A/N: As it's never mentioned in the manga that there actually IS something beside a military relationship and respect between Roy and Riza, I came up with this theory that they had sort of a "thing" back during the whole Ishbal arc, but Riza, not wanting to be hurt, called the whole thing off after a while.

Wars of the Heart

There are some things that can't be faced alone. Some things that she just can't deal with no matter how hard she tries. And her only solace is found in his arms, her fingers clinging to his shoulders and her face buried in the him-scented front of his shirt.

And then she can only find refuge in their clothes on the floor and his lips pressed to hers.

It's the one thing in her life that isn't a fight to survive, just a fight to keep a realistic approach: it's out of desperation, it means nothing, I'm just a girl he used to know and met again by chance.

Nobody ever needs to know.

But it is a war, it's a war to keep her feelings in check. There are nights when she wants to tell him, You're the only thing keeping me sane anymore- except he isn't, he's just one more thing leading her down the path of self-doubt and one more thing to worry about, but god, his eyes got this look sometimes that just made her want to hold him close forever, but- it means nothing.

She tells him one cold night. Sir, this needs to stop- he looks suprised but nods and straightens his jacket, never speaks of it again. And sometimes she watches him from afar through the sight of her rifle, and she knows that you can never take an eraser to your heart, Riza, no matter how hard you try- she swallows with a dry throat- you can't just wipe away your feelings-

And now she places a fresh stack of papers on his desk and walks away before he notices the memories creeping into her tearducts, because she is, after all, a professional, and the office is no place for wars of the heart.