"Breathe, man. Breathe." Doug whispered to a nervous Tom.

Doug looked over to his friend who looked like he was about to pass out any moment. If it were any other man Doug would have thought this reaction was due to cold feet or wanting to bolt to the nearest car. He knew better though. This all came down to the excitement his friend had over marrying the woman of his dreams.

Tom looked over at his friend and released a breath he didn't even realize he was holding.

He was already glad to have his friend standing by him as best man but he was even more grateful because he remind him of important things like, breathing, stop pacing back and forth before he wore a hole in his shoes, and the important thing.. no running inside to see, touch, or kiss the bride before the ceremony started.

All three would've been simple rules to the average groom. This, however was no average groom. So, extra precautions were put in place. Their names were Fuller and Harry. They were both groomsman and were just as watchful as Doug was to keep an impatient Tom from running rouge on them.

"What time is it? Tom asked looking at his watch.

"Two minutes from the last time you asked." Harry said.

"Tom, if you look at that watch one more time, I'm going snatch it off your wrist and toss into the bushes." Fuller said.

"Sorry, coach. I can't help it. I just wanna see her."

"Don't worry son, she'll be here soon enough." Fuller said patting Tom on the shoulder.

Tom smiled at him. He was so glad to have Fuller at his side. The man was more than just his captain, he was the father Tom needed at this moment. He turned to tell Fuller how much he appreciated his presence in his life and at how him being here meant everything to him. As, if reading Tom's mind Fuller nodded.

"I know, son. I feel the same. Your father was a good man and I'm honored to represent him on yours and Judy's special day. Now, I've got one question for you?"


"You ready?"

"I've waited my whole life for her. I'm ready."

"Good. Because it's time." Fuller said pointing to Danielle was giving the signal that Judy was ready.

"How's it looking?" Judy's mother asked.

"It looks beautiful out there. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life." Danielle said.

"I have." Judy's father said looking at his daughter.

Judy blushed from her father compliment.

"Don't make me cry daddy." Judy said trying to keep her tears at bay.

"OK, before we get this show started. There are some traditions that must be followed. So, baby girl I have your something old. It's grandmothers diamond and sapphire tennis bracelet. It's been passed down to each daughter in our family when one gets married." Judy's mom said.

She placed the bracelet on Judy wrist. It was so light and delicate that Judy could barely feel it on her wrist. When she turned her wrist towards the light it shimmered like tiny stars in the night sky.

"Oh, mom it's so beautiful. Thank you."

"I wish she and your grandpa were here to see you right now."

"Me too." Judy said.

"Well, my baby needs something to match that bracelet. Can't have you not matching on your wedding day."

Her father pulled out a long black box from his inside coat pocket and handed it to his daughter. He watched as her eyes lit up and then she grabbed her father into a hug.

"Daddy, this is too much." she said her voice cracking.

Her father had given a sapphire infinity sign pendant that had a pear shaped diamond at the bottom. There were also ear rings inside that matched.

"You, hush. Now, let me put it on you while you put on your ear rings."

He stepped back and looked at his daughter and smiled.

"It's looks great on you, honey."

It was Danielle's turn to give her next present.

"I have your something borrowed. The manager at the bridal shop helped out again."

Danielle handed Judy a white rectangular box. She watched Judy open the box and sifted through the white tissue paper inside. She heard her friend gasp and almost started to cry from the look on Judy's face.

Inside the box was a diamond tiara.

"The manager said to tell you that every bride should feel like a princess when they get married. She found a tiara that matched your bracelet and necklace. Now, c'mere fridge so I crown you."

Danielle looked at her friend after placing the tiara on her head and couldn't help but let a tear escape.

"Judy...wow." Danielle said

"Stop crying, Dani or I'm going to start crying." Judy said with tears pricking her eyes.

"Honey, I have your something blue. It's from Tom's mother. There's a card too."

Judy mother handed her a bouquet of roses. They were 11 blue roses and in the middle was a single white rose.

She open the card and the read the words her soon to be mother in law wrote.


Not everyone realizes that every color of a rose has a meaning and that each meaning takes on a specific definition when presented to a person. I give you these roses because today as a defining moment in your life that I am so privileged to be a part of. You and my son will embark on a journey that will be filled with everlasting love. My wish for the both of you is for you two to remain true to each other like the blue rose. For when you do your love will blossom and your life will prosper and remain as pure and innocent as the white rose. From the first moment I met you Judy, I knew you were special. You and Tom have been through so much together and I thank God everyday that he brought you two together. I'm so proud of the man he has become and I know much of that is because of your love. I can't thank you enough for loving my son. I couldn't wish for a better woman to become my son's wife or my daughter.

I love you.

Welcome to the family,

Theresa (Mom)

By the time she was finished reading the note she was in full blown tears as was her mother and Danielle.

"Thank god, your make up is water proof. I don't think Tom would be able to wait for us to reapply it." Judy's mom said

Judy's dad wiped her eyes with the handkerchief he had in his breast pocket.

"Don't worry ladies I have one or each of you. I just didn't think I would need them this early." her dad said while handing all the ladies handkerchiefs of their own.

After drying their eyes Judy's mom asked Danielle to make sure everyone was ready. She returned a short time later saying that they were ready to begin.

"Ok, fridge, time to make Tom an honest man. You ready?"

Judy smiled at her friend. "Yup. Let's go get my feet wet."

They were standing in the inn's garden area and Tom couldn't have asked for more a romantic spot if he tried. He couldn't wait to see Judy's face when she saw how beautiful the place looked.

He saw Judy's mom standing at the entrance. She looked like a petite older version of Judy. Her hair was long and brown with a few gray hairs that coming through. It was curled and pinned to the side. Her dress was blue and knee length with white pearls around the collars and sleeves of the dress. She walked down the aisle smiling and holding one blue rose and one white rose. She smiled at Tom as she took her place in front of her seat on the brides side.

Next came Tom's mother. He smiled when he saw his mother. She too had a blue and white rose in her hand. Tom felt his eyes starting to water as his mom walked down the aisle towards him. She was wearing a blue sleeveless tulle dress with a beaded bodice. Her hair was in french roll and she was wearing the diamond stud earrings his father had given her on their first wedding anniversary. She looked beautiful and when she smiled she look ten years younger.

When his mother reached the end of the aisle she took her place in front of her seat on the grooms side.

As soon as Tom's mother took her place it was Danielle's turn to walk down the aisle.

Danielle had her hair pulled back in a pony tail that reached down to her back. She had on silver bracelets that Landon had given her the day before. Landon joked around and called them her Wonder Woman bracelets.

If the situation wasn't so serious Tom might have laughed at how Landon's jaw dropped and eyes became glued to Danielle. He noticed that Danielle blushed slightly when she saw Landon's reaction to her. She smiled slightly at him and he winked at her.

Danielle dress also matched the color scheme of the previous dresses. She was wearing a one shoulder blue chiffon dress. She was carrying a small bouquet of white roses with one blue one in the middle.

Once Danielle took her place opposite Tom and his groomsman all eyes went back to the entrance.

"You ready for this baby girl?"

Judy turned and looked at her father and smiled. Her father looked fantastic in his tuxedo. She always laughed when her mother used to say when her father wore a suit he made it look good. Today was no exception.

"Yeah, daddy. I'm ready for this."

He sighed then looked at his daughter. For just a moment he saw the little girl that used to beg him for piggy back rides, bed time stories, and see him as her super hero.

As if reading her father's mind she kissed his cheek.

"You'll always be my super hero, daddy."

"If I didn't feel he was good enough for you we wouldn't be standing here right now. You chose well and if I have to give up my super hero status to someone, I'm glad it's Tom. He's a good man, Judy. I love you, baby and I'm so proud of you. I couldn't ask for a better daughter."

A tear fell down Judy's face and her father was quick to wipe it away with his thumb.

"Don't cry. Your mother will kill me if I make you cry and ruin your make up. I'll be a dead man before I give you away."

Judy laughed.

"Ok, it's time. I've kept that young man waiting long enough. Grab my arm and hold my hand. Let me walk you to the rest of your life."

He had never seen anything so love before in his life. Standing there holding her father's hand was his soon to be wife. She looked like a vision. His heart started to race and his palms started to sweat. Not because he was scared or nervous. No, it was because he was anxious to hurry up and make this woman his wife.

As soon as Judy started walking down the aisle, Tom heard a guitar start playing a song that he requested Doug find and play on the radio that the owners of the inn had lent them. He was about to say something when he felt Doug's hand on his shoulder.

"He wanted to do this for you both and besides he really does sound good."

Judy began the walk with her father towards Tom and almost stopped mid-step when she heard a guitar start playing and turned to see none other than Dennis strumming a familiar tune. She smiled as he winked at her as he started to sing.

As Judy walked towards Tom they reflected on past through the song.

Love I get so lost, sometimes

Tom:"I can't loose her Doug. I can't loose her. She is my life."

days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

Judy:"It's too much. It's all too much. I need help. I can't do this."

when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return
and the grand façade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

Tom: "When you're not with me I feel like a part of my soul is missing and when I am with you I can't breathe because you take my breath away."

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete

Tom: "I don't deserve you."

Judy: "Yes, you do. Just like I deserve you. I know this now more then ever. And I'm never going to let you forget it."

in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain


so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival

Judy: "I'm.. afraid. Ok. There I said it. I'm afraid."

I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

Judy was halfway to the love of her life and the words took on a new meaning for both of them. They symbolized the darkness in their lives being drowned out by the light.

and all my instincts, they return
and the grand façade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete

in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light,
the heat I see in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes

As the last line was sung Judy's father place her hand in Tom's.

When the minister ask who gives this woman away Judy's father took a moment to try and get the words past the lump in his throat.

"I do. I give her to the man that will love her just as much as her mother and I do."

Judy closes her eyes trying to hold the tears back at her fathers words. She feels him kiss her cheek and she opens her eyes to see love in her fathers eyes.

"Love you daddy." she mouths to him

"Love you too." he mouths back.

Tom takes Judy's hand and guides her to the minister. He looks at his bride to be and falls in love with her all over again. He says a silent thank you to God for blessing him with this woman. Her beauty had him so mesmerized that after the minister said "Dearly Beloved" he tuned the minister out. It wasn't until Judy moved to give her bouquet to Danielle that he began to focus.

"The bride and groom wanted to say their own vows. They don't have anything written and I'm told by their friend Doug that they just plan to "wing it". So, I'm sure we all be in for a bit of a surprise at what these two young people have to say to one another."

The minister took a step back and Tom stepped forward to Judy. He felt her small hand shaking in his. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it so gently that if she wasn't looking at him she wouldn't have know he placed the feather soft kiss there. He was rewarded with from his efforts when she flashed him a million watt smile. As soon as her stopped trembling he began to recite his vows.

"You know when I first thought about my vows to you and what I would say I thought the words would be difficult to come by. I've seen guys fumbling over the right words to their soon to be wives and I just don't understand why it was so difficult to find the right words. It's really a no brainer for me. The words are something I want to shout off of every roof top. When I look at you my first and only thought is I love you. I could say it over and over again and never get tired of it. It would never grow old, just like my love for you wouldn't. I plan on making you remember each and everyday of our lives how much I love you. You have no idea how much your love and faith in me has changed me. I am a better man because of your love. I am a STRONGER man because of your love. Your love brought me out of the darkness and into the light. Your loved saved me. I make this solemn vow, to spend the rest of my life thanking you for sharing your love with me. I will go above and beyond to make sure to show you that my love for you is an infinite as the stars in the sky and deeper than any blue sea. You will never question it and I will never give you reason to. I love your Judy, from now to forever."

Tom looked at Judy who had so many tears running down her face that her father had to give her his handkerchief again. When she tried to give it back he told her to keep it because she was probably going to need it again.

Judy wasn't the only one crying. It seemed like every female in the group was crying and every guy had given them something to wipe their tears.

"I think we all agree that those were some very powerful words of love Tom just said. Now, it's Judy's turn." the minister said

Judy took a second to compose herself. She was still basking in the words of love Tom graced her with. She took a deep breath and spoke what her heart was feeling.

"I don't know if I can top that but, here goes. Tom, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I didn't know how lucky I was until I almost lost you. I know you may think that never would have happened but it almost did. It did because I was going to just let go of what we had. I felt so lost and alone after I was shot that I didn't see that I was losing the one person who stood by me when I most needed it. You never gave up on me. You fought for me even when I tried to push you away. You say my love saved you? No, your loved SAVED me. It saved us. I was drowning and your loved buoyed me until I could find my own way. Until I was ready to stand on my own two feet. I can never thank you enough for guiding me through the darkness and into the light. You're more than my partner, Tom. You're my soul mate. God, created you for me and I am forever grateful that he placed you in my life. I will not waste the gift that is you. I will love you all the days of my life and beyond. I make this solemn vow, to spend the rest of my life thanking you for sharing your love with me. That I will go above and beyond to make sure to show you that my love for you is an infinite as the stars in the sky and deeper than any blue sea. You will never question it and I will never give you reason to. I love your Tom, from now to forever."

Now, everyone had tears in their eyes including the groom. Judy wiped her soon to be husband tears with her handkerchief then used it on herself. There was so much love in the air that it became palpable to everyone.

"It's time to exchange the rings." the minister said.

They both placed each others rings on their fingers and said I do when asked if they if they would love and cherish each other. Honor one another. Be there for each other in good times and bad. Take care of the other in sickness and health till death do they part.

"With the power invested in me by this good state, it is my honor and privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanson. Now, without further ado, you may kiss your bride."

Tom wasted no time and grabbed Judy before she could register what he was doing and gave her the most loving and searing kiss she had ever had in her whole life.

When they broke apart they had the biggest smiles on their faces.

"I love you, Tom. Thank you for doing this." Judy said

"I love you, too. And, you don't ever have to thank me for making your dreams to true. I promise baby, this is just the begging."

"Alright, you two! Break it up so we can get party started." Doug said.

"You, ready to party Mrs. Hanson?"

"You better believe it, Mr. Hanson."

The reception was filled with laughter and love. There were some tears during the father daughter dance when Judy started to dance with her dad and ended it with Fuller. Tom did the same during the mother son dance when he started with his mom and ended with Judy's mom.

When it came time to pull Judy's garter off her leg Tom took his sweet time by using his teeth. Judy's father had to turn around which caused her mother to laugh when she heard him saying "I can't kill the boy, she just married him."

When Tom threw the garter it landed right in between Doug and Landon. Each one looked at the other then back down at the garter and then both said "Not it." They both then turned and saw the smiles on their girls faces and something just clicked for them.

"How about we share custody of it?" Doug said while looking at Katie

"Sounds good to me." Landon said then winked at Danielle

After the reception the happy couple was outside saying their goodbyes to their friends and family. Tom barely left Judy's side as she hugged her parents and Tom's mom.

"Before you two go, we have a present for you both. It's from all three of us." Judy's dad said reaching into his jacket pocket.

"Daddy, no. The three of you have done so much for us all ready."

"Mom, you really didn't have to. Judy and are just glad you guys got to celebrate with us."

"The both of you hush. All three of us wanted to do this so just take it and enjoy." Judy's mom said as Judy's dad handed the Tom the envelope.

Tom took the envelop and open it. He almost dropped it from shock.

"Holy shit! I mean shoot."

"Baby, what is it?"

Tom passed Judy the envelope and as she read it tears flowed from her eyes.

"What is it?" Doug asked

"It's a two week vacation to Hawaii and money for a down payment on a house. This is too much."

"We wanted to do this for you both. Tom, this gift is from me and your dad. He would want you to start off your new life right. He set aside money for you a long time ago and I've held on to it and added to it over the years. You and Judy take this money and find the house of your dreams."

Judy hugged her parents while Tom hugged his mom.

"Thanks, mom. I promise you I'll make you proud."

"Tom, how many times do I have to tell you. I'm already proud of you. Now, you two go and enjoy your honeymoon. Oh, and honey, a word of advice. You and Judy don't have to rush into having a family. Take time to enjoy each other and when you're ready, really ready, then go for it. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, again mom."

"That's what I'm here for honey."

The couple ran towards Tom's mustang as they were showered with rice grains. They saw the words JUST MARRIED written on the back.

Just as they were about to enter the car. Judy heard her mother call her.

"Honey, you for got to throw the bouquet."

Judy smiled then turned around and threw the bouquet. It landed in the hands of a shocked Danielle.

"So, I'm gonna need that garter first." Landon said turning to Doug

Doug laughed "No, problem man."

"Have a great trip, guys!" Harry yelled

"We'll hold the fort for you guys while you party it up Hawaiian style." Doug said

"Make sure you two actually make it out of the room to see the sites." Dennis added

"Thanks everyone. See you in two weeks." Tom said.

Tom helped his bride into the car then hopped in on his side.

"You ready, Mrs. Hanson?"

"Mr. Hanson, I was born ready. Thank you so much for all of this. Today was truly the best day of my life. I love you." Judy said

"I love you, too and I can think of plenty ways you can thank me on our honeymoon. Ok, Mrs. Hanson, lets blow this pop stand."

Tom started the car and the roar of the engine made Judy smile. It was like the car was happy for them too. Tom turned on the radio and the song was very fitting It was The Police singing "Everything she does is magic" Tom couldn't agree more.

Every little thing Judy does is magic and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life under this woman's spell.

The End

A/N So, this is the end to a very long ride. I can't believe it's finally come to an end. This story is very special to me because it's my first. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I can't thank you all enough for reading and leaving reviews. You guys are the best! You kept me going when I felt like I wanted to quit. You're words of encouragement truly meant the world to me. Take care all of you and as always HAPPY READING!