Disclaimer: i do not own kingdom hearts, or christmastown.
WEEE new fanfic =D enjoy!
Chapter 1
It was snowing again. But in Christmastown, that's not news to anyone.
Nothing's new to anyone in this town, Lily thought, hunching deeper into her coat. This kind of weather didn't bother her much- not after spending a lifetime of seventeen in Christmastown- but tonight the cold, like most everything else, bit.
It's just the same old bull all the time, she continued to rant to herself as she stomped her booted feet up Yuletide Hill. Everyone wasting their lives obsessing over a stupid holiday that only comes around once a year. Before it's even over, they're planning the next one!
Lily stood atop the hill now. Closing her eyes on the tiny network of lights behind her, she leaned back and exhaled a puff of a breath. She opened her eyes to a web of stars more beautiful and intricate than the town below could ever rival. There has to be more than what they think is life, to what they want me to believe. I can't believe it. Nothing they say till make me think that Christmas is all our existence revolves around.
Though Lily had mused over this notion many times before, over time it had ceased to comfort and steel her resolve to find the truth. Instead, it left her feeling frustrated, even a little lonely. If Christmas wasn't all there was to life, then what was? Why hadn't she found it yet? And why was no one else asking the same questions? Every time she had thought to ask, she had gotten no answers, just received more questions in return. And when she had answered those questions, she was looked at with disapproval and suspicion. Well, in the cases of her mother and father, at least- those were the gentlest reactions by far.
Her grandfather had flown into a rage, raving about how she was trying to upset a way of life that he had always lived, that his father had always lived, and so on. Lily had backed up against the wall in fear before her parents rushed into the room to see what was going on. While they were trying to calm him, Lily had slipped out into the hallway to flee to her room before the rest of the house could figure out what was happening. Her mother came into her room later and stayed, stroking Lily's hair and attempting to convince her that Grandpa's anger had abated.
Needless to say, she avoided her grandfather until he died- two weeks later. Lily had simply woken up one morning, determined to make things right with him, only to open the door to her grandparent's bedroom to find Grandpa lying far too still on the bed and Grandma crying softly into her handkerchief.
Lily had paused in the doorway, disbelieving and awkward. In that instant, her grandmother looked up and motioned for Lily to come sit beside her. Lily automatically obeyed. She let the old woman lean on her, stroking her back, too stunned to cry herself. After a time, Grandma straightened and looked Lily straight in the face.
"Oh, Lily, sweetheart," she had crooned, patting her cheek, "I know how you must be feeling right now. Oh, yes, he told me why you weren't speaking to him. Darling, it wasn't your fault. You must remember that your grandpa had a bad heart for a very long time. There was nothing you could have done to prevent the attack, and you certainly didn't cause it. Oh, don't cry, honey."
At first, Lily was relieved; maybe there was finally someone who felt the same way she did and could give her some answers. But as Grandma went on, Lily had felt so angry that her grandmother was deliberately avoiding the subject Lily needed to talk most about, she couldn't help but cry. She had jumped up, shaking her head at the old woman in disbelief, and flown to her room, letting her family believe that she was mourning only for her grandfather. That had been three months ago.
Now, standing in the lightly falling snow, Lily let her new irritation wash over her: her younger sister, Mia, had come into Lily's room after dinner earlier to talk about Grandpa, the night he had yelled so much.
"Why was he so mad?" the fourteen-year-old asked, seating herself at Lily's cluttered desk, "Do you know? I could hear him all the way down in the playroom."
"He got mad at me. Because I asked him what more there was to life than hanging up tinsel and wrapping presents," Lily said flatly, staring at the ceiling from where she lay on her bed, hands behind her head.
"You mean... Christmas?" Mia's eyes grew wide at Lily's nerve.
"Naturally." Lily turned her head to look at her sister and frowned slightly; she didn't like when anyone other than her sat too close to her laptop. It immediately became apparent that this was the wrong thing to do.
"Why did you do it?" Mia had demanded, "What's that look on your face for? Do you even care?" Lily realized that Mia blamed her for Grandpa's death now. She sat up.
"Because I want an answer, not just everyone looking at me like I'm the insane one in a place where everyone is obsessed with one day of the year!" Lily's voice and temper were rising dangerously fast. She slapped her mattress in frustration, underlining the exclamation point at the end of her sentence.
"If you would just be like everyone else-," Mia began, rising from the chair.
Lily jumped up from her bed in response, trembling with rage, "'Everyone else' meaning a bunch of morons pretending that everything is always snowflakes and baubles? No thanks!" At which point she had shoved past her sister and stormed out of the house.
Lily exhaled again in exasperation, closing her eyes against the cloud of condensation swirling against the starry sky. Cowards, she thought, They're too afraid to step out of their safe, protective bubble and examine the big picture for what it is, whatever it it. Because it has to be so much bigger than this.
It wasn't until the full moon was directly overhead, throwing a million sparkles on the falling and fallen snow, and Lily's toes were numb, that she sighed once more, turned, and retraced her angry and almost erased footprints back down the hill.
i know that took awhile. thanks for reading, please review! chapter 2 will be up soon, it's shorter than this one.