Title: One Little Change
Author: sailorneo
Summary: Some things are meant to be. Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart are one of these things. And changing one little thing changes everything for the two of them. It gives them a future.
Pairings: Mainly Tommy/Kimberly though other pairings will appear. Most are considered vaguely canon to some degree. The legit canon pairings (Joel/Angela, Wes/Jen, etc) do appear.
Author's Note: Generally speaking, every Ranger team will make an appearance. If you're only interested in Tommy and Kimberly then you don't have to read past Part 1. But be aware that the "main" teams are MM through Turbo 1 (before Tommy and company leave), Ninja Storm, and Dino Thunder (because Tommy's on it). The others do appear with varying frequency depending on my favoritism.
Part One: Tommy and Kimberly's Dating Years
Prologue: Changes
(Or Higher Beings Enjoy Meddling Like None Other)
Date: Doesn't Really Matter
There are some things in the universe that are just meant to happen no matter what. It may take merely days, weeks, months, or even decades, but they will happen. The marriage between Kimberly Hart and Tommy Oliver falls into this category. Incidentally, so does Michael Phelps becoming the most medaled Olympic Athlete ever. Sorry, got a little sidetracked. Where was I?
Oh, that's right. Tommy's also most likely going to end up wearing spandex in ever color (and quite a few not) of the rainbow at least once in his lifetime.
When that fabulous (and note the sarcasm here, people) time changing incident occurred, there were a lot of things changed that weren't supposed to. Namely, the end of one of the Power Rangers super couples. Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart were never meant to break up when she went to Florida to train for the Pan Globals. Their relationship should have lasted through the Pan Globals and later the Olympics. The long distance relationship was supposed to work and he was supposed to propose after she won the Bronze for All Around Gymnast.
But due to unforeseen circumstances (namely Rita and Zedd), a whole mess of craziness occurred.
With the way the current timeline was going, Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart would not reunite for a year after he became Zordon to the Dino Thunder Power Rangers. They wouldn't marry for another three years after that.
This was all highly unacceptable. And because of this, a few of the higher beings and myself included decided to intervene on their behalf. We up on the higher plane watch all of the mortals down below as if you're a soap opera. And when one of our favorite "shows" involving a group of humans and not quite humans (that would be the Power Rangers for those not following) has a catastrophic event (well, in our eyes anyways) occur, then we must right it.
Now, intervening in the realm of the mortals is strictly forbidden. This is the first and foremost rule of being a higher power. But we just had to change things. And it wasn't like it was a big change or anything. They were still going to get married and it wouldn't adversely affect anything, so what was the harm in it?
Seriously though, it wasn't like anything was going to happen in this new timeline that we were creating that wouldn't have happened in the original one or the screwed up new one. It was quite similar to the original one in fact. The only difference was that Tommy and Kimberly had broken up via that stupid letter. Couples would still become Mr. and Mrs.s (is that phrase meant to be plural? Maybe not), Billy would still travel to Aquitar to regain his health and fall in love with Cestria and remain with her, all of the other Ranger teams (numerous as they are) would become teams, and Tommy would flit from Green to White to Red to Red to racecar driver to Paleontologist to high school Chemistry teacher to the Black Dino Thunder Ranger to even more.
Even though the change was a small one, it still took quite a bit of time for us to collect all of the energy necessary to enact the change. So much energy for a small change that was the most pivotal change that was ever to be made.
Tommy never wants to ask Kat out.
And that changes everything
And really, it wasn't like anything bad was going to happen, right? We're super powered beings who exist in a separate dimension who, for all intents and purposes, just watch the time stream like it's on the television you mortals favor. It doesn't really matter that those of us who undertook the challenge to right the wrongs really are the equivalent of 20 year olds.