edward as my husband, before we had to pretend to be siblings. I was going to make the eight hours worth it. It was a great ending to these two crazy months.

I know the chapter was short. I hope you liked it anyways!

Review and let me know what you thought! I love reading the reviews!