A note to readers: I've had several complaints in the reviews for this story that it does not correspond with what happens in seasons 5 and 6 of Winx Club. If you look at the date this story was first published, you'll see it was in 2008, before even season 4 had aired (in English at least), therefore this story is based on what happens in Winx Club seasons 1-3 ONLY. To be honest, I wouldn't have even thought that not corresponding with the later seasons would be an issue as this story takes place just after the girls graduate from Alfea, before the events of season 4. Moreover, this is FANFICTION. It's my own spin on Winx Club, and it does not have to be accurate to the show whatsoever. If you don't like it, don't read. Thanks xxMazzy

In the week that followed after the telling of Musa's father about her pregnancy, he and Musa exchanged neither words nor glances. Musa made every attempt to avoid him; she chose to eat out with her friends every night rather than with Ho-Boe, and she spent as much time as possible in her room either with her girlfriends or just Riven. Generally, she was okay, but whenever there was a moment of silence or she spent time alone, even just to shower or use the bathroom, her mind wandered back to all the problems she had to face and she fretted and fretted over them. Her body had not changed at all yet, so it had not really sunk in that she was really pregnant, yet still she worried, and her father was yet to even mention calling off her arranged marriage to Jared. Perhaps the most noticeable aspect of her pregnancy was the fact that she could not drink any alcohol. Usually, Musa tended not to drink often anyway as her father struggled with alcoholism and she did not want to go down the same road, but with all the issues she had going on she would do anything for a couple shots of vodka to numb the pain and shut up the little voices inside her head.

Unfortunately, things were also about to get a lot worse. Her friends could not stay here in The Harmonic Nebula with her forever and they would be leaving the next morning. After all, they had their own lives to lead- Stella and Brandon had a wedding to organise! The Winx couples would all be returning to their respective realms, and Riven was going to Eraklyon with Sky and Bloom. Musa had begged him to stay with her, but he claimed it was too awkward with him being the father of her unborn baby while she was engaged to another man, and even though her dad did not currently know that Riven was the father, it wouldn't be hard for him to figure out if he stayed with Musa and Riven did not want to be susceptible to Ho-Boe's wrath. Furthermore, Sky had managed to secure a position for Riven working for the Eraklyon royal guard, and as a technically homeless, parentless graduate, Riven could use all the help he could get.

On the morning of their last day together, Musa woke up early. Every night's sleep was a bad night's sleep recently, despite having Riven by her side. She knew she would be unable to get back to sleep with even the tiniest bit of sunlight creeping in through the gap between the curtains, but she relished in her last opportunity to lay her head on Riven's heaving chest whilst he slept. Sadly, her peaceful state was interrupted by her mobile phone ringing, and the piercing sound also woke Riven, who groaned loudly. He was anything but a morning person. "Why did you set an alarm?" he asked groggily.

"I didn't," Musa responded bluntly as she unwillingly climbed out of bed to go and answer her phone. She was wearing nothing but a tshirt.

"I like your butt," Riven smirked, still tucked up in bed but watching her as she crossed the room, and she gave him a stern look. Her phone stopped buzzing before she reached it, but she picked it up to check who it was, and, of course, it was Stella. She waited a mere ten seconds and the phone started bleeping again; she answered promptly.

"Stella, you better have a good reason for calling this early," she said, glancing at the clock. It was 6:37am.

"Muuuuuuusaaa!" she chirped- how was she always so raring to go in the morning? "Are you awake?"

"Obviously," Musa replied, rolling her eyes.

"Good! Today is our last day in your realm and we are not going to waste it! We are all going for coffee and breakfast at Spellbucks this morning- get ready!" Stella hung up without saying goodbye. Musa groaned.

"Stella?" Riven asked.

"Of course."

"What did she want?"

"Apprently," she told him, "we are going for breakfast at Spellbucks."

"Well you better get ready then," Riven said, smirking at her as he spread his whole, muscular body across the queen sized bed, leaving no room for Musa and emphasising the fact that he got to stay in bed a little longer. "You take longer to get ready than me."

"Ugh," she groaned, but couldn't help but smile back at him as she headed through to the ensuite bathroom to shower. As it was the last day with her friends, and therefore probably the last day that she would be leaving the house for a while, she decided to actually make an effort with her appearance. She put on a halter neck burgundy crop top, black high waisted jeans and black Vans. She wore her hair down with her bangs in her face and put on a full face of makeup. Getting ready without magic, she took about forty minutes, whereas Riven only took fifteen of which approximately eleven were spent gelling and perfecting his hair.

"You look beautiful," Riven said and kissed Musa on the forehead once they were both ready.

"Thanks, you look good," she replied. To her, Riven was always fearsomely attractive, but he looked particularly hot today in a plain black tshirt that was meant to be baggy, but tight on him as he was so big, skinny jeans rolled up at the bottom and Vans. They met the other guys and girls downstairs and went to get the bus into town to go to Spellbucks. Before going for breakfast, they went into a newsagents as apparently there was an article on Stella in one of the fashion magazines that she just had to read, but rather than Stella, it was Musa's face they found plastered on the cover of almost every magazine. Evidently, the press had found out about her engagement to Prince Jared.

"What the hell!" Musa exclaimed, picking up one of the many magazines. There was a picture of Jared with his arm around Musa on the front. "When was this even taken?"

"It's from your princess ball," Flora pointed out. Musa did not recall there even being any photographers at her princess ball, but she supposed at the time this photo was taken she would have been much too astounded by what had just happened to notice anything.

"Exclusive interview with Prince Jared of the Symphonic Nebula," Bloom read from the front of another copy she had picked up.

"When did he do an interview?" asked Layla, bewildered.

"What an asshole," Stella commented. "It's fine, Musa," she said, putting her hand on Musa's shoulder. "Any attention is good attention."

"There's details of your wedding even we didn't know about in here!" said Tecna, flicking through one of the articles. "And Jared's told them how 'loved up' the two of you are."

"Ew, what a creep," Layla said in disgust.

However, as Musa read through the article herself, she actually felt relieved. There was not a single mention of the word 'pregnant', therefore the press obviously didn't know about that yet. She didn't really care what trivial gossip magazines had to say about her, as long as they didn't know about her pregnancy- she didn't want to embarrass her father publicly anymore than she already had at her princess ball. "Let's just go guys," she said, and put the magazine back.

As they walked to Spellbucks, Riven muttered so that only Musa could hear. "I swear to God I'm actually going to fucking kill him." She simply took his hand and squeezed it in response.

Musa didn't let the magazines ruin her appetite and she ordered two pain au chocolats and a green tea from Spellbucks. Everyone sat outside, as it was a pleasant August morning. Thankfully, for once, the topic of discussion wasn't Musa's arranged marriage or pregnancy because Stella wanted to talk about her and Brandon's wedding. They both sat with their chairs right next to each other, Brandon lent back with his arm around her. "So obviously the bridesmaid dresses are going to be pink," Stella began."I haven't considered the style yet, but as long as it's pink it'll look great. But obviously not too great! I can't have you guys upstaging me on my big day!"

"You're going to look amazing, princess," Brandon said, kissing her on the cheek.

"Im sure we will not look better than you in your wedding dress!" Flora smiled. "You'll be so beautiful."

"Of course the groomsmen have got to match the bridesmaids, so guys you'll all be in pink ties!" Stella went on. Riven and Sky both groaned in unison. "Anyway, perhaps the most important thing right now is the bachelor and bachelorette parties."

"Yes!" exclaimed Brandon, high-fiving Sky. It was the first time he had spoke out about anything to do with the wedding. "It's gonna be four months today! You guys can all make it right?" Brandon sounded like a little kid on Christmas Eve.

"Of course!" said Nabu. All the guys were sat with wicked grins on their faces.

"We're going to try the Solarian Strip Challenge!"

"Er, what the hell is that?" asked Timmy, feeling awkward at the mention of the word 'strip'.

"Don't worry, Timster, it's got nothing to do with strippers!" Brandon laughed. "Basically we have to have a pint at every bar on the Solarian Strip."

"How many bars are there on the Solarian Strip?" asked Riven, bemused.

"Twenty-two, maybe twenty-three."

"Wow..." Timmy muttered faintly.

"Let's do it!" Riven laughed.

As Brandon started talking about the specifics of his bachelor party to the guys, Stella began to explain hers to the Winx girls. "So my bachelorette party is obviously going to be the same night as Brandon's bachelor party, and I'm not even going to ask whether you guys will be there or not because the answer is yes! We are obviously not going to attempt anything as ghastly as the Solarian Strip Challenge, we will be headed to Le Soleil, my favourite cocktail bar ever, and then we will of course have free entry on the guest lists at every club in Solaria!"

Stella kept talking about her bachelorette party, but Musa wasn't really listening. Sure, Stella's party would be fun, but Musa had always imagined her and her friend's bachelorette parties would be crazy and unforgettable nights that they would remember forever and never stop talking about. Instead, in four months time, she was going to be around five months pregnant and probably look like crap whatever she wore, and she wouldn't be able to drink at all so she would feel left out, and also responsible for her drunk friends. She sighed heavily. She really had messed up her entire life.

When the finally left Spellbucks, Stella wanted to go shopping to make sure she didn't miss out on buying anything she wanted from the Harmonic Nebula, and of course she ended up spending over a thousand dollars. They also went to the pizza restaurant for the last time for dinner. Afterwards, they headed back to Musa's mansion and all hung out together in the main living room with movies on, but nobody was really watching them because they were all talking and laughing. Eventually everyone headed up to bed around midnight, as everyone had to be up really early the next morning to go back home. Everyone said goodnight to each other and Riven carried Musa upstairs to her room. She was so drained- perhaps she might finally get a good night's sleep. She took her makeup off with a click of her fingers. "I am so glad I learnt that spell," she smiled as she thew herself into bed still fully dressed. Riven stripped down to just his boxers and climbed in next to her, and she turned over so that he could spoon her. This was their last night together in who knew how long and she just wanted to stay up with him talking about everything, but she was just so tired. The last thing she heard before her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into a deep slumber was Riven's voice: "I love you, my princess."

The alarm went off at 4am the next morning. Riven got up and out of bed with ease, knowing he had to catch the ship at 5:30 with Bloom and Sky back to Eraklyon. "Please stay," Musa whispered, reaching her hand out to him as he pottered around her room pulling his clothes on.

"I don't want to leave you, Muse," he said. "But I've got to. It'll be way easier for you to work things out with your dad if I'm not hanging around." Musa didn't respond, she just watched him, admiring him as he got dressed. Once Riven was ready, Musa got out of bed herself and put on a pair of leggings and an old, oversized band tee. Riven picked up his backpack and they both went to go and meet Bloom and Sky outside the room they had been sharing. They were already waiting and looked cute together both with suitcases and wearing comfy clothes for travelling.

"Good morning," Bloom smiled and rubbed some sleep from her eyes.

"Morning," Musa replied. Riven and Sky nodded at each other and they all headed downstairs to meet everyone else, apart from Tecna and Timmy, in the hallway as they all had to get a ship back to their realms at similar times.

Sky checked his phone. "It's nearly 5, guys. We really can't be waiting around." Everyone began to say their goodbyes to Musa. She hugged everyone and managed to keep her tears from falling despite feeling sick to her stomach at the thought of being alone in the mansion with her father. Everyone headed outside and left Musa and Riven to have a private goodbye. Riven approached Musa and swept her bangs back off her face.

"You need these things cut," he said. "I like seeing more of your pretty face."

Musa smiled and stroked her cheek against his hand. "I'm going to miss you so much," she whispered. He then embraced her, forcefully holding her against his chest, so tight she couldn't get away even if she wanted to. She loved how much stronger than her he was.

"I'll miss you too," he said, and then he placed his lips on hers, kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms up around him and ran her fingers through his hair as he held her waist- God, she felt electric when he held her like that. He pressed his tongue against her lips and she granted him access. Their kiss lasted a few minutes, and when they broke away from each other Musa stared up into Riven's violet eyes.

"When will I see you again?" she asked, choking back tears.

"I don't know," Riven said. "I'll try and come visit you soon but you need to make up with your dad before anything else."

"Okay," she said. She had hoped for a better answer.

"Just talk to your dad. Get out of the marriage and we can be together then. Now, I've really got to go." Riven hugged and kissed Musa for the last time, and then left. "I love you," he said as he walked away from her.

"I love you too..." she said, but Riven was already out the door and her response was no doubt inaudible over her sobbing. She waved at her friends who were all crammed into a minibus to take them to the station and they all waved back, Flora and Stella blowing kisses. She watched as Riven squeezed in with them, and then the bus drove away. She watched until it was a tiny speck in the distance and then finally closed the door. Riven was gone, and she missed him already.

Tecna and Timmy were the only ones left and they were still asleep. The Binary Galaxy wasn't very far from The Harmonic Nebula which meant they didn't have to leave until much later. Musa decided to head to the old recording studio to be alone. In there, she found something that actually managed to cheer her up. Her old iPod, from before she even went to Alfea, was lying on top of the drum kit pushed away in the back corner of the room, and she couldn't believe she hadn't noticed it yet. Amazingly, it still had batter power and she began to browse through her old music. Of course, a lot of the stuff on there she still loved now, but there were equally a lot of bands she hadn't listened to in years. She came across a playlist that she had made herself named 'Sad Playlist For Sad Moods'. "How appropriate," she said to herself and put her headphones in her ears and the opening chords of 'I Miss You' by blink-182 started to play. Musa was smiling, but tears also began to fall down her cheeks as she mimed along to the words of the song. Before she knew it, she had listened to the entire playlist, which was over an hour long, and she felt a little better. She remarked how interesting it was that sad songs actually made her feel happier, as it felt like she wasn't suffering alone. However, soon she would be saying goodbye to Tecna and Timmy, and then she would really be alone.

Musa met them in the hallway as she had all the others in the morning to say goodbye. "It's going to be okay, Musa," Tecna said as she hugged her best friend and former roommate of three years. "Everything will work out, one way or another."

"Thanks, Tec. But I really don't think you're right."

"Don't be silly, of course I am. I'm the smartest of all of us!" Tecna laughed and Timmy put his arm around her affectionately.

Musa smiled at them both- they were such a sweet couple. "Goodbye guys," she said, and she gave Timmy a brief hug before hugging Tecna again.

"Goodbye, Musa. Thank you for a wonderful time in your lovely home. We'll see you soon we promise!"

"Even if it is just online!" joked Timmy. Then the two of them left to catch their ship home, and Musa was left all alone. She supposed the one good thing about Stella's bachelorette party was that there was a definitive date of when she would next see her friends, if hopefully not sooner.

Musa spent the rest of her day in the recording studio listening to sad, old songs and constantly checking her phone in the hope of receiving a text from Riven. She knew it was false hope though, Riven definitely would not be able to text her whilst he was on board the ship and it was also highly unlikely he would have good enough signal to send a text all the way over to the Harmonic Nebula from Eraklyon. She missed him so much, and she missed her friends too. Luckily the pain of missing them provided a good distraction from thinking about her pregnancy.

She was startled around 7pm when somebody knocked on her door. Worried that it would be her dad, she stopped the music playing and fixed her hair up a bit before saying cooly: "come in." But it wasn't her dad, it was Annie. "Annie!" she exclaimed. In all the chaos of the last few weeks, and all the time she had spent with her friends and Riven, Musa had completely forgotten about Annie as she had barely seen her. She was so grateful that she ran over and hugged her tightly. She wasn't going to be alone after all- she had Annie for company. They had known each other their whole lives and she was sure Annie would do anything to help her out.

"Oh my God Annie I'm so glad-" she began, but Annie cut her off by pushing her away.

"I'm sorry, your highness-"

"Please, don't call me that," Musa grimaced. It disgusted her to be referred to in that way, especially by someone she considered her equal. It was also rather annoying that she constantly had to remind Annie not to do it.

"Sorry, Musa," Annie corrected herself. "I'm sorry but I don't come to you with good news... your father has requested your presence at dinner tonight." Annie looked at Musa unsurely. Evidently Annie was aware that she and her father were not speaking. Annie's mom always knew everything that was going on, and if Annie's mom knew then Annie knew too.

"Oh God," said Musa. "This can't be good!" she laughed. Except maybe it was. Her dad was finally making an effort to at least see her, so he was being civil. Maybe he was finally going to talk to her properly, and maybe she was finally going to get out of her arranged marriage to Jared.

"You should go," Annie said. "You two need to make up."

"I will, thanks Annie."

"You're welcome, Musa" she said and she began to leave the room.

"Wait a moment," Musa stopped her. "Annie, if you ever want to hang our or anything, just say. Do you want to do something now? We could watch a movie or..."

"That would be nice, but I've got work to do now, Musa. I've got to help my mom make dinner. But some time we can, yeah."

"Okay," Musa said, hiding her disappointment. She'd also forgotten how busy Annie actually was.

"See you later," Annie said, and she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Dinner was usually held around 8pm, and Musa headed down a little early. She wanted to be sat down ready at the table before her dad, so that she didn't have to walk in awkwardly and have him stare at her. When Ho-Boe joined her, he sat down at the table without a word and began transferring the served food onto his own plate. "You look nice," he said to her before he started eating.

Musa had not even been aware he had been looking at her. She also didn't look 'nice'- she was wearing the same leggings and tshirt she'd put on that morning- but she muttered "thanks" regardless. She helped herself to some food and for a while the two of them ate in silence. Musa wondered what her dad had called her to dinner for if he wasn't going to say anything, but eventually he broke the tension by announcing that Queen Viola would be visiting them next week. Queen Viola of the Symphonic Nebula- otherwise known as Jared's mom.

"Why?" Musa demanded.

"Obviously, as she has no daughter of her own, she wants to be heavily involved in the wedding plans," Ho-Boe said calmly.

"Wedding plans?" Musa exclaimed. Surely her father could not be serious? She was pregnant, and with another man's child. She couldn't marry Jared, it was written in The Harmonic Royalty Code...

"Yes, Musa. You know you will be marrying Prince Jared of our neighbouring realm."

"Yeah but I can't, dad... you know I can't..."

"Ah yes, because of your pregnancy? I was worried about what we were going to do about that, but you see, Musa, technically, we are not royalty."

Her father's words felt like a bullet to the head. How could she have completely overlooked this?

"Therefore, strictly speaking, the laws written regarding pregnancy, marriage and royalty do not apply to us."

Musa couldn't speak. She felt numb as she finally realised just how great of a mistake she had made.

"Of course," Ho-Boe went on. "I took the time to look up the laws of The Symphonic Nebula as in this case their rules apply to us, as you will become royalty of their realm. Fortunately, there is no such law in their code, therefore you are still eligible to marry Prince Jared."

"No..." Musa whispered to herself. Though she had just ate, her stomach felt empty and her heart was pounding.

"Now I don't know what you want to do about that child," her father seemed oblivious to Musa's reactions. "We can probably pass it off to the press as Jared's, and he could raise it as his own."

"No!" Musa objected, and found tears leaking from her eyes once again. She stood up abruptly, causing the table to move several centimetres away from her. Ho-Boe grabbed his wine glass to stop it from falling over. Musa tried to leave, but her father insisted that she sat back down. She couldn't even look at him, mostly because she didn't want him to see her crying as it made her look weak, but also because she felt so betrayed.

"Musa, please. I am trying to do what is best for you! But I can't help you if you won't help yourself! I am willing to forgive you for this pregnancy- you're nineteen and you've graduated, and besides I always did want a grandchild, but you have to marry Prince Jared. It took me a lot of work to get this for you, and I'll look like an absolute fool if I back out now. And you have no future with that other boy."

That was it. She could not sit there any longer and listen to this crap. She was a grown woman now and she refused to be spoken to like a child. She stood up again, this time slowly and with elegance, and looked her father right in the eyes. "His name is Riven," she said firmly, and stormed out the room.

Sorry for the slow update guys! I know some of you saw this coming so well done ;) I'll try and get the next chapter up a lot quicker but I've just started university and I'm super busy. Thanks for waiting out so long and please write a review of this chapter and favourite the story if you haven't already to be instantly notified when I update! xxMazzy