OK so after reading what everyone said I decided to do both an epilogue and a sequel… So this is the epilogue and I'll be writing a sequel in the next few weeks. First I'm going to finish Wedding in Tree Hill and Going to the Chapel… In case any of you are interested Sweetheart is on hiatus until I finish those two stories… Which should be the next 2 weeks or so… I have jury duty in the middle of the month so I'll have plenty of time to update…

Thanks to the reviews (jackiehyde4eva, Ericka x3, BDavisLScott23, Brucas4evr, Todd, Brucasforever08, BrookeLucasForever, Allie, Brookescott3, Brucas10, Mdot, Long Live BRUCAS, chebelle, pinktulip, crimsongoddess01, rosseyanna & bella) and the people that set up story alerts and favorites. You all really embraced this story and I think that's awesome… So thank you guys so so much.



*One Year Later*

"I Lucas Eugene Scott take you Brooke Penelope Davis to be my lawfully wedded wife," Lucas is smiling from ear to ear; I can't concentrate on anything else. This past year has been a complete fairy tale. I pull myself from my daydream just as Lucas finished.

The pastor said, "Now Brooke repeat after me."

I turn and hand my flowers to my maid of honor, a very pregnant Haley James Scott, "thank you," I say under my breath. I hear the pastor's words ring in my ears, "I Brooke Penelope Davis take you," I paused to choke back a few tears, "Lucas Eugene Scott to be my lawfully wedded husband," I can feel the hot tears streaming down my face, Lucas grabs his handkerchief out of his jacket pocket and wipes my face. He mouths, 'I love you pretty girl.'

The pastor waited for me to collect myself before he continued, "Before our friends and family I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live."

I took a deep breath and squeezed Lucas's hand then repeated after the pastor. "Before our friends and family I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live."

"I take you with all your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths." He continued.

I smiled thinking of Lucas's faults, he didn't have many. He liked to eat Oreo's in our bed and he picked his teeth at the table, none of which were exactly deal breakers, "I take you with all your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths."

The pastor adjusted his glasses, "I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help. I choose you, Lucas as the person with whom I will spend my life."

"I will help you when you need help," I thought about this part we had added it after the hellish year we had had together, "and I will turn to you when I need help." I smiled; Lucas has helped me more than he will ever know, I continued, "I choose you, Lucas as the person with whom I will spend my life."

"Now for the exchanging of the rings," The pastor said, Lucas turned to Nathan for the rings, "Lucas repeat after me, Brooke I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, my trust in our strength together. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be your faithful partner."

Lucas slipped the 2nd black diamond band on my finger, after much debate I decided to keep the black diamond eternity band he gave me last Christmas and when we picked out my engagement ring we found a vintage bezel cut ring and had the center diamond replaced with a black diamond, "Brooke I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, my trust in our strength together. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be your faithful partner."

I felt myself cry again and when I looked into Lucas's eyes I noticed they were sparkling with their own watery tears, "Now Brooke repeat after me please." I nodded to the pastor, "Lucas I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, my trust in our strength together. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be your faithful partner."

I pulled Lucas's shaking hand into my own unsteady hand and carefully slid the black titanium band he had selected on his ring finger, I sighed heavily, "Lucas I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, my trust in our strength together. Let it be a reminder that I am always by your side and that I will always be your faithful partner."

"If there is anyone who feels this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony please come forward or forever hold your peace," I listened to the silence and smiled. "With the power vested in me by the state of New York I now pronounce you husband and wife. Lucas you may now kiss your bride."

Lucas pulled me to him and kissed me gently, "I love you Brooke Scott." At the sound of my new name I kissed him feverishly. I heard the applause behind us, I pulled away and Lucas took my hand. I grabbed my flowers from a weeping Haley.

"Ladies and gentlemen please rise," The pastor put up his hands, "May I now present Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Scott."


After we had taken more pictures than any one couple needs it was time to make our entrance, "Brooke," I turned my attention to Haley, "Thank you for letting me wear a comfortable dress and even better, thank you for letting me wear a comfortable pair of flats instead of heels."

I smiled at Haley who was 7½ months pregnant and was still gorgeous, "Hales you have quickly become my best friend, do you really think I would have tortured you and made you wear some uncomfortable bridesmaids dress." Haley shook her head, "with that being said," I hiked up my dress to expose my silky legs and freshly painted toes, "Walking in heels like this is an art form." I was wearing a pair of silver Gucci stilettos with a 5 inch heel. "I don't think you could have pulled these off when you weren't with child," I gently smoothed out my dress. "Besides, I wouldn't want something to happen to my godson."

Nathan and Lucas came up next to us, "What are you two smiling about?" Nathan asked placing his hands around Haley's widening belly.

I looked at how loving they were to each other and smiled, realizing I know had my soul mate, "we were talking about what a great friend I am because I let Haley wear a stretch cotton wrap dress instead of something bedazzled from head to toe" Lucas kissed my hand, I stared at my new family, Haley in her burnt orange wrap dress, black flats and tousled messy hair. Nathan was the next one I studied; he was wearing tan Dockers with matching sport coat, a dress shirt in the same hue of Haley's dress open at the collar. I kissed Lucas gently on the cheek, "I love you," I looked at my new husband in the tan suit that matched his brother's, the only difference was Lucas's shirt was a deep crimson color instead of the burnt orange.

"I love you too pretty girl," he brought me in his arms, "and in case I haven't told you already you look amazing."

Lucas bent his head down to kiss me when we were interrupted by Maggie, the wedding coordinator, "Sorry to bother you two but the deejay is waiting to announce you guys."

I smiled, "No problem let me just make sure I'm still presentable," I walked to the floor length mirror perfectly hidden behind some decorative screens; my hair was still perfect, flowing over my shoulders in a soft wave. I smoothed out the champagne lace overlay the covered my silk dress, I adjusted the crimson rose that was tied at my hip. My dress was a Monique Lhuillier sheath dress with a sweeping train, I found it right after Lucas and I returned to Manhattan and never tried on a second dress. I returned grabbing my bouquet of crimson colored Renata roses, russet gold calla lilies, gloriosa lilies and for a pop of color chartreuse cymbidium orchids. "OK, let's get this show on the road."

I heard the deejay announce Nathan and Haley, "Please welcome the best man Nathan Scott and his glowing wife Haley James Scott who doubled as the maid of honor tonight."

Lucas kissed my hand, "So is it the wedding you envisioned my love?"

I shook my head, "No it's better."


The tent where the reception was held was covered in twinkle lights and each table only had a couple candles to help maintain the glow. Haley and I had felt inspired by the deep autumn hues of orange and red for my winter wedding, everything looked breathtaking. The tables held a fish bowl type centerpiece with calla lilies wound inside them. At the base of each bowl were orange and red glowing LED lights. The table clothes were either orange or red depending on the table and every chair had a gift bag filled with trinkets selected mostly by Lucas, his one contribution to my dream wedding.

After we were settled in the tent accompanied by only 50 of our closest friends and family Maggie escorted us to the dance floor, "It's time for the first dance."

"Goodie," I smiled. Luckily Lucas had agreed to dance lessons so we could impress our guests, plus I needed to practice in my killer shoes.

Lucas led me to the center of the floor, "are you ready Mrs. Scott?"

I nodded as the deejay spoke, "Can everyone please join me in a round of applause as the happy couple dances their first dance together." Lucas clasped his hand on my waist, when everyone had calmed down the music started.

'At last my love has come along'

The crowd hooted and hollered as Lucas slowly dipped me almost to the floor.

'My lonely days are over and life is like a song'

After some pestering by Madam Elaina, our dance instructor, we had settled on "At Last" by Etta James for our first song when she insisted "Blue Christmas" wasn't suitable wedding music.

'At last the skies above are blue'

Lucas gently spun me around the floor, never once letting my grasp leave his.

'My heart is wrapped up in clover the night I looked at you'

Lucas stole a kiss when we were swaying together. I smiled as I heard the crowd roar again.

'I found a dream that I could speak to, a dream that I can call my own'

Lucas pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it softly before placing it on his chest.

'I found a thrill to press my cheek too, a thrill that I have never known, you smile'

My breath caught in my throat as Lucas spun me one last time and placed his arms around my back and dipped me a second time.

'You smile, ooh and then the spell was cast, and here we are in heaven'

Lucas crashed his lips to mine as I tangled my hands in his hair.

'For you are mine at last'

Lucas slowly got up and pulled me to his chest, "I love you Brooke, I have loved you since the moment I saw you in the airport." He pressed his head to mine and rubbed our noses together, "I don't think I could be happier than I am at this very moment."

I kissed him, "I bet I could tell you something that would make this moment that much better." I listened as Blue Christmas began to play from the deejay booth and the speakers around the tent.

"Oh really," Lucas still held me close as we continued to sway to the music, "And what might that be pretty girl."

"We're gonna have a baby." I felt a few salty tears on my lips.

Lucas pulled away fast and looked a little faint, "Baby we're having a baby?" he whispered.

"Yes, I just found out a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you," I smiled.

Lucas placed his hand on my still tight abdomen, "I stand corrected today is the best day of my life." Lucas picked me up and spun me around kissing me with every twirl. I imagined that people were beginning to wonder what I had told him to make him so excited but for now it was just our little secret.



OK so I hope everyone loved my epilogue, and just to reiterate I'll be posting a sequel in a few weeks that is going to be Brooke and Lucas's life post wedding / baby announcement with lots of flashbacks to the year I jumped.

Thanks to everyone you guys are amazing.
