
Lady Nefertiti

Last time:He'll be MINE as well and a child needs his mother…otherwise I'd take him with me….eeeep!" Kagome said as Sesshomaru walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him. He sniffed her hair and whispered to Kagome…

"And what makes you think I'd do that?"

Chapter 3: Studying? You decide.

Kagome was trying to register what Sesshomaru was saying to her. It was unlike him to be so…so nice to her? A human? She wanted to ask him so desperately….so much what was he really trying to say but was afraid that he'd smirk and comment about stupid human emotions and women who wanted a relationship who had children. I mean he couldn't force her to…he wasn't like that. He was all 'honor this' and' honor that' but still it felt nice to be in his embrace. A shiver ran down her spine as she leaned more into Sesshomaru. Yes leaning into the Aristocratic Assassin, Lord of the West, hated by his half-brother who smelled so fine.

Why was he touching her, holding her like she was fragile? His lover, his ma..okay stopping right there…No better why was she letting him touch her? Inuyasha would have a heart attack if he saw them, jealous as he was he wouldn't hesitate for a second to kill Sesshomaru. In his mind Kagome would be his forever.


She huffed. Why was she thinking about him anyway? She wasn't betraying Inuyasha, no way! Who was she to complain if Sesshomaru liked her? What? Look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak? Especially this type of gift? And she should not accept it? She must be crazy. Okay so she had come all the way to the western lands to teach Rin and help her focus on her studies for a while she thought she was doing alright. Rin had been so ecstatic when her 'lord Sesshomaru' had said that Kagome would be coming for a while and of course he wasn't very shocked when Rin asked him if Kagome could stay with them forever and ever. Rin didn't have a mother figure it was only natural that she should ask Kagome that. She bet that Shippo was trying ways to ask her as well but was too afraid. Kagome sighed inwardly.

"What are you thinking?" Sesshomaru asked her, releasing his hold on her, much to her disappointment. He felt it, her mind was racing with thoughts and hundreds of odd feelings from tension to shock, confused, embarrassment, anger, realization to acceptance? He held her shoulders gently and looked down at her. He should be disgusted with himself right now holding a human, so close to his heart. So close to him. No female would've dared to try or even agree with him if he'd asked. Sure he had gone to Inuyasha's forest to ask Kagome if she would help Rin. He knew that Kagome did not live in this time, she was human, kind to children and demons and educated. She would be the best bet for Rin not that he'd EVER admit it.

He hoped that this would work, after all it wasn't easy getting Kagome away from his 'little brother' who went from incredulous, to jumping to conclusions to anger and rage, swinging father's prized sword, he grimaced. Father must be rolling in his grave if he saw/sees the way Inuyasha treated the fang.


Sesshomaru was alone when he silently walked gracefully into the clearing, silver hair swaying in the wind, silk clothes immaculately in place without a single piece of dirt on them. Kagome and Sango looked up and instead of moving for weapons they quite forgot what to do at the moment. Women…

'What the hell is wrong with them?!' Inuyasha thought. Just his luck for the pervy Monk to go on a trip with the old hag in another village. He shook his head and thought that it would just be him to take care of things for once.

Inuyasha jumped up, pulled out his word once again and stood in front of the non-moving ladies who were still staring at Sesshomaru, oddly. "You bastard! Are you lost?!" Sesshomaru didn't reply nor did he feel threatened by Inuyasha's statement or his stance.

"I need to borrow the miko." Sesshomaru said calmly, leaning against a tree.

"You need to WHAT?!" Inuyasha yelled and charged at him, swinging his sword. Birds flew out of their respected trees and Kagome had chosen at that moment to 'snap' out of it and she stood up. 'Sesshomaru needed to do what?'

-End Flashback-

Sesshomaru shook his head. He hadn't wanted violence but he had to knock Inuyasha out and throw him in a tree far far away. So without violence from the slayer who narrowed her eyes at him, a clear threat in her eyes that he'd better bring her back safe and unharmed she nodded and the both left. It seemed a certain truce and agreement was made between them.

Sesshomaru had thought he'd take the miko, have her help Rin and at that time he'd study her and then he'd send Kagome on her way as promised to the slayer. His stomach tightened as he looked down at Kagome again. Send her back to the rag-tag tachi? When her life would once again be in constant danger? Inuyasha only protected her because he HAD to for the sword to work. Inuyasha wanted no needed the shards for the miko, Kikyo. To make her alive once more and then Inuyasha and her could live happily ever after. Even Sesshomaru had seen that much.

Before he would've send her packing happily, leaving her to her own worries and problems, before he didn't care if another human died, it was just another useless human off the face of the world but that was before…

He'd never thought he'd start to care for Kagome's welfare.

"Kagome what is on your mind?" Sesshomaru asked her nose buried in her hair. Kagome's arms were wrapped around his neck and she shook her head, saying it was nothing and hugged him tightly. She knew she wouldn't be able to do it forever.

'I wanted to know if I can stay with you.' Kagome said inwardly to herself. She'd never thought she'd find the presence of him so comforting, talking to him about intelligent things, without hearing insulting words directed to her or anyone else, being here with him he protected her and was treating her well, it was so…huh? Was he kissing her neck? WTF?

"So how about those pups of ours? When do you want to start that?" he said tightening his hold on her like he'd be damned if she disagreed and went off to have someone else's pups. Kagome blinked.

He had to go off and ruin it didn't he?


Lady Nefertiti: Please read and review! thanks!