One Night?

Chapter 7:

Izuru didn't know what to do. Ever since his small confrontation with Shuuhei, he has been feeling uneasy. Even laying down with Gin has begun to feel numb.

"What's tha matter?" Gin asked, stroking his lover's cheek. His slender fingertips tickled Izuru as his eyes flutter open. "I'm sorry. I wasn't asleep."

Gin turns to his side and props his head up with his hand. "I'm listening, Izuru. I cannot help you if you won't let me."

Quickly, Izuru sits up. Gin smiles. He knew something was up. "Don't overreact. But I have been thinking about Hisagi. He's been driving me crazy."

Gin frowns and shifts to lay on his belly. "I though I drove you crazy. Getting bored of me already?"

"No, of course not... I just don't know what to do anymore."

"Want me to take care of em?" Gin sounded scheming. Izuru was well aware of what his lover could do. He didn't want to see his old friend hurt.

"No. I can handle him myself."

"My, my. Izuru is getting bold. It's too bad you always let me have the fun when we're in bed."

Night struck. Izuru seemed like it wouldn't be a bad idea to meet with Shuuhei at this hour. Gin seemed fine with it.

I needed to speak with him. It was wrong of me to act so cold to him. He say that he doesn't want me anymore but it feels like I can't take his word until i set EVERYTHING straight.

His eyes started at Shuuhei's door for a good long moment. He has been wondering what exactly should he say to Hisagi. Izuru was nervous. Not just nervous but worried that Shuuhei would deny the facts and try to take Izuru as his. But he knocks eventually, words memorized and all. the knock very light but there was evidence of movement on the other side of the door.

Once the door swing open, Shuuhei appears. His eyes were unreadable. Or maybe it was too readable to understand what was REALLY going through his head. "Izuru. I have been meaning to see you. Come in."

Izuru walks in as if the floor was full of eggshells. Every step was careful. More than enough evidence that he was nervous. But Shuuhei expected this.

"Sit." Shuuhei commanded.

"I'm not going to overstay my welcome so I'll make this brief." Izuru stated. He was facing Shuuhei but his eyes had never met once. "First, the facts. I am in love with Gin Ichimaru. Second, no on is going to change that. This includes you, Shuuhei."

The young shinigami pauses, assuming his old friend had something to say. But instead, Shuuhei had his arms folded, still standing over Izuru. "You're not going to say anything?" The blond asks, eyes full of confusion. After a few awkward seconds of Hisagi staring, he finally speaks up.

"There's just one thing that I just don't understand. Izuru... Tell me- Why do I feel Ichimaru's reiatsu? As if he's here?"

Kira's chest pounded. His heart sunk into his gut, unsure on how to respond. "What do you mean?"

"Don't mess with me, Izuru." Hisagi urged, leaning and almost hovering over the younger soul reaper. "You've been walking around with this... attitude as if someone had something to you. Tell me, why have you been acting so strange?"

Shuuhei stares again before putting his hand on Izuru's shoulder.

Instantly, Izuru shrugs his hand away and stood up. "I don't want to speak to you anymore!"

With a quick motion, Shuuhei grabs a hold of Izuru's wrist. "don't walk away from me. Remember that you came over to speak with me."

"Well then forget it!"

"I'm not letting you go." Shuuhei declared, now holding both of Izuru's wrists. Izuru's eyes widened, eventually filling with tears. "Why are yo doing this?"

"Because you worry me. I just want to watch over you-"

"Don't you get it? I love Gin. Not YOU! I'll never love you."

With the mere flicker of the eyes, Shuuhei's eyes were full of disbelief. But he quickly calms and lets go of Izuru.

"I didn't want this to happen. All I wanted to do is be with the love of my life. And if you care about me, you will respect my wishes.

"... All right then. Just tell me the truth about everything from now on."

"Shuuhei, I -"

"Do you care about me?" Shuuhei questions.

"Yes, but not-"

"Then if you care about me then start acting like it. Izuru, you're beginning to drive me crazy." Once more Shuuhei touches him by the shoulders. "Is there something else I ndeeded to know?"

Izuru looks at his friend with a pale face. He held his breath before answering nervously. "Gin is... Very much alive. He's been... visiting me."

But Shuuhei doesn't react as much. Possibly this was something that he expected? "I see."

And just like that, Hisagi distanced himself from Izuru. "Okay then. That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

After the younger shinigami left, Hisagi kept the encounter in his mind. On repeat, he could hear those frightening word from Izuru's lips.

Gin is very much alive.

He was frightened not because of how powerful Ichimaru could be, but because he knew how loyal Izuru can be when it comes to him. Just the thought of Izuru OBEYING that man had greatly disgusted Shuuhei. Clearly, this was upsetting Hisagi. He had the urge shake the poor boy to his sense. But he knew that this wasn't Izuru's fault. Not entirely.

"When I get my hands on that son of a bitch..." He clenches his fist and nearly pounds his desk.

"Still the way we left things. Ya know... If Tosen sees you behaving in this manner, he would have scolded you."

Shuuhei looks up, noticing a pale man before him. He wanted to jump out of his chair but he was in too much of a shock. Worse, his zanpakuto was resting on the other side of the room. He was an open traget.

Instead, he cleches his jaw and smirks eventually. "So you're finished walking within the shadow's huh? Gin Ichimaru..."

"My, my." Gin sighs. "You're getting bold."

"And you're still manipulative." Hisagi snapped." Not to mention stupid for coming back here. How dare you arrive here and dump such filth on Izuru like this?"

Gin watches as his enemy stand from his seat. Just by his posture, it was clear that he was in the mood to swing at him. Gin smiles at the though. "That's not very nice. I have you know that I have been taking quite good care of our Izuru." He said, intentionally pressing the word, ours.

"OUR Izuru? Now you see him as an object?"

"Don't take it the wrong way, Hisagi." Gin urges, picking little things off the nearby desk. "As I said, I have been nothing but good to him. But I must say that the boy is quite desperate when it comes to foreplay-"

"That's enough." HIsagi flinches, walking towards the door.

"What's tha matter?" Gin quickly slams the younger soul reaper to the door, blade already pressing against the tender body part that rests beneath his legs. "Don't like that I'm touching him the way you want to touch him? You can't stand it, can you?"

Shuuhei pants quickly, feeling Shinzou threatening his resting member. "Fuck you, Ichimaru."

Ichimaru almost laughs. "Are you forgetting where I have you? One move..." Gin leans his lips to his ear. "And I'll cut it off clean. Then you'll NEVER feel yourself in him."

Shuuhei doesn't respond, Not even when Gin retreated. For the least, it kept a foxy grin on Gin's face. "I'm not saying I'd share Izuru with you. That's just a big no-no. But would good would you be with out your penis? You'd bleed to death for one. And we both know what your death can stir."

Hisagi was still leaned into the door. He was somewhat afraid to move. The last threat had still shaken him a bit. "Fine, whatever. Just go..."

"What'sa matter? I guess I was wrong about you. You're not bold. You're petty. Just like everyone else. Shame..." Gin moves Hisagi gently from the door, hand on the handle. "But I'm glad. If you were bold, I might have HAD to kill you. So, consider yourself, Hisagi."

Believe it or not, Gin opens the door and leaves that way. Either way, it was a night that Shuuhei had LEAST enjoyed.

A/N: That serves your ass right. Shuuhei! Leave Gin's toy alone! lol! But really. I sort of enjoyed this chapter. Gin kicks ass. And oh dear, I'm sorry for such a large delay! I hope I didn't lose any readers! I love you all and I hope to see and hear some good reviews ^^