Chapter 2 of "The River" is up! This is the last chapter in this story! ENJOY!!!


And I will sail my vessel

'Till the river runs dry

Like a bird upon the wind

These waters are my skies

I'll never reach my destination

If I never try

So I will sail my vessel

'Till the river runs dry

"Hey everyone!" Calleigh said, as she hugged Natalia, and then Maria, and then Alexx. Horatio nodded to everyone, and shook John's hand. They both sat down, and Horatio leaned over and said something in Calleigh's ear. She nodded with a smile and looked at him, saying,

"Thanks." He nodded, and walked off. Alexx raised an eyebrow at Calleigh, and Calleigh flushed a little, saying, "What? He's just going to get me some Coke to drink!" Alexx shrugged, and John stood up at a fast song began to play.

"Dance with me, Alexx?"

"You know it, baby!" Alexx said in reply, and took John's hand. He led her to the dance floor, and the two of them tore up the dance floor. Horatio walked back and set Calleigh's drink in front of her. She managed to tear her eyes away from Alexx and John and flash a thank-you grin at Horatio, who nodded and sat down, watching the two dance.

When the song was over, Alexx and John were greeted with tumultuous applause, and they walked off the dance floor, almost breathing heavy. They were holding hands and laughing at the same time.

"Top that!" Alexx said with a laugh, and Calleigh raised an eyebrow, saying,

"Is that a challenge, Alexx?"

"You bet it is!" Alexx said, putting her free hand on her hip.

"Then I accept. Of course, I can't speak for Horatio, so, who'll dance with me?"

"I will." Horatio said quickly, standing up. Alexx motioned towards the dance floor with a grin on her face, and Calleigh said in Horatio's ear,

"I'm gonna go pick out a song. Be prepared, Handsome, I like dancing fast." Horatio winked at her and she laughed as she walked away, going to the DJ. When she came back, "Red Umbrella" by Faith Hill started to play, and it kept being fast through the intro, so Horatio and Calleigh flew, totally in sync with each other. It kinda slowed down then, and Alexx called,

"This is cheating, honey!"

"Just you wait, Alexx!" Calleigh called as the song got fast, and she and Horatio flew around the dance floor, not being able to take their eyes away from each other for very long.

There's bound to be rough waters

And I know I'll take some falls

But with the good Lord as my captain

I can make it through them all

Eventually the song ended, and both Horatio and Calleigh sat down, breathing a little heavy. Alexx and John looked at each other, and Alexx sighed heavily, saying,

"Fine. You win."

"Yessss!" Calleigh said quietly, with a grin on her face as Alexx just rolled her eyes. Everyone laughed, and then the band started to play a slow song. Ryan and Natalia got up to dance, along with Eric and Maria.

In them middle of the song, Eric and Ryan suddenly locked eyes, and nodded to each other. They both stopped dancing, and suddenly they both hit their knees before Natalia and Maria, who instantly covered their mouths with their hands.

"Maria, I just don't know what to say. I love you, and that's all I really know. I went and talked to your father, and he gave me his blessing. Please, Maria, will you marry me?"

"Yes, a thousand times yes!" She exclaimed, and Eric slipped the ring on her finger as they kissed passionately.

Meanwhile, Ryan fumbled with the ring and eventually looked up at Natalia and said, "Natalia, I love you so much that words can't describe how I feel about you. I went and talked to your father, and he agrees with me. Natalia Boa Vista, will you do me that greatest honor of marrying me?"

"Of course. I'd like nothing better." She managed to whisper, and Ryan grinned as he slipped the ring on her finger and they kissed softly a few times on the dance floor as everyone around them cheered. Calleigh got up and jogged over to the two newly engaged couples and hugged Eric and Ryan before enveloping the future brides-to-be in wedding plans.

Horatio walked up to Eric and Ryan, and shook Eric's hand, and then Ryan's, and then the three hugged each other quickly. Frank came up to congratulate them, followed by Alexx and John.

Eventually, everyone sat back down, and the clock struck midnight, and Calleigh tried to stifle a yawn. She stretched, and Horatio said immediately,

"Time to go."

"Aw, Horatio, c'mon, I'm not that tired…" Calleigh immediately protested, but Horatio held firm, saying,

"Nope. Let's go."

And I will sail my vessel

'Till the river runs dry

Like a bird upon the wind

These waters are my skies

I'll never reach my destination

If I never try

So I will sail my vessel

'Till the river runs dry

"Fine." She said quietly, and hugged everyone as Horatio shook everyone's hands and hugged Alexx, Maria and Natalia. Alexx told them that the party was postponed, as Eric, Maria, Ryan and Natalia had to celebrate their engagements, so the party would be after the New Year. Horatio and Calleigh acknowledged that, and then started to leave.

"Bye!" They both called, and Horatio escorted Calleigh out. When they got by the car, Calleigh grabbed Horatio's lapels and pulled him close, pressing her lips to his.

"Hey Calleigh?" Horatio said between kisses, and Calleigh stopped her attack, saying,


"I love you." He said sincerely, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Oh, Horatio," She said quietly, putting a hand on his cheek. He kept looking at her, and she said with a little bit of difficulty, "I love you too." Horatio looked relieved, and kissed her, saying,

"I'm glad."

"Why, were you worried?"

"I was worried that you were afraid to love again." Horatio confessed into Calleigh's neck, and Calleigh drew his head back, saying quietly,

"I'm never afraid with you around. I'll never be afraid to fall in love with you. Never have, never will."

"Good." Horatio said, and their eyes met, and then their lips followed, as they eventually made it into the car and drove to Horatio's house.

When they got into his house, they continued well into the night with the promise of forever, the only promise they would ever need.

Lord I will sail my vessel

'Till the river runs dry


The end of this story! Thank you all for staying with me throughout this story, and I hope you liked this last chapter! This was filled with fluff, and I thought that was only appropriate, as the song "The River" makes me think of happy things, like engagements and stuff like that! GARTH BROOKS IS TOTALLY AWESOME, AND I HOPE I GET TO MEET HIM ONE DAY! IF I GET TO MEET HIM, I WOULD GET HIS AUTOGRAPH AND THEN I COULD DIE HAPPY! EXTREMELY HAPPY! Thanks for reading, and adios!!!