*This is my first chapter and my first story. I don't own anything. Read and enjoy!*

Chapter 1

Cross Academy's Newest Student

I stared at the large building that stood in front of me. Cross Academy. It has a night class and a day class. Why would one school need two classes? More importantly, why was I here? Oh yeah, I was forced to go here because of my good-for-nothing parents. They had enrolled me to this Academy while I was sleeping. Everything they did just had to be behind my back. Not a single word was transferred between us that weren't private.

I had no idea in the slightest why they just had to pick an elite private school. I was used to going to regular public schools. But elite? A breeding ground for the infamously snobby and rich? No way. I would've been halfway to Japan by now if I'd known what they were up to. But no. I had no previous knowledge to this epidemic. No conversations, no calls, no nothing. You could say that I was a super-sneak when I wanted to be. They never knew I was doing the things I was because I never get caught.

But since they had shipped me off on a plane and gotten me a dorm, they could do whatever they wanted without me ever knowing. Thanks a lot, guys. I thought, Good-for-nothing traitors.

The steel gate that guarded it reminded me of an old horror movie. Whenever they went through the gates, a terrifying scream was let out, and that told the person that this wasn't such a good idea after all. Why had I been such a good girl? What if I was rebellious and had refused their offer? They probably would've sent me to military school...

I sighed loud, so that they might hear me, but they were a thousand miles away, and they were probably drinking away their troubles, like they always did when I was gone.

"Stupid parents," I muttered. "Can't live with em' and you can't trust em'"

I walked over to the gate and I reached out for the handle. Surprisingly enough, it opened automatically! I cowered back from it. Who had an automatic iron gate lying around? What a freak school.

I sheepishly walked through the entrance and sprinted inside. No one around. Twilight. Where was everyone? Wouldn't they be having midnight parties right now? This was definitely not going to go so well. I reached a fork n the gravel road. Left or Right? Which was the right way to get to my dorm before dark? Getting caught at night around campus when I hadn't even registered might look a little weird!

I looked both ways. Suddenly, I heard a group of students yelling at the top of their lungs. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I wasn't alone! I sprinted to the left where the voices were coming from. I saw a hoard of girls in black uniforms trying to push their way to a gate in front of them. They weren't moving anywhere. They should be. Nothing was standing in their way, right? Wrong. A young female with short and straight brown hair was pushing with all of her might to keep them behind the door. I kinda felt bad for her, but why should I when I don't even know her?

I stood there watching her struggle when the doors opened suddenly. I gasped. I didn't know there was actually something behind that door! Let alone something made of flesh and bone!

A group of students strode out of the door and down the pathway. This had to be the Night Class! No one else could be as charming-I mean late! What other class would have all of its courses in the middle of the night? I had no idea, but I had to get out of there before they ever saw my face!

What other class would have all of its courses in the middle of the night! The same girl who was trying to prevent the Day Class girls' entrance was now to allow the night class to get through them all!

The students walked gracefully on the road. They knew that the girls' would let them through, because they were the ones they wanted to see, right? All of the girls' obediently, made two straight lines on either side and stood in perfect alignment. The young girl was stuck in the middle of the road, in front of the class! A man stepped out from the crowd and waved at the girls like he was a drunk lunatic! He yelled to them;

"Good morning girls! You're all so lively and cute today!"

What a moron, I thought.

"KYYYAAAHHH!" The girls screamed. Almost immediately they broke off from their line and rushed to meet them. The young girl tried to hold them back, but it was a sad attempt. I wanted to help her, but I didn't wanna blow my cover. Thankfully, someone already did.

A male with mid-length brown hair kneeled down and reached for her hand. All of the Day Class girls sulked at her. Jealousy must come quickly around here, I thought to myself. She stuttered a greeting and stood up straight. She said she was sorry in a formal way, which wasn't very amusing to the male. He frowned and told her not to talk to him in such an uptight way, because it made him feel lonely. He tangled his fingers in her hair. But he was interrupted quickly by the interception of another male.

He had short, grayish-white hair…more on the white side, if you ask me, and had a stern expression on his face. He scowled at him and told him off bitterly. The other male made a hard, firm line on his lips and uttered, "You're scary…Mr. Disciplinary Group."


Mr. Disciplinary Group…?

They had to have a committee to keep order? Why would they need one in such a prestigious school?

Wait, they're coming this way!

I quickly ducked my head into the bushes again. My breathing became rough, off-key, and hard. Breathing was a hard thing to do!

The male from before (Brown hair) carried a rose given to him from a girl in the Day Class. A pink ribbon held it. A woman accompanied him. She was a stern type with short hair. She was a sort of "Bodyguard" of the male. But when they approached the school building, the rose crippled and shattered, leaving only the ribbon that flew by in the air. How did he do that?! People can't crush a rose and not touch the petals!

I gasped loudly. He turned his head back but I ducked down further in my bush. I started to back up slowly. No way was I going to miss school, let alone be late to get to my dorm before the moon came out!

When I sat up to get out of the bush, my foot got caught on a root that stuck up from the ground. It twisted my ankle and made me fall back.

"Nyaaa!" I yelled. My back turned around and slammed into the gravel on the other side. My left leg was the only thing still in the bush.

"Well this is just great." I muttered. I leaned into the leaves and tried to get my ankle out. It wouldn't budge. "Now what am I supposed to do? All those Might Class brats are in class, and the entire fan girl Day Class is in their dorms. What a great great day." I cursed the day I had ever been born. All I'd done was cause trouble since the day I came into this life. No one had actually been happy that I was here…at least I think no one did…

I lay there as I watched the Twilight arise from the peaks of the mountain. The clouds hung in the air silently. No one was around and I would never be found. Maybe I'd die before anyone knew I had even touched ground on this foreign territory? I highly doubted it, but that was my hope.

"Are you in need of some help?" Someone asked me. I gasped and looked around for someone who could be there. I looked up in front of me and caught a glimpse of the same blonde from earlier.

"Nya!" I yelled. "Why are you here?!"

He laughed lightly. "And here I thought that a cute girl like you would appreciate the help of a charming prince like me."

I scoffed. "Hardly,"

He was shocked to hear that one. He stuttered and breathed in and out randomly. Now he thinks it's funny to taunt me?

"What?" He finally said. "Pff, what? I'm being nice to you, and all you have to say is 'Hardly'?!"

"You heard me." I replied.

He sighed loudly. "Well this is a rather weird situation we're in. You don't want my help, I'm the only one around, and without me, you'll be stuck here for the rest of the night..with hungry wolves...in the twilight...alone..."

"Who said that you were the only one who could help me, Mister?" I said.

"Does it look like there's anyone else here?" We both glanced around. "No. So if you wanna live to see the next day, agree to let me help you."

"What is this gonna cost?" I asked.

"Cost?" He laughed. "A kiss."


"Fine," He strolled around the road. "See you in the next world!"

He walked away slowly. I sighed. Why did I have to get stuck here...of all places?!

"Okay!" I yelled. "Deal."

I could see him smile wickedly from behind his back.

"But," I interrupted his thought. "Only if you change the cost."

"Aw," He whined as he turned around. "But that was what I was looking forward to..."

"Tough luck, pal." I remarked. "Do you want me or not?"

"Alright," He scoffed. He ran over to me and knelt beside me. "Only if you let me carry you back to your dorm."


"Fine." He leaned into the bushes and started working on getting it undone.

"Hey," I asked. He turned his head back and pulled away from the bushes and stared at me. HE wasn't use to me asking the questions. "What's your name?"

"Aido." He stated quietly. He quickly pepped up. "What's yours?"




He broke off the branch and quickly picked me up. I gasped. How had he done that so quickly?

I was lifted up in the air and set in his arms. He looked so at ease. Was he that strong...?

"Shall we, Kumiko-chan?" He stated. He stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I couldn't help but stare at him.

"What's up with the chan?" I asked him.

"It comes with our deal." He laughed.

"I never agreed to that!"

"You said 'Deal' so its official, Kumiko-chan."

"You said that on purpose!" I yelled. He put his finger to my lips. I gasped. What was he doing? We hadn't even known each other for five minutes and he just has to break the rules!

"Tone it down or they'll hear you."

"Who?" I whispered.

"The Guards."

"The who?!"

"Let's go." He said. He ran as fast as a cheetah I swear! In two minutes flat we were at my dorm!

"That didn't take long at all!" I said to him. "What are you, a pro athlete?"

"You could say that." He slowly set me down on the ground in front of the doors. "This is your stop, my lady."

"Okay, seriously, are you trying to tick me off?"

"A little." He said. Aido turned around and started to walk in the other direction.

"Will I ever see you again?"


"Thank you, Aido-kun."

"Same to you, Kumiko-chan."