Her worst nightmare
Chapter 1- the beginning
Her life was perfect, a complete dream, until senior year when her nightmare began. It was a normal year, week and day. Until the second day of senior year when Mr Campbell decided to pick on her
"Sharpay you will work with" "troy please troy" she thought to herself. "Gabriella" he replied, "You have got to be kidding me" she said "nope you will work together till the final day of senior year".
At the end of the class Mr. Campbell said "sharpay can you stay behind?" "Yes Mr Campbell" she asked as he locked the door, he walked towards her and moved in for a kiss.
He was there putting his tongue down her throat, while she was trying to push away he pulled up her skirt, moved her thong out of the way, pushed her on the table and furiously forced his dick inside her.
While caressing her breasts, he finally stopped to breath. Sharpay tried to kick away but he was too strong and he carried on ferociously banging her up and down till she screamed as he had cum inside her.
He stopped and unlocked the door while Sharpay tried to stop her period from coming through not realising that he had popped her cherry. As soon as he left the room she ran home to have a shower to scrub his residue off of her, she scrubbed and scrubbed until she was red raw.
The next day she brought a pregnancy test and did it. The next five minutes of her life were the most shocking as she found out she was pregnant.
"What am I gonna do?" she thought
The next couple of weeks turned into months for Sharpay and she started to show, some people thought she was just fat but most people figured out she was pregnant.
As Sharpay walked to her locker she heard someone say "oh look theres the slag that got knocked up" as they said this she ran out only to run into Troy "hey Sharpay are you ok?" "Yeah but I have got to get out of here" "ok lets go" they went to a restaurant just a bit a way from the school. While they were there he made her feel so much better.
Sharpay realised that Troy was the perfect guy for her but she couldn't do nothing about it because he had just broke up with Gabriella and told Chad that he wasn't ready to date again. It was the last day of the school week when Sharpay would get raped again.
"Sharpay can you stay behind please?" and as he pushed her and tried to rape her she blurted out "im pregnant!" "Oh my god is it mine?" he asked "yeah of course ive never had sex in my life". He pulled up his trousers and let her get up. He was completely speechless at her revelation "I've got to quit" he thought to himself.
After he had quit people started asking Sharpay about her pregnancy thinking that her teacher had raped her but she didn't answer any of their questions as it was over and she just wanted to forget it but she would always have something to remind her.