He is tall and golden standing in the water with the waves lapping at his feet. Their daughter plays in the sand next to him as he bends down to scoop large handfuls of water over his skin. Mackenzie flitters around him with the sun practically bursting out of her smile. This is their first family vacation.

They've taken several dozen photos in their time spent by the beach. He's even engaged in the new teenage "selfie" craze. He laughs thinking about all the times he'd taken a "selfie" with Peyton and an instant Polaroid camera when they were younger. The large black Polaroid box had to be positioned this way and that to get the right photos. And then several moments later the image, a surprise, would sputter out the bottom. They'd chase each other around for hours if the photo didn't come out right before finally trying to strike the same pose but not quite remembering how or when. The box would be repositioned the camera would flash and shutter and then sputter another memory.

Nowadays the phone camera would just snick and snap and they could become lost in their vanity as they decided which photos to add to their social media pages. But he gloried in taking those photos. He savored the feel of pulling her close to him. Her body seemed to sink into him and he'd cradled her closer before letting the camera document it. Every subtle gaze every gentle touch locked away on his phone. She'd fussed with him initially but he'd grabbed her close and whispered, "Let me have this".

She hadn't protested since. So now they sat on the beach and she watched him as he sat in the sweltering heat building a sand castle with their daughter who was tanning perfect and golden just like him.

She realized they were beach people. Some people were snow people with their ski's and their snow boards and some people were forest people with their hiking boots and camp gadgets but no. They were beach people. They were long and tall and cut for bikini's and surf shorts. They looked great in just about any pairs of shades and could stay out for hours with minimal sunburning. They reveled in lying stretched out under the sun not doing much and not have anywhere to be. And here so close to where they'd first come to know each other they were enjoying the quiet serenity of a little known portion of the beach.

He was walking toward her now with Mackenzie running ahead. The little munchkin hadn't stopped smiling since they'd announced to her that they were getting married and going on a family vacation.

The girl dove forward under the shade and sprawled out before turning to her mother.

"I think I burned my butt Momma"

"You look like I left you in a tanning bed too long."

"She's so brown they'll think we stole her."

"I did steal her didn't I tell you. I took her from a cousin of mine who had triplets."

"Well giver her back she eats too much."

"And she smells a little funny too,"


The parents laugh at her before they catch eyes. He smiles shyly at her and she blushes a little under his gaze. Both forget about the nine year old in between them who shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"You guys are so lame" the little girl whines.

"Hush you," Lucas says falling to his side

"Let's fall asleep and then meander to the house for dinner yeah," Peyton says to her.

Mackenzie is all smiles again as she cuddles close to her mom under the shade of the beach umbrella. The two girls share a secret giggle and get comfortable. It doesn't take Lucas long but soon he's stretched sideways and the girls are tucked underneath his protective arm.

A camera snicks again.

"Really Lucas stop it," Peyton murmurs sleepily.

He rumbles a little protest because it wasn't him this time. He lets one eye open and watches his daughter smile at her phone before slipping it back underneath them. He sighs contentedly before his phone chirps. Frowning he looks down at the little white F that appears at the top of the screen. He checks it thinking its something silly from his brother or someone else. The phone starts chirping again several times in fact. He clicks on the symbol and waits for it to load.

"Mackenzie Rose Scott tagged you and 1 other 2 seconds ago"

He clicked the photo as a soft breeze picks up along the coast. He glances over and he can tell that Peyton is out and Mackenzie is right behind her.

The photo loads and it takes his breath away. 20 likes 10 comments but he can't get past the clear shot of their family snuggled tightly together like they were made for that singular moment. Mac's dopey smile at the bottom matching the two equally dopey smiles of her resting parents behind her.

"My first family vacay EVER! #awesome #sandcastles #wearesoodoingthisagain"

He shook his head and turned his phone off. He'd panic later about his nine and a half year old having a Facebook page.

Mackenzie was right however. They were so doing this again.