I think 'I'm a Gummy Bear' is a much more fun song compared to 'Already Over'

Disclaimer; I Do Not Own Naruto

Kiba of all people knew for a fact that there was no possible way of him ever being anything other than straight.

He liked girls, he defiantly liked girls. He was into sports, hated school, listened to rap metal, he couldn't give a shit about art or books or drape colors. Which were all perfectly fine straight-guy habits he concluded. Never once had he doubted his sexuality, and he never planned on it either.

But what he hadn't plan on was being, well, curious. Just a little bit. It wasn't like he was having dreams of gay sex or anything. Still, the pesky thought in the back of his mind came to surface every now and then.

He felt like he needed someone to talk to about it. But he wasn't into therapy or school guidance councilors. And there was no way he'd ever tell his parents, he didn't want them to get the wrong ideas or go blabbing to other people. He thought of consulting his close friend Shino, but thought better of it. And there was no way he'd tell Nana, she might get even worst ideas.

Nana was a girl anyone could talk to, and she'd keep your secrets if you asked her. She was a cheerleader, but amazingly shy. Bordering on Hinata-like shyness—Whom she also got along quite well with too—Yes, his girlfriend would have been perfect to talk to. But for some reason whenever he tried to summon up his courage and just spit it out, he couldn't. It was starting to damage his masculinity. And his pride. Until he ultimately decided it was a bad idea to tell her at all.

But that curiosity kept festering inside of him. So one day he casually decided to do something.

After practice everyone hit the showers, it wouldn't hurt anyone if he just accidentally walked in one of the showers with someone was already in there. No one would suspect him either, if he acted pretty freaked about it.

It took a while for him to get over the nervousness, and by the time he had, almost everyone was gone.

He slowly approached the only shower that was still running, his heartbeat thumped loudly, but the noise was drowned out by the water. No pun intended.

Gulping loudly, maybe this was a really bad idea, he steeled his will and grasped the shower curtains and yanked it open before he could have any second thoughts.


'Oh, guess there really wasn't anyone in there anyway.' He let out a sigh of relief, and turned around to walk out of the showers. Well the idea failed, but that was ok because no one had seen.....

Kiba froze, shocked and horrified. Because there, in all his glory, stood Shino Aburame. In nothing but his weird glasses, looking at Kiba with a raised eyebrow.

This had really been a bad idea after all.

"Kiba, if you wanted to see me naked you could have just asked me."


"Hey Hinata." Ino yelled, smiling and waving at her shy friend. Who was sitting alone on the bleachers and reading. She set the duffel bag that had all he cheerleading gear on the ground and climbed up to sit with her friend

Hinata smiled back coyly, "H-hey Ino."

"What are you reading." She peeked nosily over the dark haired girls shoulder. Who leaned over so she couldn't see.

"I-it's nothing, really."

The blonde beamed, sitting straight again. "Are you reading Twilight?"

She froze and blinked "Y-yes." she admitted in a squeaky voice.

"You seriously like that crap?" A voice said. "It's sooo, mainstream. It makes me want to puke." Before either could comment TenTen appeared out of nowhere, as usual and frowned at the book with her hands on her hips.

The quiet girl smiled, "W-well I w-wanted to see what i-it was all about. Everyone e-else is reading it."

Tenten shrugged, and smiled at her friend, climbing up to join the other two. "Really, it's crap. You should read something better."

"What'da mean!" The blonde shrieked wildly--whom really wasn't too big of a fan of reading anyhow. "Twlight's awesome!"

"Yeah, but it's not that awesome. I mean I've read plenty of better vampire novels." TenTen argued

"Oh yeah! Like what? Name four books that aren't in the Twilight series." The blonde demanded

"Interview with a Vampire? The Vampire Lestat? Queen of the Damned? Salem's Lot? Seriously Ino! Think outside the box!"

Ino huffed and crossed her arms. "We can just ask Sakura, she'll vouch for me!"

TenTen snorted, "I don't think so. She's the one who rescued me from those books. I mean jeez, she reads more than I do. She's practically a walking library!"

Hinata, who had been watching the discussion quietly sudden spoke. "W-wait. Have e-either of you s-seen Sakura today?"

Both girls stopped, suddenly concerned. Sakura never, ever missed school "No, but I just thought she just came in early or something. She's all in different classes." Ino said.

TenTen looked confused. "Where the hell would she be then? She hates being at home with her workaholic mother. If she was staying after school we would have seen her by now." They all nodded with increasing confusion, TenTen continued. "She doesn't go to any after school activities ever since the book club was canceled. And after the whole breakup thing with-"

"Shhh!" Ino cut her off abruptly. "Don't even talk about it! Hang on, I'll try to call her." She leaped down from the bleachers and dug out her cell phone, dialing Sakura's number with a worried frown.

"Damn, I think her phone is shut off. Hang on I'll call again."

A loud noise suddenly stopped them all mid-thought. Kiba Inuzuka ran out of the emergency exit from the boys locker-room, screaming on the top of his lungs.

The three girls watched him until he was out of sight, exchanging bewildered looks.

"Jeez, what's gotten into him?" TenTen asked.

The other two shrugged, and then looked back at Ino, who had resumed trying to call Sakura.

"I wonder why he wasn't wearing any clothes."

The first day of high school was one of the longest days of Sakura Haruno's young life.

Not only did she keep getting lost, but she was a freshman. A pink-haired freshman. Who awkwardly stuck out like nasty weed, and almost screamed her vulnerability.

Not only was the first class bad enough, just getting there took five extra minutes because she had gotten lost and was sent in the wrong direction. The teacher let it go, but she still felt like an idiot. She tucked her hair behind her ear and quickly scribbled down notes. After about ten minutes she got the feeling of being watched and turned around in an unsettled manner.

A red-head with piercing glare, jade eyes and dark aura with his hands crossed defiantly over his chest, glared at her. As if daring her to speak.

"Um, could you stop watching me like that please." She whispered.

He sneered menacingly at her. "I wasn't fucking looking at you, you pink-haired freak."

She stiffened, and turned around quickly. Blinking away the blush and the water in her eyes.

She managed to get through the rest of class and the next two after that with no trouble at all. But the boy's words kept echoing in her head. When lunch finally came, she couldn't have been happier. There was finally a break and she was going to enjoy ever second of it. She settled as far away from the others as possible and pulled out her own lunch.

"God, do you see that girl over there? She looks ridiculous." A girl's voice spoke from a nearby table.

"I know, I mean, pink hair you've got to be kidding." Another agreed

Sakura froze, were they talking about her? Yes, no one else in the room had pink hair.

"I know, it's so cliché, she looks like a freak." Another voice said.

Distressed, Sakura found herself holding back sobs, as if one person talk bad about her wasn't enough! Today was turning out so horrible.

"She won't last long in this school, especially with no friends."

The others murmured their agreement, and stopped the discussion.

A weak tear trailed down her cheek. These people were just awful! There was nothing wrong with her. Why were they treating her so badly?

"Hey are you ok?" A voice asked, she looked up and saw a blonde her own age standing near her.

She sniffled "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Yah know, I saw what he said to you earlier, that kid, you shouldn't let them do that."

Sakura flinched a little, the girl frowned

"I'm f-fine really."

She glared mockingly, "No you're not! Come with me and sit with us. Don't listen to those bitches Giving no room for argument, the blonde dragged her up and towards what Sakura assumed was her table."

"I'm Ino by the way."

"Sakura." She replied

"Nice to meet you, Sakura." She smiled, Sakura smiled back.

She stuck by Ino after that, and they became close friends soon after. She was introduced to other kids her own age, for the most part they were good to her, occasional teasing didn't hurt. Sakura decided from then on that she did not like the mean red-headed loner. And she would avoid him as much as possible.

"So she's seriously missing?" Naruto asked, his evident worry was reflected in his frantic tone.

"Yes Naruto", Ino replied impatiently over the phone. Both blonde disliked each other quite a lot. Only able to agree on some terms if it had to do with the well-being of their pink-haired friend.


"That's what I just said!"

"What should I do? I haven't seen her since before yesterday!"

"She didn't say anything to you?"


"You're sure?"


"Alright, alright." She sighed "Look, just ask around. You know plenty of people, one of them is bound to know something! Call me if you find anything."

But Naruto had already hung up and taken off. He had to find her, and soon, who knew what possibly happened to her. Sakura wasn't the type to just up and disappear. If something was wrong Ino and himself would have been the first to know. So something must be terribly, terribly wrong. And he had a few people to ask. Starting maybe with a certain red-head.

Well, --scratches head--not really what I wanted it to be. Ah well, guess you'll just have to read and see what happens next.

Everyone who is a fan of good stories; go read Abendrot by Aelibia.

It's a Deidara x Sakura, and it seriously knocked me off of my feet and beat me into a pulp of unadulterated satisfied pile of mush. --Tips hat to Aelibia.-- Out of all the endings I've ever read ever, I have never comprehended a more beautiful and completing finale. I think I'm going to print it out so I can carry it with me and read it whenever I want without fussing over computers.

What the hell are you waiting for?! Go read!

Thanks to jollyrancher6250, TillyLilTingy and Black-Blue Moonlite Neko for reviewing