A/N: Alright, everyone, this is the last chapter of the first FanFiction I ever wrote. It took me two long years, but I've done it. I really wish my previous followers would review, but maybe they've moved on to other FanFictions. I'm happy some people have stopped and said what they thought and I appreciate it. Thank you to all who have reviewed and followed and favourited. I hope that you will peruse my profile and other stories and see if you like any of my other (much better) stories. Thanks again!


Chapter 8

From Kumiko, With Love

I decided that the decision I was about to make-between my fiancé and my lover-needed more than just a few hours of deliberation. That's why I skipped school that day and hung out in my room. I had to leave to get something to eat, obviously, and I know I got a few weird glances from some of the other students but I was too preoccupied thinking about the two boys I had irrevocably fallen in love with. Other people wouldn't get the dimension and weight of the choice I had to make. I felt like Bella Swan (I didn't even like those books!) Vampire vs. Wolf (technically, it was Vampire vs. Human, but whatever). She chose the vampire and that turned out weird. But Aido wasn't a total idiot who only liked her because he couldn't figure out her thoughts. He was kind, warm-hearted (although he isn't technically 'living') and he made me feel happy. He welcomed me to this Academy and helped me settle in. He held me and told me everything was going to be alright. He made me feel...special. Something my parents, and certainly NOT Aoi, made me feel like. I loved that feeling, but was it too good to be true? Did he act like that for all of the girls in this stupid Academy? Maybe he was just being nice to the shy, awkward new girl and felt bad for me. Maybe he didn't love me at all; maybe he just felt sympathy for me and my standing at this school. Maybe it was a dare.

And then there was Aoi Karada. The boy who had seen me flower throughout my childhood. We'd known each other since we could walk and talk, meaning that we know each other like the backs of our hands. That would also mean that we could develop feelings for each other that weren't just child's emotions (like 'crushing' on one another). I obviously knew that he liked me and that I liked him. But there was the detrimental downside to him that characterized him as Aoi. He was cruel and devious. He would always concoct painful tricks and implement them on me just to see me squirm. He was always towering over me, saying that I was weak and stupid and that I didn't deserve to be his friend. My parents claimed he was a boy and that that was how boys conveyed their feelings to girls. I always thought that if a boy tried to tell you he loved you through pain, anguish and ridicule that he wasn't right in the head.

After a good four hours of lamenting about all this, I sighed and lopped onto my bed. I didn't know what to do with myself. Maybe I should consult something. Like a Magic 8 Ball or something. I didn't bring mine from home so I groaned and buried my head in my pillow.

A soft knock on my door totally interrupted my moodiness. I prayed it wasn't either of the two guys I was deliberating about. Thankfully, it wasn't.

"Kumiko-chan?" Yuki asked as I let her in my room."Where were you all morning? The teachers are getting antsy. I'm afraid your grades are going to take a nosedive if you keep it up. I'm worried about you and so is Sayori."

I didn't answer. All I did was stare at the floor absently.

"Hmm? Are you okay, Kumi-chan?"

I sighed and motioned for her to sit on my bed with me. I could tell she knew it wasn't going to be good because her face started to convey the worry she had for me.

"What is it? Please tell me so I can help."

Oh, great. The part of my story that I never wanted to write down. The part I wanted to keep to myself and never convey to anyone else EVER. Eventually, though, I knew someone was bound to find out and that I'd have to come clean.

"Okay," I started, taking a deep breath. "So...there's this girl. My friend from back home, Ai. When she moved to a new house, she had to transfer schools. And she met a guy there, named...Jun. He was really nice to Ai and treated her with respect. He even showed her around campus. But her parents didn't approve. They already had plans for Ai. She was to be wedded to her childhood friend, Tetsuya. He was a mean guy and always abused Ai as a child. She didn't think she liked him, but as the years went by, she realized that she loved him and so did he. But she knew that her contradicting feelings for the two wouldn't be approved by her parents. Now she has a choice to make; wed the childhood friend that she doesn't necessarily think will treat her well, or run away with the boy she met at her new school, whom she knows nothing about. It's either she goes with the cynical boy from her past or the lover from her school. And she has no clue whatsoever. If you were Ai, what would you do?"

Yuki pondered the question and looked at me.

"Well," she started, putting her finger to her lips, "for starters, can I ask how long Ai has known Tetsuya for?"

"Oh, I don't know, thirteen or so years?"

"Ah, I see." She took another minute to think. "And how long has she known Jun?"

"A few weeks."

I felt bad admitting to this.

"Well..." she paused for the umpteenth time which annoyed me (but how could I blame her?) and I knew she finally got together what she was going to say. "I'd ask Ai which boy she feels her heart should go with. Which one she gets that warm and tingly feeling over. The one she dreams about at night. The one who is constantly on her mind. Then I'd ask her whether or not she wants to honour her family. Is she willing to run off with a stranger for the sake of love? Or would she rather stick to her roots and play it safe? And finally, I'd ask her if she feels she knows either of them as well as she knows herself If she doesn't know her own decision, than I'd be worried for her!"

I stopped trying to contradict what she was saying in my head and really get my mind around her questions. Do I really know Aoi and Aido? Am I confident with myself as I am with them? Does honouring my family's wishes come first or second to my feelings?

I got up off of the bed and hugged Yuki.

"Thanks, Yuki-chan," I said. "I think Ai will know what to do now."


A few days later I was standing at the gate to the Academy. I had my bags packed with all of the things I needed to run away from here. Forever. My hair started to blow around in the soft wind. It was a mild day in the middle of October. I had taken off my uniform and was now wearing jeans a t-shirt (which was covered by a denim jacket). I sighed and inhaled the fragrant air. All of the trees that surrounded the Academy had littered their leaves on the ground. It was about half past six in the evening when I heard a pair of footsteps approach me.

"Kumi-chan!" Aido yelled. He stopped right before me and panted a little. "Are you okay?"

"I'm absolutely fine, Aido-kun." I replied.

"Why is your stuff packed away? Are you leaving?"

"Well," I said. "You know I had to decide between you and my..." I didn't want to say Aoi. "Fiancé. And it took me a long time to decide. It was hard and I didn't know if I'd be able to do it or not. But, with the help o a dear friend of mine, I finally chose."

"But that doesn't answer my question. Why are you going?"

I hesitated answering him.

"Are you running away? Do you want me to come with you? That's what you're planning, isn't it? I knew you couldn't leave me!"

I sighed and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"No, Aido-kun..." I could see him trying to keep his cool composure. "I really like you and I'm happy I've met you. You've done so much for me and I really appreciate that. But, I just don't think we can be together. You being here and me..." You being a vampire and me being human? "I just don't believe we're meant for each other. There is probably some wonderful girl out there just waiting to meet you. I, on the other hand, already found mine."

At that moment, a car pulled in front of the gates, they slowly swung open and Aido's eyes bulged. The window rolled down to reveal a man with dark hair and piercing eyes. He smiled in my direction.

"Need a ride, baby?"

I nodded my head and turned back to where Aido was standing. I furrowed my brows and said what I thought I couldn't say.

"I'm sorry, but you're just not my type. And when I mean type, I mean species."

I got in the passenger side and crammed my stuff inside the car. Slamming the door profusely, I didn't look at him until we were far enough away from the gates. I turned to see a cloud of dust where Aido was standing before. I smiled a little.

"See, Kumiko-chan?" Aoi said to me, glancing at me through the rear view mirror. "I knew you'd make the right decision. He's not even chasing after you."

"I know," I replied, gazing out the window. The only thought that came to mind was one that surprised me a bit.

Good riddance, vampire.