Rosario X Freinds

Tsukune got on the bus, which seemed empty, but as he looked down the Isle he saw someone sitting there. As Tsukune was going to a new school, he decided now would be a good time to start making some friends. Tsukune sat down next to the boy, who didn't even notice him sit down. He seemed to be staring out the window lost in thought.

"Um..." Tsukune said "My name is Tsukune Aono, are you going to Youkai Academy too?"

The boy seemed to wake up and looked back at Tsukune. The boy wore the same Uniform as Tsukune, a green jacket over a white button-up shirt, and a pair of brown pants, except he had a few of the buttons on the jacket oppened up, and wasn't wearing a red tie like Tsukune was. He wore a pair of small glasses, and his blue eyes hid a gleam of intelligence in them. He had brown straight hair that he wore to just above his shoulders.

"Sorry, I was kind of zoned out there, names' Patrick Fairfax, and yes I am attending Youkai academy." He said

"Oh, that's cool. I'm only attending the school, because I failed the exams, and my father found the form already filled out." Tsukune said.

"Hey, that's no much better than me, my family has had some trouble with money lately, and this seemed to be the cheapest school we could find" Patrick said.

"Oh that's unfortunate." Tsukune said

"Ahh, we'll get through." Patrick said.

"Hey, you two," The Bus driver said in a dark voice to them. "you two are freshman at Youkai Academy, correct?"

"Uh huh," Patrick responded

"yeah..." Tsukune said

"Well then, you two should be mentally prepared, it's a very scary place." The driver told them.

"Uh, that doesn't sound too good, does it?" Patrick asked Tsukune, but before he could reply, Tsukune got a phone call.

"Hello, Kyou?"

Patrick decided to resume staring out the window while Tsukune finished his call. However the call seemed to be cut off as they went under an extremely dark tunnel. It was so dark, you couldn't see the walls of the tunnel, and the lights didn't seem to illuminate much of the darkness. In fact, the only visible structure was the road itself.

When the bus exited the tunnel, it seemed as though they had entered an entirely new world altogether. All the trees seemed as though they were in the middle of fall, while before it seemed like early spring, and the ground was a rocky bluff that overlooked a blood red sea. Tsukune and Patrick picked up their things and got off the bus, and were greeted with a scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head beside a gnarled tree. The ground around them was desolate, and the only hint that there was civilization nearby was the sign hanging from the scarecrow that said 'Youkai Private Academy'

'Private Acadamy? Those are supposed to be expensive, I thought I'd be going to some public school.' Patrick thought.

"Tsukune, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." Patrick stated.


"Nevermind. Wonder where the school is?"

"You two be careful here." The bus driver said, before the doors closed, and he drove back through the tunnel, leaving them stranded.

"Ah, shoes untied, why don't you go ahead?" Patrick suggested.

Tsukune decided it would be best to call his cousin after the first day, and started walking into the woods.

As Tsukune walked through the woods. 'I guess I should consider myself lucky that this is a Private School. But It seems rather creepy' He was well and truly spooked, especially since only about half of the suns' light made it through the trees. In actuality, Tsukune wasn't even sure he was going the right way.

Tsukune saw a bat hanging from a tree further down the path. Suddenly, it woke up, and attacked. Tsukune barely ducked in time, before it flew away.

'I guess I must be paying for not studying for my exams hard enough.'

Tsukune noticed a small part of the path that went down hill slightly. Tsukune decided to walk down if out of idol curiosity. As he went down the narrow path, Tsukune noticed a grave sticking out of the ground. The inscription read:

David Hostef: 1898-1913

'Someone died here?' Tsukune looked through the trees, and started notice that there were dozens of graves popping up here and there through the trees. Tsukune walked down the path and saw another grave saying:

Paul Rothchild: 1766-1782

'Man this school has been here for a long time' Tsukune thought.


Patrick took his time retying his shoes, mostly as he was lost in thought, at what the significance of his new enviroment could mean. When he finished tying his shoes, he walked towards the woods at a leisurely pace, taking note of the many graves, bats, and crows. 'That's a bad omen for sure' he thought. He barely heard the bicycle speeding towards him, in fact the bike would have broken his back, had the rider not warned him

"Watch out!" called a female voice.

Patrick just barely caught sight of the bicycle to have enough time to dodge. The bike ran over his foot, which caused him a slight amount of pain, and he could only notice the long pink hair of the person riding it as it flashed in front of him.

"Ow-ow-ow!!" He said hopping on one foot, "Watch where your going!" he yelled at the girl.

The girl shortly turned her head back to yell back at him "I'm sorry" before continuing down the path. Patrick got more of an eyeful of her underpants, as her skirt was flying about.

"And pull down your skirt, you panties are showing!" Patrick yelled at her.

At this the girl seemed to blush bright red, and tried to readjust her skirt, while at the same time trying to maintain the speeds she had on her bike, which caused her to veer to the right and fly down the hill, where Patrick heard a shout and a crash at the bottom.


Moka opened her eyes and saw that someone was holding on to her waist. She realized she must have crashed into this guy, and felt terrible for doing it.

The boy tried to get up, but he accidently grabbed onto Moka's thigh, squeezing it, which caused her to give off a gasp of surprise.

At this he noticed where his hand was, but the girl tried to ignore it, and apologize for hitting him.

"I'm really sorry, I have anemia, and my eye's get all blurry." At this she raised her head to look the boy in the eye's. The boy seemed lost for words as he looked at her face. '...Cute!' Was all the boy could think.

He was rather cute in Moka's opinion. He had chocolate colored eye's, and dark brown hair. He also had a slight blush on his cheeks.

Moka herself, had a long length of pink hair, green eyes, and a cross she wore on her chest. She wore the same uniform as Tsukune and Patrick did, except with a brown plaid skirt.

Suddenly, his hand slipped, and went further up her leg, where it stayed for a few, embarrassing moments, before he pulled his hand away and and frantically tried to convey that he hadn't done that on purpose, trying to back away.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to do it, sorry!" He said, almost panicking.

"Oh no, blood it..." Moka said. The boy noticed that he had scraped his cheek, and was now bleeding. Moka grabbed a tissue from her pocket, and got closer to him, to wipe off of the blood.

'This cute girl's face is so close to mine.' He was thinking.

However, when Moka got close to the boy, she was overcome by an enticing smell emanating from him. She breathed it in deeply, and felt her mind grow slightly dizzy, and fuzzy.

"No... this scent... my body is..." Moka felt her body crave the scent, she felt a great desire to press her body against him, and take him. She felt instincts of hers, long suppressed, begin to awaken a small, unseen, part of her.

'Scent?' The boy thought. He sniffed a bit, and smelt her shampoo. 'The scent coming from her hair is nice...'

Moka could no longer think rationally, all she knew for the moment, was that she wanted--, no had to have it. Now.

"Sorry," She said. "because I'm a... Vampire." With that, she grabbed on to his jacket, leaned against him, and bit into his neck. She knew she hadn't fed in awhile, but as she came near him, she felt herself consumed with hunger, the scent had been exotic, she hardly felt this way when she normally fed.

She pierced his skin with her long canines, and let the blood flow down her tongue, and into her throat. It was tastiest thing she had ever had, the transfusion packs she had always had, came nowhere even close to what she tasted now. She felt her body shudder slightly at the experience she felt as she tasted his blood. Everything about it was perfect, the mineral's, the blood sugar, the pressure, the pinnacle of perfection. It had an exotic flavor, a tasty tang, it would put the best champagne to shame in comparison. And Vampires usually knew what they were talking about when it came to fine wines.

Another new sensation she felt, was that his blood was hot. It ran down her throat, still warm from his body. The blood she had before was always cold, lifeless, this boy's blood, felt as though it was telling her to live life as best she could. She knew that no matter how much she fed, she would always want to feed again, to feel like she was now.

Suddenly she realized what she was doing. 'I can't do this, I just met this guy, I can't just feed on him. I haven't even done something like this before.'

She closed up his wounds with her saliva, and lifted her head up from him, blushing. "Sorry, I..."

"My blood..." He moaned. He moved his shirt to look at where she had bitten, but saw no bite marks, just a lipstick mark where her lips had been. 'Huh? There's nothing?'


Patrick winced at the cry of pain he heard, and immediately followed the path to check to see if the girl was alright. He treaded his way slowly down the steep hill, and saw that the girl had seemed to have crashed right into Tsukune from the bus, and was know kneeling in front of him.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked the girl.

The girl turned around from whatever she was doing, and seemed to be blushing. "Oh, h-hello, I'm sorry for running over your foot, my eyes were all blurry. I have anemia, you see."

"Hey you shouldn't be apologizing, you just fell down a hill." Tsukune told the girl. She turned around, and seemed a little supprized at his comment.

"But I went and rammed into your back with my bike, and I..." She said. Whoever the mystery girl was, she sure seemed shy.

"Ah, let's forget about it! How do you know Patrick?" Tsukune said.

"Well, before hitting you, she almost hit me, you really shouldn't go that fast if you can't see well, God, I know I'm practically half-blind without my glasses." Patrick said as he made his way toward the two.

"Hey, everyone makes mistakes, you shouldn't be hard on her Patrick" Tsukune said.

"I'm sorry," she said "I'm just a freshman here, and I was a little anxious, so I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have."

"Hey, we're both freshman too you know." Tsukune said

"You are?"

Both of them nodded.

"I'm glad, do you think we could be friends?" She asked.

"Hey, I'd be honored to be your friend." Tsukune said.

"I'm really glad!" The girl said as she tackled Tsukune to the ground. "I have a hard time making friends, and I was worried about coming to this school so..."

"Hey, I'll be your friend too." Patrick said.

At this the girl seemed to realize the suggestive position she was in, and got back up to her feet.

"I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Akishiya Moka" Moka said.

"I'm Aono Tsukune." Tsukune said as he got up from the ground. Tsukune couldn't help but think 'I'm going to be spending my High School days with this beautiful girl, I must be extremely lucky'

"My name is Patrick Fairfax" Patrick told her.

With the formalities out of the way, the three continued walk to the academy, Moka chose to walk, rather than bike the rest of the way.


Patrick made his way through the school trying to find his homeroom. He stopped in front of room 103, and double-checked his schedule before walking in. He took a seat somewhere close to the window's, and checked the other people in his class. He saw some pretty girls, the guy in front of him seemed rather intimidating, him was a girl who had blue hair, and was wearing a cream sweater-vest over her white shirt, and sitting across from him was a lonely looking girl, with purple hair that was sucking on a lolipop.

'Well, I've made two friends already at this school already, I could try to make another one while I'm on a roll.' Patrick thought.

"Hey my name is Patrick Fairfax, what's your name?" He asked.

The girl seemed a little startled that someone would talk to her, but responded anyway.

"My name is Mizore Shirayuki." She said, somewhat shyly.

"Nice to meet you." Patrick said.

The girl just stared at you desk.

"So, you're a freshman here too, right?" Patrick asked.

"Yes, I am." Mizore said.

After a moment of silence, Patrick tried to start a conversation again.

"That's an odd uniform you have." He said

The girl looked down at her clothes. As opposed to everyone else, she had a purple and white sweater on, where as everyone had a green jacket, as was the uniform. In fact it seemed that the only part of the school uniform she had on was her skirt, which Patrick felt was a tiny bit too short on her.

"What's so odd about it?" she asked.

"Well, your the only one I've seen so far wearing it, most are wearing the green jackets instead." Patrick answered.

Mizore went back to staring at her desk. "I tried to pre-order the Uniforms, but I only received the skirt." She said.

"That's not so bad, no need to act ashamed." Patrick said.

Mizore gave Patrick an odd look, but before it could continue, Tsukune walked into the room, and Patrick greeted him. Mizore went back to shyly staring at her desk. Tsukune sat down next to Patrick, but before Patrick tried to introduce Tsukune to Mizore, the bell rang, and the teacher got up from her seat and got ready for the 'Welcome to your new school speech'. She had short blonde hair, a pair of small red glasses, and wore a small bell around her neck. She also had an orange top, which showed a good amount of cleavage, but not too much, a white jacket, and a small brown skirt.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Youkai Academy. I'm your Homeroom teacher, Shizuka Nekonome." The teacher said. "I am sure everyone already knows this, but this is a school for monsters!"

Patrick tried cleaning his ears a little, he was sure he must have misheard the teacher.

"As of now, the world is under control of the humans, for us demons to survive, we have to coexist with Humans!" the teacher said

Patrick gulped, hoping he was just having another nightmare. Tsukune seemed to be reacting similarly, but nobody seemed to notice either of them.

"For that reason, school rule #1: All students must be in their human form, unless special situations arise." Ms. Nekonome continued.

"School rule #2: No other students should know your true form. Understood? Everyone should follow it well!"

"Boring rules..." the boy that was sitting in front of Patrick said. He wore a smug look on his face, and had rather beady eyes.

"You're Komiya, Saizou, right?" Ms. Shizuka inquired.

"Why don't we just eat those humans? That's what I'd do teacher." with that he let out long tounge you wouldn't see outside of a KISS concert. Both Tsukune and Patrick were thoroughly freaked out at this.

"Ahh, but you shouldn't do that, because all the school's staff and students, from head to toe, are all monsters." at the word monsters, a cat-like tail appeared from under the teachers skirt. This was all the convincing Patrick needed. "We're inside a secret barrier, any unsuspecting humans who enter, will be killed on the spot," The teacher used a cheerful tone at the end of the sentence.

Tsukune practically jumped out of his seat, and Patrick was thinking 'Oh God, I'm gonna totally die here!'

"Now that you mention it, I smelt a human scent just now..."

Patrick physically tensed at this, but before Saizou could continue, someone opened the door.

"Sorry for being late" Patrick looked at the speaker, thankful for a distraction, and saw Moka at the doorway.

"Oh, and you are?" the teacher asked.

"I'm Akishiya Moka." When Moka stepped into the class, Tsukune felt as though an angel had been sent to save him from this incredibly scary nightmare.

Many of the male students had started drooling over her looks already.

Moka noticed Tsukune, she immediatly leapt at him, with complete disregard to everyone else in the class.

"We're in the same, class I'm so happy!" She said.


Patrick managed to get through the class without being eaten, and the moment the bell rang he flew out the door, desperate to isolate himself from everyone else.

He settled somewhere outside, and sat down on a bench and tried to think things over.

'Okay, I'm in a school, full of monsters, that will kill me the moment they learn I'm Human, so what can I do to get out of here?!' He thought to himself.

'First, there's the pinch test, to see if this is a horrible nightmare. I REALLY hope I don't feel this.' He thought. He pinched himself, and to his grief it hurt.

He took his cell-phone out of his pocket, and tried to call his family, but he didn't get even a hint of a signal.

Next, he pulled out a bus schedule, and checked the times. It looked like the Bus would come not too long after the end of the first school day.

'If I can survive the day, then I get back home.' Patrick knew he would feel guilty about leaving the school, as his parents could hardly afford to send him here in the first place, but he also knew that without anyone's help in this school, he would be extremely lucky if he hadn't died by the end of the week.

"Hey, Patrick." The boy jumped at the sound of the voice, and turned around and saw Mizore, who virtually appeared from nowhere. He calmed down slightly, simply being thankful it wasn't someone like that one guy, Saizou.

"Oh, h-hey, Mi-Mizore, right?" Patrick said.

"You okay, you seemed frightened." She said as she sat next to him.

Patrick thought for a moment, about what to say. He was wary about this girl, for all he knew, she could be some sort of man-eating beast, a were-wolf perhaps. He was distracted when he heard a crashing sound, and saw Tsukune being flung into a pillar by Moka near a vending machine, although it seemed like it was an accident.

'Tsukune and Moka are monsters too, and the moment they figure out what I am, they'll likely to slit my throats, if even half of just Greek mythology is correct.'

"That Tsukune must be a rather weak monster if he can flung like that don't you think?" Mizore asked.

"Oh?, Oh yeah..." Patrick responded

"Are you alright?" Mizore asked, with what seemed to be a little concern.

"Just a little on edge is all." Patrick said, staring at the ground.

"Why's that?" Mizore asked looking at Patrick.

Patrick turned his head to look at Mizore, and thought for another moment before speaking. "It's just that I've always had a hard time making friends, and I'm really nervous about starting High School, and a few other things."

'Which is mostly true' Patrick though to himself

"You didn't seem nervous during our class." Mizore pointed out

"I'm guessing the anxiety's catching up." Patrick said.

Suddenly they heard another crash, and Patrick saw Saizou holding Tsukune by the scruff of his neck. He threw him into the vending machine, which he practically doubled over from the impact.

Patrick felt a wave of fear roll down his spine, thinking 'If that's how much damage he can do to someone who can defend himself, imagine what he'd do to me!'

Moka seemed to be standing up to Saizou, and led Tsukune somewhere else.

Patrick got up from his seat, and started to leave. "Sorry Mizore, but I should be going somewhere."

"Could I come with you?" She asked.

'Well, considering the luck I usually have, I'll be damned if I do, and damned if I don't.' He thought. "Sure, why not."

With that Mizore got up, and walked beside Patrick, and whore a small smile on her face. "You know, if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way." She said.

"What do you mean?" Patrick asked.

"About not being able to make friends, and being anxious about High School." Mizore responded. "That's why I had a hard time talking to you."

"Well, is there a reason it's easier now?" Patrick asked as the walked past a few other students.

"Well when you where talking to me during class, you seemed so straight-forward, I was kind of..."

"Overwhelmed?" Patrick suggested.

"Yeah. But now, I find it a little easier, since I can see know that your like me- lonely." Mizore said.

Patrick thought for another moment before responding. "Well, I was just telling myself, I mess up, I mess up, can't change that, so I might as well give it my all, and not hold back."

"Really?" She asked.

"It works in theory at the very least." he said.

"Hey, Patrick, do you think it would be okay if... if we could be friends?" Mizore asked.

Patrick was taken aback, any other day he would have gladly accepted, but any other day, he was blissfully ignorant of the Monsters that could easily kill him three times over, in the time it took him to blink.

"Mizore, It's not that I don't want to be friends, but I need to think about some things, okay?" He told her.

"Why, is there something wrong?" Mizore asked in a bit of a tearful voice.

"Mizore..." Patrick looked into her eye's and took note of the color, blue and purple. She had extremely pale skin. Her hair partly covered her face, but she had an expression on her face, as though she was unsure of what she should be feeling. "Mizore, I'm really sorry!" And with that, Patrick ran, and didn't look back.


Patrick was walking through the woods, again pondering the significance of his time at this school for monsters. He didn't dare look at the graves, as he was sure he would see himself in one of those if he did.


The boy quickly turned to the voice, and saw Mizore with him in the woods.

"Mizore! Why are you here!" He asked, shocked at her sudden appearance.

Mizore turned her head so she wasn't looking at his face. "I was following from behind, and I wanted to know if you were leaving. The only place that's on this way is the bus stop."

"Um, Mizore, I think that's considered stalking." Patrick said.

"Is it?" Mizore asked, as though she hadn't known. "I just wanted to be with you, even though you didn't want to be with me."

"Mizore, It's not that I don't want to be here, it's just that..."

Mizore waited for him to finish.

"I'm just... scared... of some things..."

"What things?" She asked.

"Mizore, do you think we could walk together, and talk when we get to our destination?" Patrick asked

"Sure I'd like that." Mizore walked next to Patrick as they walked through the woods.


'I may as well get it over with. It will probably be less a big deal if I get killed in the woods.' Patrick thought.

"Mizore, does it matter what kind of Monster I am, to you?" Patrick inquired.

Mizore seemed to come out of a slight daze at his question but still answered.

"Only a few species of Monsters care anymore, Monsters as a whole have become so few, that we usually have to Mate with who we can. I wouldn't care if you were one of those half-breeds, or anything else, you are still you." Mizore answered.

"How do you feel about humans?" Patrick asked

"Why do you wa-" Before Mizore could finish, they both heard a blood-curdling scream coming from further in the woods.

"What was that?" Patrick said.

"It sounds like someone is in trouble." Mizore said.

Suddenly another scream came through the woods, one filled with terror.

"Come on, the scream came from this way!" Patrick grabbed Mizore's hand, and raced towards the origin of the scream.


When they had reached the place where the scream came, which just so happened to be at the bus stop, they found Tsukune, looking as though he had been thrown half a mile away from here, in a crumpled heap on the path in front of them, moaning in pain.

"Tsukune, what happened to you?" Patrick asked, checking to see if he had been injured, while Mizore looked in the direction Tsukune had come from.

"Saizou, he had- he attacked Moka, and I tried to stop him, but- but he..." Tsukune was struggling to breath.

"Just try to breath man." Patrick said, trying to keep calm.

Then Patrick heard what seemed to be a deeper, even scarier version of Saizou's voice yelling "Even though I don't know what kind of Monster you are, you are totally weak!"

Patrick turned to face Saizou, who for one wasn't wearing his shirt or shoes, but that wasn't what he was paying attention to.

Saizou had changed into what must have been his monster form. He had twice as much body on him, as what should have been, all ripping with muscle, like that of the Hulk's. He had scar-like markings all over his body and face, and his hair had turned into an equivalent of a mane. His skin had turned gray, and the same texture as a rhino's. He had spikes coming from his shoulder's, and claws coming from his hand's and feet. But no doubt the creepiest thing about the his new body was a 12 foot tongue coming out of his mouth.

"Oh crud!" Patrick exclaimed.

"TSUKUNE!" They heard Moka cry out as she flung herself at Tsukune. She seemed to be coated in Saliva, and had most of the buttons on her green jacket opened. She had come from behind Saizou, so it took little for them to put two-and-two together. The moment she landed next to him, she turned him around and checked to see if he was still alright, and seemed to start crying.

Patrick felt a rage unlike he had ever had. He rarely got angry, but even when he was, he never acted upon it, but now, he felt like he should have split Saizou in two for the way he acted.

"Patrick, we should really get out of here." Mizore said.

Patrick ignored her, picked up a rock, and threw it straight at Saizou's ugly face. "Hey you ugly tub of lard! Why don't you pick on someone your own size, or better yet, as ugly as you are! Or is your mother out of town!"

This seemed only to enrage him, he bellowed out "No one insults my mother and lives!" and headed straight at him in a berserker like charge. Patrick tried running to the right, in an attempt to dodge out of the way, but it seemed that wouldn't be enough to save him. Suddenly, Saizou seemed to trip on some ice that wasn't there a few moments ago.

Patrick looked for where the ice could have come from, and spotted Mizore, only she was... different. Mizore's skin had gone from pale, to pure white, her eyes seemed to be glowing somewhat, and her hair was coated in a thick, jagged layer of ice, along with her hands, which had been transformed into a pair of ice claws, and it seemed that there was a light mist appearing around her.

"Patrick, change into your true form, you won't survive otherwise!" Mizore yelled at him.

'I was gonna die anyways' Patrick thought.

"Mizore this is my true form, I got here by accident, I'm a human, don't bother helping me, save yourself." Patrick yelled.

"A human eh?" Saizou rose back up from the place he had crashed. "How delicious!" He exclaimed. He ran at Patrick again, and dealt him a blow which landed him straight across from Tsukune, who was trying to stand up. Mizore immediatly raced to Patrick to see if he was alright.

Tsukune tried to stand up and face Saizou. "I won't let you harm my friends!" He yelled.

"Quit your blabbering you fool!" Saizou yelled, and hit Tsukune in the stomach which sent him straight into the gnarled tree. Moka ran to him, and tried to prop him up so he could speak, but as he was trying to grip her shoulder, his strength failed, and he pulled her rosario, which came off with a snap.

"The Rosario got removed." Moka muttered in shock.

A small explosion seemed to emanate from Moka, as the air shimmered, Saizou stopped in the middle of his bloodlust-induced rampage to stare. The energy seemed to rapidly engulf the entire area, coating everything in a dark red color, it seemed to darken the skies, and turned both caused the moon to appear in the sky, and paint it a foreboding red. A chilled wind appeared from nowhere.

In the middle of this energy was Moka, who appeared to transform before everyone's eyes, and looked as though she was taking a deep, satisfying breath. She seemed to grow taller, more confident, her hair changed from a cute pink to a stark silver. As she stood up you could see her eyes had changed, not just metaphorically, but physically, they had become angular, their color had changed to a deep red, and the pupils had become slitted. However, the gleam in her eyes had also changed, it spoke of killer intent, and would chill the bones of most who would look into them.

Mizore held Patrick up properly to see the scene developing before him, and gripped him tightly as she did, although being careful not to cut him up with her ice claws.

"What's with her? It's like she's and entirely different person!" Tsukune turned his head and saw that Saizou seemed to be frozen in fear, he turned back at Moka and was awestruck at how she changed, not just physically, but how she carried herself. The Moka he had come to know was a kind, emotional, sweet, if somewhat shy, girl. This new Moka seemed confidant, malignant, and arrogant, and radiated fear and respect from her entire being.

"She's not Moka Akishiya!" Saizou said, trembling on every breath.

Tsukune looked at the Rosario he still held in his hand. "Moka..."

Tsukune was remembering what Moka said to him ealier today. 'Once the Rosary get's taken off, I'll turn into a terrifying, true vampire.' She had told him.

"Could this be a true vampire...?" Tsukune voiced his thoughts aloud.

As the energy seemed to lessen in it's intensity, the new Moka could be seen clearly, and she struck terror in all those who were nearby. Saizou, who only half a minute earlier had been ready for a killing spree, was frozen like a statue by the sight before him.

Patrick had a feeling of awe, and of complete terror, consuming his entire being, making him feel as though he had become detached from his body.

Mizore was holding Patrick close to her, as if he could protect her from the fear inducing creature that had once been Moka.

"It's just like those rumor's say," Saizou muttered to himself. "those red eyes, the silver hair, a huge demonic aura! So she's an S-class vampire?!"

With this, the vampire in question, moved the hair from her face, and looked arrogantly at Saizou.

"So you are the one who woke me from my slumber, huh?" She said, sounding as if she was expecting more.

"What's wrong with my body..." Saizou spoke in a mixture a fear and confusion. "It couldn't be... I'm trembling just from looking at her!"

The new Moka went and stretched, as if she had been lying around all day, and hopped on one foot to another, like a boxer.

"No way!" Saizou shouted, as if he had regained control of himself. "Go for it! Who cares if it's a vampire!"

The new Moka simply yawned at this, and looked at him with a pitiful gaze.

"You should realise your place." She said coldly.

In the blink of an eye, she crossed the distance between the two of them, and delivered a kick to his face, which sent him flying into the cliffside, creating a small explosion of dirt and rock

"I'll be aware of it from now on." He said pitifully, his tongue hanging stupidly out of his mouth.

The new Moka turned away from the crater Saizou now lay in, and struck an impressive sight. Her hair and her clothes were blowing behind her, and the blood shaded moon was highlighting her figure in the near twilight.

'She's completely different from the Moka that was here a moment ago... overwhelmingly strong.' Tsukune thought to himself.

Tsukune tried to pick himself up, the Rosario still in his hand, and made his way up to his knees, again, awed by the new Moka.

'And also...' Tsukune was got up to his feet, and looked at Moka, but was experiencing double-vision as he did.

"What's he doing?" Patrick wondered aloud, at Tsukune's actions.

'Which is the real Moka?' Tsukune wondered. He struggled to stay upright, and almost fell before Moka caught him, his face falling in-between her breasts.

'The scent... is the same... from the Moka back then.' Tsukune recalled his encounter with her in the woods. With this, he blacked out.


Patrick was sitting cross-legged from the Moka he had met in the woods, not the scarier silver one during the fight, who was sitting on her knees. Mizore was sitting next to Patrick, wary of the Moka, and looking at the ground. They were still on the cliffside, and the sky had returned to blue, and the moon disappeared, the sun taking it's place. Saizou was, fortunately, still unconscious. They where all waiting for Tsukune, who's head was resting peacefully on Moka's lap, to wake up.

When he did, Moka said "Thank goodness you're awake Tsukune!" With this Tsukune quickly got up from his position, to all fours, and looked around to see everyone. "Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?" Moka asked.

'Was that a dream just now?' He wondered.

"Alright Tsukune." Patrick said. "Now that your awake, let me fill you in on a few things we were discussing while you were conked out."

"What's that?" He asked.

"First of all: Race, Mizore here, is an ice-woman, Moka is a vampire, but can seal away her powers, as she is right now, and both you and me are humans."

Tsukune seemed somewhat relieved that there was another human here beside him.

"Secondly:" Patrick continued "You may want to take a look at this." Patrick handed out the bus schedule's to Tsukune.

Tsukune took a good long look at the schedule, and seemed to be completely devastated by what he saw.

"This bus station... isn't based on time, but day..." He said in a near hopeless voice. "Does this bus only come once a month!?"

"Yep, didn't you know?" Moka said.

"You handled it better than I did." Patrick stated.

"Oh no! You're bleeding!" Moka exclaimed. "I have to aply first aide immediately!" She said as she began digging in her pocket.

As Tsukune reached up to touch the wound he had on his cheek, Moka grabbed his hand to stop him, and carefully dabbed a handkerchief on the spot, to which Tsukune blushed at.

Patrick smiled at the way things had turned out, he had made some good friends who accepted him for who he was, and on the first day on school too. Now he just had to make sure he didn't get himself killed.

Moka was finished wiping away the blood, and pulled the hanky away from his cheek, and gave him a soft smile.

However, as the cloth neared her nose, her eye's seemed to glaze over.

"I really can't resist this scent..."

"Moka?" Tsukune said.

"Forgive me Tsukune!" With that she gave him a bit on the neck, which looked more like a kiss to Patrick and Mizore.

'I've come to a conclusion.' Patrick thought to himself 'My time here is going to be a very unique experience.'


Author's Note.

Some people may have noticed there weren't any honorifics at the end of people's name here.

That's because I don't really know how they work.

I'm also relocating the school, to either Britain, or the U.S., because I don't know that much about Japan. If you have a preference, mention it in your review's.

This is only my second piece of work here.

Pairings are: PatrickXMizore, TsukuneXInner+Outer Moka, YukariXPatrick's little brother, slight KurumuXTsukune+Patrick, but that's later.

Another thing, I haven't read the Manga, only the Anime, but I check up on Wikipedia sometimes, so I'll try to add some of the elements from the Manga.

I just updated this, if you can't tell. Please review, I like seeing what other people think of my works.

Also, I just figured out how to use bold, italics, etc. So I'll be rewriting most of the chapters.

Hope you liked it.