Castles in the Sand

As you guys can probably tell by my last story I am a HUGE Brenda and Dylan fan, I also hold a lot of love for Brandon and Kelly. I came up with this idea as I watched the Castle in the Sand episode and decided I was going to rewrite my own version. As much as I HATE K/D together and wish Kelly never got together with Dylan I also know in reality that 90210 is a show and the drama was indeed juicy and good. So I am not changing that part of it. I guess you will have to read exactly what happens differently. You will notice some of the scenes and even some dialogue is the same. And its done on purpose. The title will probably change but as of now I named it after the episode I am writing in Chapter 1. So it takes place in this episode but will continue and the more it goes on it will show a lot less similarities between the real show and this story.

I do not own 90210, and I never will. If I did I would have written it a lot different in my opinion. Hope you like it.

Chapter 1 The morning after

The sun was shining bright with a cool ocean breeze. Dylan stirred as he woke up, opening one eye and remembering where he was. As he opened his eyes he saw her looking at him.

"Good morning sleepy head" Kelly said smiling

"Hey, how did you sleep?" Dylan said awkwardly

"I think we should talk" Kelly said looking down

"Kel, there isn't anything to say." Dylan sat up in his sleeping bag

"I am glad we didn't cross that line last night."

"Kelly, just because we didn't sleep together doesn't mean anything." Dylan pushed his hair back

"I know but we both know you love Brenda and she is coming back tonight."

Dylan took a deep breath, "I know."

"I am not saying what we had this summer wasn't great but…Dylan you're my best friends boyfriend. I know I shouldn't be feeling these feelings for you." Kelly said with a smile.

"I know, so what are we going to do?"

"I have worked to hard to change my reputation to be sneaking around."

"You want me to tell Brenda what happened between us?"

"Nothing happened Dylan, we saw some stars, we slept on the beach."

"Whatever gets you through the night Kel."

"Look when Brenda comes home tonight you will see her and remember exactly why you fell in love with her in the first place. We had what we had, we can't take it back. No one has to know."

"I know, I just don't know if I can go back to the way it was and just pretend nothing happened."

Just then Andrea and the kids from the beach club came around the rocks collecting seashells.

Andrea noticed them and decided to say hello.

"Kelly….Dylan, what are you guys doing here?"

"Umm" Dylan looked around for an answer

Kelly interrupted, "Nothing much we just were…..uh checking out the surf. I was coming to layout and ran into Dylan."

Andrea looked at Kelly who was obviously lying. "Oh ok… am I going to see you guys at the Walsh's tonight?

"Definitely" Kelly responded smiling

"You must be excited to see Brenda." Andrea directed her question at Dylan

"Of course, she has been gone so long. I have been thinking about her a lot lately." Dylan looked down and didn't make eye contact with Andrea or Kelly

"Well I better get back to the kids, see you guys later." Andrea said awkwardly

"Bye Andrea" Dylan said quietly.

Kelly and Dylan looked at each other and knew that this wasn't good. Andrea knew something was up and why on earth would Kelly be hanging out alone with Dylan on the beach while Brenda was out of town. Kelly began to cry.

"What?" Dylan said annoyed

"It's just that Brenda is my best friend, how could I do this?" Kelly sobbed

"It was me too, I don't know why we did it. You were just here and I was just here and she wasn't." Dylan couldn't justify why he had cheated on his girlfriend and it wasn't just any girlfriend it was Brenda, he loved Brenda, she was the first girl he had ever loved and he still loved her.

Dylan looked down, "She can't find out, she would never forgive me."

Kelly saw the hurt in his eyes when he looked back up and looked at her. She knew that this whole summer was a fling and once he saw Brenda he would be fine. She also saw in his eyes regret and sadness came over her. Did she mess up her friendship and her friends relationship for nothing? Dylan didn't seem to want to be with her exclusively, the only thing he wanted was for Brenda not to find out.


Brenda and Donna's plane landed and it seemed like it took forever to get off.

"It's so good to be back in the states." Donna smiled taking a deep breath.

Just then David appeared from the crowd. Donna ran up to David and threw her arms around him letting out a little groan, "I missed you."

"I missed you too." David gave her a long tight kiss on her lips.

"Hey David." Brenda said giving him a hug. "Dylan didn't come with you?"

"No I actually haven't seen or talked to him today but your parents are here."

Brenda pushed out her bottom lip, "I am sure I will see him later."

Just then Jim and Cindy came walking up. "How's are world traveler?" Smiled Jim

"Good, but I am so happy to be home. I missed you guys." Brenda gave both parents a hug.

The ride home was quiet, Brenda hadn't thought about what it was going to be like with Dylan and her parents now that she was back. She had hoped it wasn't going to be the same as when she left. She had been without Dylan for 6 weeks and she missed him so much. She couldn't imagine fighting with her parents to see him and even though she thought her relationship was strong with him she wasn't sure if it would continue to grow if her parent were at their throat.

"Soooo" Brenda said slowly, "Have you guys thought about Dylan and I?"

Jim and Cindy looked at each other, "No we haven't really thought about it." Cindy said looking to the back seat.

"Well am I still not allowed to see him? I would hope this little trip would show you guys we really love each other and all we want to do is be together. I don't know where I stand with him yet but I want to know where I stand with you guys and I would hope things will be different. I want you guys in my life and I don't see why I can't have you and him."

"We will talk about it." Jim said

"Ok, well just let me know." Brenda said relaxed.

They pulled up to the Walsh house and got out. She walked in to find Brandon, some girl she didn't know, Steve and Andrea awaiting her arrival.

"Hey guys!" she said excitedly

"Hey sis." Brandon hugged her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I am glad you are back."

"Me too."

Brenda made her rounds hugging Steve and Andrea.

"Brenda this is Brooke." Brandon says putting hi arm around her.

"Nice to meet you Brooke" Brenda says smiling.

Brenda looks around and doesn't see Dylan there but continues to smile as the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." Brenda said hurrying to the door in hope its Dylan.

"Hey Don….guys" Brenda nods

"I thought Kelly was with you guys." Brenda says looking past them on the front porch.

"She was." Donna looked back just as Kelly made herself visible.

"Well come in come in." Brenda says motioning them to come through the door.

"Hey Kel." Brenda gives Kelly a big hug and smiling at her.

"How was your summer?" Brenda asks Kelly while breaking the hug.

Kelly looks down awkwardly, "It was good, just spent time with baby Erin, and went to the beach. You know the usual."

Brenda smiled at Kelly, "Did you see Dylan around this summer?"

Kelly's smiled faded, "Umm yeah he was around here and there, you know."

Brenda nodded, "I was hoping you would keep in eye on him for me." Brenda winked at her blonde friend.

"I…I didn't see him that much." Kelly said as she walked down the steps into the living room.

"Wait Kel, I am going to go change, come with me?" Kelly nodded and headed upstairs with Brenda.

Brenda went upstairs to change and all she could think about was Dylan. Did her parents not invite him? Didn't he miss her, all she wanted to do was kiss him, hug him, even smell him. It seemed like they hadn't seen each other in so long.

"Did you have fun in Paris? Any cute guys?"

Brenda smiled, "Well there was this one guy, his name was Rick. He thought I was French." Brenda said with a giggle.

"French huh? Sooo what happened?"

"Nothing really, we had fun, I took him site seeing, we kissed but I stopped it. I felt guilty and missed Dylan. I thought about how I wouldn't like it if he did that to me. It made sense, I was lonely, it was dumb of me to be so careless."

"I thought maybe this trip would change you and Dylan, being away from each other for so long."

"Change us, why? I love Dylan; I have never loved anyone as much as him. He's my life. If anything this trip made me realize just how much I love him and that he is worth fighting for."

Kelly sighed and was thinking of something to say when the doorbell rang again cutting her train of thought.

Brenda looked at Kelly and smiled, "We should join the rest of the group, it is a party for me after all." Kelly nodded

The girls made their way down the stairs and Brenda looked up and saw him. She smiled and he returned the smile looking her up and down and biting his bottom lip.


"I remember you." Dylan said swinging his arms behind his back.

Brenda ran down the stairs and jumped in his arms, squeezing him tightly. Dylan held her close to his body and closed his eyes. He smelled her hair and the familiar scent of vanilla filled his nostrils. "Hey baby" Brenda whispered in his ear.

"Hey" Dylan whispered back.

Kelly came walking down the stairs and stared at them. She saw the way he looked at her and remembered this summer she hadn't noticed that look before. She swallowed hard as she continued down the stairs.

Brenda went in and kissed him hard on the lips. Dylan picked her up slightly and slowly spun her around continuing to kiss her passionately. Brenda giggled and both smiled mid kiss and pressed their foreheads together.

Kelly stopped at the bottom of the stairs looking at Dylan and Brenda. They were always like that but why was it so weird now. Kelly realized she was staring and noticed Andrea looking at her. Kelly smiled at her and moved into the living room letting Brenda and Dylan have their moment in private.

The party wound down pretty quickly and Donna started to yawn.

"Jetlags starting to kick my butt." she looked at David.

"Yeah let's get you home, there is a big day at the beach tomorrow, even though I won't be playing at it." he gave Steve a dirty look.

Brenda got up to walk everyone out. "You're not leaving right?" As she grabbed Dylan's shirt pulling him in for another peck.

"What about you Kel, want to hang out?"

"No I am the driver she said as she looked outside where Donna and David were waiting.

"Ok, see you tomorrow?" Brenda smiled at her but then looked back up at Dylan.

"For sure" Kelly looked at Dylan sadly and looked down.

"Goodnight Kel, drive carefully." Dylan gave her an innocent friendly smile

Kelly nodded and walked out the front door.

Brenda and Dylan were trying to clean up. Brenda turned off the faucet and looked at Dylan. She gave him a sweet smile and leaned in and started kissing him passionately. She played with the hairs on the back of him neck. Dylan smiled as he broke free from the kiss that was about to go farther than they should in the Walsh kitchen.

"I thought we were supposed to be cleaning up."

"Aren't we?" Brenda smiled and she went in for another kiss.

"I have a confession to make Bren, this summer while you were in France, I almost forgot what you were like."

"Is it coming back to you?" Brenda said flirty

"It's getting there."

Brenda walked over and took a little black box out of her purse. "I got you something."

Dylan opened the box, and inside was an oval shaped locket. It had a D engraved on it.

"Wow Bren, this is great."

"Its for your watch chain, read the back."

"Je T'aime, Brenda." Dylan looked up and smiled at her.

Brenda slowly put her arms around his neck kissing him softly, "I really wish we could go back to your house but it's probably not the best idea since I just got back". Dylan nodded,

"Je T'aime Merci Bren." Dylan wrapped his arms around the small of her back and pulled her into him. He kissed her hard and passionately. Moving down to her neck and then behind her ear. Brenda let out a little moan.

"I love you Dylan, I really missed you." Brenda said as she kinked her neck even more to the side allowing him better room to kiss down her neck. Dylan moved back to her lips and looked into her eyes.

"I really missed you too." Dylan held her close to him, closing his eyes as be buried his face into her neck. Kelly was right he thought, he had remembered exactly why he fell in love with her in the first place. Dylan hugged her tighter. She can't find out, he thought, a rush of guilt came across him and he gripped the little black box tighter in his hand while he hugged her.

So what did you think so far? Not much going on yet but I needed to get this chapter going. Did you love the newer version? Did you hate it? Its not all that different quite yet but it will be. Please let me know what your thinking.